How do men and women love each other if women are only capable of loving their children?

How do men and women love each other if women are only capable of loving their children?

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because that's not true

But I just read it another thread. And it's generally agreed upon on this site and in The Redpill.

Are you speaking from experience?


>And it's generally agreed upon on this site and in The Redpill.
That's your problem, you take things written by anonymous users on Cantonese earwax sampling imageboard as the ultimate truth

It's not.

Internet opinion is very different from real life experience. People love each other for a myriad of reasons, but mainly shared intimate experience. Get out of that thought cycle before you brainwash yourself kid. How can you not see how ridiculous your statement is. Of course women love their children but shockingly people are capable of loving more than one thing.

But what about most divorces being initiated by women? Also, why do women shit test if they love their male partner?

Love doesn't exist.

It's all just chemicals.

>But what about most divorces being initiated by women?
What about them? Do we know the reasons for these divorces? My sister initiated divorce after she found out her husband cheated on her with multiple women when she was pregnant and shorty after she gave birth to their firstborn son. She's not the villain in this case.

>Also, why do women shit test if they love their male partner?
Because they are immature or have low self esteem, but that's not something all women do

>not all women shit test
Do you know all women, you fucking dumbass?

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do YOU know all women? My gf doesn't shit test me because she is a no bs kind of person and if she thinks something is off she just tells me like a normal person. No games

Because boys loved by their mothers love them back and mature to be men who love women.

Your mind=blown.

But I'm talking about women loving men, not men loving women.

How long have ya'll been dating


Will, same idea but replace boys with girls and mothers with fathers

3 years in january

Hmm... guess you got a shiny gf then. But still most are the same.

Listen, women are capable of loving men. Dogs and pigs and cats are capable of loving men. What is the difference between a dog loving and a man loving? It is this: the man is capable of a much purer form of Love because he has much greater cognitive and emotional capacity than a canine, in essence men have higher consciousnesses than dogs and can more fully experience consciousness itself (including the feeling of love). Women are midway between dogs and men in their mental capabilities, so live your life accordingly.

Women are only capable of loving the lifestyle provided for them. Provide that and you will get as close as you can to their love.

Why do you think women hate poor, low status men so much?

Stop letting a website think for you. Is your head nothing but what Jow Forums tells you?

I don't think women are capable of loving their children either


I'm sorry your mum was so shitty