No escalation physically after 5 dates, should I give up and move on?

No escalation physically after 5 dates, should I give up and move on?

Kissed a couple times, barely anything beyond that however.. and most of it she didn't really reciprocate...she keeps agreeing to go on dates with me and then leaving early as well. Conversation is good.

Attached: download (3).jpg (220x220, 8K)

She's leading you on. Move on.


If she didn't like you why would she go on five dates with you?

What's she like?

We are both young, I don't think she has dated much before. Just feeling a little disappointed myself, shes quite nice however don't know what to do or what her motives are...
Should I text her to gauge her interest in continuing the relationship, or will that kill the relationship completely?

If she doesn't date much then don't overthink it

Dating for sex is unnatural, even if it's common - if a girl doesn't open her legs or doesn't mean she doesn't like you.

Sounds just like she's unsure about things and would rather go slow.
get her some flowers.

Dating without physical intimacy is called being friends.

Some people just aren't phisical, or don't express themselves phisicaly

I'm not saying that's what it is because I don't know - but girls don't go on five dates with guys they don't like.

I'm not sure either what kind of phisical you are expecting, but if it's a public setting she might just be shy

It should eventually lead to that, but girls who put out that early will rack up dozens of dicks and probably none of them will work out. She probably just doesn't wanna be fucked by the whole world before she gets married.

After 5 dates having sex is quite normal. In OP's situation they have barely kissed. She's not into him.

Shall I just not text her about setting up a date until she inquires about it this time? If she doesn't inquire.. move on. If she to her about what's going on ,on the date. Thoughts?

You could ask her what she thinks you two are. If she sees you only as a friend.

>She's leading you on
For what purpose? See I don't understand you guys and your twisted logic. If you really like her and she obviously likes you but she wants to be sure and not have sex right away why make the leap she must be playing with you? I think I know why and she probably would too if she knew about your assessment of her behavior. You and OP are never in it for anything more than sex. Since that is likely I suggest stop asking this girl out and go for girls you know want to have sex immediately instead of one that wants something more.

It's 5 dates and barely a kiss. You underaged virgins need to stop trying to give advice.

Op here, when did I state that I was in it for sex.. I just want to fucking hold the girl and kiss her and for her to reciprocate once in a while. You are getting the posts mixed up

Why would she think of me as a friend. We were never friends prior, I got her number on the sole purpose of dating her, she is aware of that

Not an underage virgin and been around. Actually reading your post smack of immaturity no matter your chronological age.

I'm suggesting OP be honest with himself and what he truly wants from this girl instead of some game. Your assumption, since its a game then she must be playing one as well and I don't see that.

OK, then be level headed about it and don't jump to the conclusion she must be playing with you. Is there something you are aware of that makes her frightened of intimacy?


It's certainly not going quickly but that doesn't mean anything bad.

>expecting sex
>only dating
Ask her out and officially be her boyfriend dummy
No decent girl is going to sleep with you after going out on x dates

Stop replying to the betas and roasties. She is leading you on. She’s using sex as a bargaining tool to keep you stringed along because that’s the only thing she has to offer. Be a man, don’t put up with girls that get free attention and validation from you and give nothing in return, especially after 5 dates, wtf are you thinking.

You shouldn't date people expecting sex but if you feel you're not progressing anywhere just stop seeing her. Better to follow your gut on these things

you're the guy my parents warned me about

Do you like her?
Are you paying for her when you go out?
Do you have anything better to do instead of going out with her?