Hit a girl in self-defence, got assaulted, do I have a legal case?

So here's what happened

>In a rather crowded bar, playing pool with a couple locals
>As I line up a shot, I accidentally bump a girl in the head with the pool cue
>She's drunk and stands up and starts mouthing off at me
>I keep it calm and try to diffuse the situation
>Out of nowhere she slaps me and starts clawing at me
>I panic and throw my fist at her, end up punching her in the jaw and she goes flying into a table
>Like 4 guys see this across the bar and come at me
>The bartender gets in on it as well and fucking HOPS THE BAR and starts marching at me
>These guys start all throwing fists at me
>One gets a pool cue and fucking smashes it over my head
>I fall into the centre of the bar
>Tables and chairs falling over, glasses smashing and flying everywhere
>As I fall I cut myself pretty badly on the smashed glass, but I stand back up
>The girl's boyfriend comes back inside from his cigarette break
>He sprints the whole length of the room and rugby tackles me back to the floor
>He starts punching my face repeatedly and wont stop
>I throw him off of me and manage to run out of the bar into the street
>Get back home, survey the damage
>I have two black eyes and am covered in bruises, and my arms and legs are all cut up from the glass

Do I have any legal case against these faggots? I basically got assaulted for no reason and its totally disproportionate to the situation at hand, could I take them to court?

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You should have a case if that's what really happened.

Nobody will testify in your favor

Sounds like it was your fault for punching that bitch so forcefully instead of trying to restrain her, but even if you were in the right, she being a woman would win the case so don't bother m8

I didnt have a choice, she was in front of me and clawing at me like a savage, the only way to get her off was by force

If there's CCTV of that area of the bar you could clearly see I was struck first and just defending myself

Well then I'd file a report so that the police can get on that.
What might be a good thing to do is take a hidden cam, and go back to the bar. See if that bartender is there. If he is, he's probably going to start talking shit about it which is probably as close to a confession as you could get. Might be able to worm it out of him. In the video, retell your story, and he'll probably want to brag about how they fucked you up. I think it'd help the case, given there are potentially no witnesses aside from the footage, assuming it even exists.

you punched her instead of trying to shove her off or pacify her
her violence was lesser than yours
sorry this happened to you

You shouldn't have reacted, and took the assault as passively as possible then sued her. She's a woman so she's automatically in the right.

I wasnt trying to punch it was more of a shove, but i just flung my hand in her direction and it happened to sock her in the jaw. It looked worse than it intended to be

You were in the wrong.
>can't take a slap or some clawing
You must always be on edge, edgelord. Literally you could've just apologized and that'd be it. Would you rather look like a moron or punch a girl in the fucking face?

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It was self defence you asshole, she was proper clawing up my face and trying to scratch me, what do you expect me to do nothing? its impossible to reason with a drunk woman

Honestly next time you should be more resolute: take it passively and sue or go Mike Tyson and unhinge her jaw
Never half ass things

We live in 2018, a woman can assault you and get away with it. There's nothing you can do about it

Yeah, this is why people who drink alcohol are degenerates. Feels good knowing that I have 0% chances of this shit happening to me.

You could've stiff-armed her or if you were really feeling the love you could've just bear hugged her. It's not self defense if you hit the other person bro. Then it's fully offense dood.

yeah I don't buy it, you had to be really forceful to sent her flying into a table nevermind that you started by hitting her with the cue

Post your scars

>hitting someone who is hitting you isn't self defense
You are a fucking simp OPs only mistake 2as not carrying a gun for all the people that ganged up on him

For real, carrying a small knife is legal in many if not most countries, do that at the very least. live and learn, I recommend buying a reasonable, as legal as possible knife, learning some basic usage (look up "Put em Down Take em Out - Knife Fighting Techniques From Fulsom Prison", not youtube or wikihow), and using it to get OUT of a fight next time.

this is why you always carry in self defense dude

Unlike peanut butter, you were pretty justified in hitting this woman. You might have a case.

>it's not self-defense if you hit the other person
What kind of cuck bullshit logic is this? Is he supposed to whip out a calculator and scale so he can be sure precisely how much force to use?
He would have been justified if he put a bullet in the cunt.

>could I take them to court?
Yes. They have a duty to protect the woman, but that ends at your citizen's arrest or restraint. Everything above that is considered excessive force. It's against the law for them to assault you and for the women to have assaulted you. Your best shot is to sue the bar itself because it has business insurance and will have a big payout. Talk to a no-fee lawyer. There are shark lawyers who'll do stuff like this on a no-win-no-fee basis.
Go to the ER ASAP and get everything damaged. Tell the doctors about every little flake of pain so it gets written on your hospital record.
Get your head checked out, brain damage could be a bigger claim because it affects your ability to work in the future.
And lastly file a police report and tell them everything, absolutely everything even if it takes hours. Get documenting all this stuff ASAP don't wait.

Women have agency and men have a right to self-defense. Whether or not you choose to use these things is up to you, but we are endowed with this.

>Could of..
In split-second moments like this, there are often thousands of "could haves". Jut watch police videos on youtube. The point is to do your best and be a good human, not be perfect. There's no time to think in self-preservation. Often instinct takes over.

>oh no she was clawing at me with her razor-sharp fingernails I had no choice but to cave her face in with my fist

Did you try walking away from the dumb bitch you idiot?

You started a fight by hitting someone in the head with a pool cue because you were drunk and now you want to go to court because you lost? What the fuck dude

do you always make an effort to make sure your posts are as dumb and as useless and as offensive as possible because you didn't get enough attention as a child? Self-defense laws vary WILDLY according to countries and states.

If you punch a little girl and send her flying head first onto the floor and give her brain damage or fuckin kill her you can't call the judge a cuck or whatever you think is cool, that won't fly as being self-defense.

You know is all likelyhood, she's the one with potential brain damage and a lawsuit ready to happen

Lawyer here. No one's going to believe you, all you'll end up doing is wasting money on a lawyer and drawing attention to the fact that you hit this girl.

Why the hell are you swinging a pool cue around at head level in a crowded place. I’d have beat on you too if I was there.


As a nurse who's dealt with combative confused and delusional patients before, you have to either restrain them for safety or get the fuck away.

If I'd punched a patient like that, even if they were just drunk, I'd lose my license.

most retarded post I've seen all year
this is like arguing an army patrol in hostile territory needs a warrant from a local court to search for land mines because that's how police would do it


You punched a girl who slapped you. Self defence relies on reasonable force and that was not reasonable. You have a case against the guys who assaulted you, but the girl could sue you for assault too.