To any Afghan War vets, I have one question. How do feel about all your efforts in Afghanistan going down the toilet within 4 years? Take Southern Afghanistan for instance. A majority of the fighting happened in Helmand Province and a good majority of Helmand was eventually taken by ISAF by the end of 2014. By the time you guys left, all your gains went down the shitter in a matter of 1-2 years. The Taliban have most of Helmand in their hands and have access to Humvees and American made weapons. The only reason they haven't taken Lashkar Gah is that the Americans have to bail the Afghans out. The Afghan Army and Police literally couldn't hold on to Helmand because they were too busy smoking hash and fucking little boys to give a shit about fighting. They didn't take your training seriously and this really shows when you see them on the frontlines. The only competent part of the ANA is the Commandos but they are overused when the ANA and ANP fuck up. This is the situation in most of the provinces How does that make you vets feel?
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It’s fucking tragic. It’s would have been better to treat the situation like a colonial occupation as Brittan did, but that’s politicaly incorrect I guess. I sort of respect the taliban in a way. I don’t see how the United States can negotiate with them if they’re just going to harbor terrorists again. But I guess the taliban would be better than ISIS. It’s funny the MOAB was dropped on ISIS and not the taliban.
it's not much of a negotiation. the Taliban have the upper hand and they would much rather talk to the Americans than the Afghan government cause they see it as a puppet. They wouldn't be wrong.
>the Afghan government is a puppet
Honestly, I don't believe that Afghanistan can work with a central government. It is more like a disparate group of tribal areas that only got lumped together by foreign interventions.
Every single dollar spent there and every Western soldier killed there is wasted. We should leave the country to the Taliban - and refuse to accept any "refugees" from there.
Got to shoot brown people, so its a win for me.
>serves his jewish overlords in the opium biz
>at least i shot some darkies lol
Vet fag here, *meh* I knew the war was bullshit while I was there. But I got to fuck people up, and have the adventure of a life time. Sometimes wars are justifiable just for the experience. I believe all men should engage in some form of warriorship.
better off with a talib goverment. afghanistan was much more lawful under their regime compared to the current Kabul one.
afghans actually miss the last communist leader. there was less corruption under his reign compared to Karzai's gov and Ghani's
>How does that make you vets feel?
Don't really give a shit. We all knew the situation and the inevitability when we were there on the ground. I don't think anyone was under the illusion we were there to "win", whatever the fuck that means. We could stay there for 20 more years and we'd be in the exact same position we're in today. I support complete withdraw, I don't give a shit about the taliban. The only reason we were even fighting the taliban was because of their pashtunwali honor code for not handing UBL over. I carried the body of my very good friend, but I don't even care. War is war, it's pointless to drag it out and send young white boys to die for literally nothing.
You never shot a mouse you bitch let alone an human.Pro-tip someone that speaks like this has seen war only on TV
>Honestly, I don't believe that Afghanistan can work with a central government. It is more like a disparate group of tribal areas that only got lumped together by foreign interventions.
This is the truth, if fragmentation occurs it'll just be Pakistan expanding along the Pashtun regions. Once again though, who fucking cares.
we can atleast take comfort in the fact that 99% of all other imperial ventures into Afghanistan throughout history were also complete failures.
meme flaggot
>I don't think anyone was under the illusion we were there to "win", whatever the fuck that means.
Precisely. There is no defined "winning" condition, so anyone who profits from the war being waged will drag it out indefinitely until you pull the plug. Worst are the wide-eyed leftist women in government or NGOs who believe that they can transform Afghanistan into the next Sweden if they only pump enough money and feminism education into that place.
I'd rather they keep their pet project limited within the boundaries of AFG instead of importing those motherfuckers into Scandinavia. I shit you not, I was talking to a terp there like 3 years ago and he was saying everyone in his village was gone.
"Well where'd they go?"
this will be the result of the leftists trying to modernize Afghanistan. One of the kings in Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan, tried to modernize Afghanistan kinda like Turkey and the Pashtuns and the Tajiks revolted against him quickly.
Who are those asian fuckers in Kabul that got wrecked by ISIS a couple of years ago? I think it was the worst suicide bombing the country had ever seen. The hamzaras or some shit.
Any decent sources of news from Afghanistan, exposing the opiate war and relating the situation to a more red pilled view? I saw vid rel which got me interested in this.
And what are they doing here in Germany? Living off gibs. Because only a tiny fraction of Afghans are suitable to do anything here that adds value. That's why I said we should close our borders to them.
We even had a weird case here in Germany where some "asylum seeker" from Afghanistan got deported for drug-related crimes in Germany and then killed himself once he arrived again in Afghanistan. And then it turned out that he was the son of an Afghani provincial governor, but he nevertheless applied for asylum in Germany.
