Preferred Body Type

State your preferred body type and why.

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boyish ofc


Yall are fuckin' gay....boyish...gtfo with that shit. Get with a twink then.

Curvy/chubby 100%, yeherd? Ass and titties, strictly my negro

it's got to be chubby or fit, senpai

Fit and boyish

Fit, curvy, average, chubby, athletic. In that order.

this is such a shit picture that was obviously made either by a fat girl or a chubby chaser
>chubby girl is called "average"
>fat girl is called "chubby"
>girls don't become "Fat" until they are 150 pounds overweight.

Don't be stupid, girls don't exercise anymore.

Anything except the morbidly obesse one. I'm not picky, as long as the girl likes me back.
So, none of these I guess.

pear shaped/athletic master race

flat chest with the upper body of a feminine boy, but wide hips thicc legs/ass with some muscle underneath

also short hair

I just masturbated and now don't care about any of them

so that's how that works, OP

I want to marry 2:fit so after 3 babies she will look like 5:chubby.

Attached: pregnant thicc.webm (640x1052, 949K)

2 and 3 is OK

0,1, 4 is still date-able.

8 is ideal

9 as long as they aren't super buff; girl in picture is pretty good though

I am fit and pretty active - 8 fits my lifestyle more than anything else.

More so than looks, I don't like to date women who end up out of breath by a simple walk, jog, or hike.

Eating out can also be a hurdle too.

>When you get fit it's not always just being shallow - it's a difference of lifestyles

>this is such a shit picture that was obviously made either by a fat girl or a chubby chaser
>>chubby girl is called "average"
>>fat girl is called "chubby"
>>girls don't become "Fat" until they are 150 pounds overweight.
This seems pretty accurate

Average girl is obviously not in shape, but not fat. Skinny-fat

Chubby girl is borderline fat - well on her way. She is... chubby

6 is definitely fat

i like from fit to chubby

7 all day every day.

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The classic.

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somewhere between 2 and 3; not too skinny but not too chubby either. i prefer that because it's obviously the most beautiful type, and above all it's healthy. a girl with those two types takes care of herself, understands the basics of calories in/calories out.

everything but 0, 6 and 7 are fine

curvy/fit > average/athletic > boyish/chubby
all others are a no from me

also athletic has the nicest legs and would look the best with a tiny bit more fat and larger breasts

2,3,4 because i am picky

Although if you cook great everything except 6 or 7, i am a simple man and if you feed me i am yours

I have a small penis so I think I don’t deserve to have preference or be picky.

Any woman is fine for me. I’m not even ugly. I just stopped discriminating women based on looks because I also don’t want to be discriminated based on things I can’t control.

everything except 6, 7, and 9. cause theyre gross

That's pregnant


Help boys a I'm texting with this chubby girl who i won't mind dating but can't decide if I want to date or not and she wants to date so boys what do i do,also I just got over my ex so any ideas on what to do

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2, 8 & 9 would be my top picks
2 I like the aesthetic the most
8 & 9 because it says a lot about the type of girl who can keep that up
but I would be happy with a 1, 2, 3, 8, 9
a 4 could be acceptable too but that depends on the female

fit & curvy because reasons

6 and 7 are the only ones I find attractive here cause my head's gotten all weird. Over the years for seemingly no reason I've developed a serious aversion to bones and the thought of organs and shit inside of my and other people's bodies occasionally freaks me out and makes me lightheaded if I dwell too much on it, and with a bigger girl I don't have to be reminded of those things... googled around and never managed to find anybody with the same issue, but I used to have normal preferences.

I need some therapy or something boys :(

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o through 9 is the only correct answer


>jerk to normal porn not some weird fetishes and be unhappy but your soul free
>embrace it and be happy but self- disgust for the rest of your life
Your choice

2 (fit) if she is young, 3 (curvy) if she is older. These are the only healthy pictures.

Not quite that simple unfortunately, can't get hard to most normal porn cause nude thin bodies make me incredibly squeamish. I've already dove down the bbw rabbit hole in my porn preferences and don't feel all that much self-disgust with being attracted to bigger women like the one I sent the pic of. The bigger issue is that the sight of nude healthy women can nearly give me an anxiety attack/make me pass out when I used to be perfectly normal. This probably would be better for its own thread, just wanted to vent a little...

From 2 to 5 it looks good. It depends strongly on the age of the woman

I'm fit with 'curvy', thick thighs. Still have some fat over that muscle but most of the fat goes to butt and thighs. How do I completely pass over to 'fit' without turning into a skeleton by eating less? I need to eat more to sustain an active lifestyle

according to this it’s chubby

I’m a girl and I’m about as fat as 6. Just how impossible will it be for me to find a bf with a body like this?

Perhaps worry about your health first

id get the chubby one but i will never get anyone so its just my fantasy...

Give me a sloppy average bitch. I want to eat her ass and watch her stomach roll up when she's getting dressed. Let her tits hang a bit. I'll join her in the shower on weeknights and soap the whole rig up. Smack the ass and let it jiggle a bit. Just a regular bitch I can pump full of kids.

Anywhere between 2 and 5 is perfectly fine with me.