Well, if even Turkey is too "modern" for the Pashtuns and Tajiks, then let them keep living in the society as they want it. I think it's an incredibly primitive society, but who am I to decide how they live their lives as long as they don't bother me?
Hazaras. They are descendants of Ghengis Khans Army.
tends to show the real situation in Afghanistan better than what NATO and the Americans say in terms of territorial stuff and showing how the Taliban is really winning. But they are prob neocons who would advocate for an Iranian war.
What country are you in and what do you think of the whole thing? What do the different Afghans sects think? I don't know if you speak Pashto and Dari, but if you do give us the rundown on what they think.
I read the sporadic updates from about Afghanistan, but don't keep up to date with all the little details.
I think its nice that so many vets go to war, someone has to look after the hurt animals.
We fucked ourselves. They had no issue when we went after bin laden and the Taliban. They understand revenge for 9/11. The trouble started when we decided to rebuild everything and "westernize" their 7th century world and wouldn't take no for an answer.
OEF 10
live in America. My family were considered elites in Kabul and both my mom and dads side are like doctors and engineers. But that is a very small amount of Afghans. Most Afghans in American provide no value to America. They leech off welfare and are pretty scummy when it comes to business dealings. A majority of Afghans that live in America should have never been accepted because not every Afghan has a decent education. I personally think the situation is fucked and America should have pulled out entirely in 2014. From a Pashtun perspective, and most other Afghan sects, they tend to blame Pakistan a lot for the situation on the ground. There is truth in there but they over-rely on this excuse for the piss ant army that exists. Honestly, most Afghans will bring up Pakistan for the problems that Afghanistan faces but they are only one factor out of the many problems that that fucking country has.
What region(s)? I was in RC-south around then
Fun part is that the Taliban were willing to hand bin laden to the muricans if they showed them that he was the perpetrator from 9/11.
But Bush just rushed in like it was all pre planned...
>Bush just rushed in like it was all pre planned
It was all pre planned.
Vietnam vet here. It’s hilarious watching this war crash and burn. But we can’t let the taliban get the nuclear codes
All of the Afghan contractors that were working with us are going to get #wrecked by the talib when we pull out.
when the us pulls out, taliban will prob take kabul in 1-2 years tops.
As far as I know, the total tax revenue of the Afghan government cannot even sustain its expenses for police and army. The whole thing will collapse as soon as US support is removed, and I don't think it will take 1-2 years.
this, they already own everything, they take Kabul 3-6 weeks without any American support.
true this Afghan Army isn't like the communist trained Army from the 80s
Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria are all just warm-up’s for Iran.
The American holy crusade must strike fear into the Persian empire
Afghans are literally niggers, they should have just been exterminated
All efforts in Afghanistan from all time are futile u dumb faggot, didn't even read your dumb demoralising bullshit past the first line.
Dont care. Trained the ANA and the fuckers didnt give two shits. If the Taliban really wants that shit hole let them have it.
Fuck you Pakis though. Your ISI supplied a suicide vest that the Taliban put on a retard (literal downie, saw the head) and charged my platoon. Kandahar btw
>The American holy crusade must strike fear into the Persian empire
You think you'll win against Iran after you failed to win in the 3 smaller countries that you invaded before?
>people care about other species getting hurt
This is why the species of Norundans are getting rekt
America would have easily won Iraq, Afghanistan and (I'm assuming) Vietnam had they actually treated them as wars of conquest and subjugation rather than some pussy ass 'regime change' missions. Those shitty regimes came about largely due to the culture of the region. If the culture isn't changed the regime will just keep springing back up.
You only fight to circulate money. That means that you can print money, rebuild, resell weapons. You see that nobody cares about USA being Afghan or not, but Mexico is closer.
>Those shitty regimes came about largely due to the culture of the region. If the culture isn't changed the regime will just keep springing back up.
Ha, and how are you going to change the culture of Afghanistan? How long will that take? The amount of troops that you will need to occupy that country and re-educate every Afghani will be so staggering that you will have to reinstate the draft, and then all hell will break loose in the USA.
If you are going to do something, do it right. If you are going to half arse it, don't do it in the first place. At this point the correct response is to withdraw from the whole mess.
>At this point the correct response is to withdraw from the whole mess
That's true.
But I don't think the USA would ever be willing to invest the resources to fundamentally change and re-educate a Middle East country that it invades. All they can do at this point are proxy wars with CIA-funded "rebels" or small invasion armies with lots of airpower protection. Just imagine the 1960s draft riots with the current SJWs, and make the draft gender-inclusive to increase the freakout even more. The USA would not survive this without breaking apart in its current shape and with the current people inhabiting it.
you guys can rant about communism all you want, but afghanistan under it was secular and stable until the americans funded rebel groups that would eventually overtake it and turn afghanistan into a shithole that is today