Athletic and muscular for reproduction and fast nuttin.
Boyish for ragdolling.

>liking skinny girls is gay
Shut your ass up before I call your parents, timmy.

Definitely 2

0-4 + 8 are all gud for me.

>dat 0
I have a thing for wanting to run my fingers on a girls ribs
Visible ribs drive me crazy
I want an ana gf

But even 2 has visible ribs. You don't need to be anorexic to have yout ribs show.

2, 3 and 5

miss me with that nr. 4 bullshit, either work out a little and get curvy or just enjoy food and go chubby, I want commitment

0+massive knockers

So you're into fake tits?

3 > 8 > 2 > 4 > 5

The rest are completely unappealing to me. Too much is always bad.

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If they seem real whatever just tits in general. Massive natural breasts on a small frame isn't unheard of.

Fit, Curvy, Average and Athletic. Because I hate fat fucks and anorexics. I don't like too muscular.

0,1,2,3, and 5.

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5-7 cause I'm fucked in the head

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0, 1, 2, 3, 8. Also this is a roll thread now.

I fluctuate between curvy and athletic. Those are the only two variable options for me. I want someone who can, y'know, actually keep up with my speed.


Necrophilia is bad, user.

3, 4 and 5

Women are most attractive with a little meat. Not fat though I can’t stress that enough. I’m fit and for some reason I don’t find “fit” girls attractive. Girls with masculine bodies aren’t hot my dudes.

3,4, and 5 are very feminine. Real high test men enjoy them the most. If you like fatties you’re a sicko. If you like 0 or 1 you like kids and if you like 8 or 9 you are gay my man.


Roll. Here's hoping for 8

Fuck you. 2 is God tier and 8 is gr8 if you're not a soiboi.

Now try again homo. 2 is just a boring less womanly version of 3. It’s like if you took a woman and removed her feminine qualities. 2 is just boring with no real feminine features a t all like cardboard. No hips, no breasts, no ass, just looks like a middle school boy in a bikini.

If you like 8 I got news for you bud. You like men. There’s nothing feminine about 8. If you aren’t attracted to feminine and are attracted to masculine features well then guess what little buddy lol. Now go back to /hm/ faggot kek.

I understand you getting angry about realizing your secret homosexual desires though but it’s good I’m here so you can stop lying to yourself.

Fuck yeah

Imagine being so arrogant that you believe your tastes are the only acceptable ones. You sound like a ham planet woman saying that all men like a woman with meat, gg.


Because my dick and my heart both say so.

3. Curvy just looks more developed

>There’s nothing feminine about 8.
Are hips just a foreign concept to you?

Imagine being so in the closet that you actually try to convince people that girls that look like boys are attractive and that you’re totally straight even though you are attracted to masculine features.

I told you 3 and 4 are best. Women need to have that feminine hourglass, nice wide hips, decent breasts, thick ass and thighs. I don’t say only feminine are acceptable. You can be attracted to manly women as long as your honest about your secret lust for penis little buddy.

Pic related an actual women. Not those boys wearing a bikini you closet homos are attracted to.

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Well I'm a woman and not the person you're responding to so all of that was nonsense.

Or initially responded to, I guess.

>Women need to have that feminine hourglass, nice wide hips, decent breasts, thick ass and thighs.
2 & 8 have all that, except the particular girls in the pictures happen to not be titty goddesses.

4-6, with 7 mostly being if they have a cute face.

I really don’t know honestly why, I just find it attractive.

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My ideal is about halfway between 5 and 6. I like girls to be soft.

Why is this on Jow Forums? Shouldn't this be on /b/ or something?

In this chart?
I like my women feminine with hips to grab onto and nice round boobs and ass.
I would still be very attracted to Anorexic, Fit, Average and Chubby in this chart though.
I would gladly bang all of them aside from fat, supersized and muscular.

supersized or gtfo

5: chubby

because it’s like curvy, but with wider hips and bigger breasts. it’s also kind of disarming.

3 to 4.5. I'm also into tall, lanky girls, ironically.

3 or 5

Until they are over 30 then 3/4
So I guess mostly 4

Honestly everything except 6 and 7 (and 1 if it's actually anorexia and affecting them severely), and even then that's probably due to past trauma (i know it's ridiculous, but the more someone shares traits with my abusers (e.g. size, hair color, sex/gender, etc), the more i instinctively fear them/feel aversion).

I think if you know how to take care of your skin, know how to dress for your type, and etcetera, that's enough for me.

But ultimately if they have a shitty or incompatible personality yeah my brain automatically perceives them as unattractive from thereon. on the flipside, I might not find them physically attractive at first, and then their personality and my love for them suddenly makes me see them with another pair of eyes.

chubby cause its just right

0-1 need to see a doctor and be checked for a penis

2, 3, 4, and 5 are your best bet. If I date them I can still feel like a man while also feeling like Im getting a woman.

6 and 7 have issues STAY AWAY! Ignore your stupid fetish. It's not worth it.

8-9 are actually impressive. Assuming they are normal woman that aren't on the juice, I wouldn't mind talking to them, but in terms of dating they really aren't that feminine. Really wouldn't mind working out with them though.

>2 or 8
I'll take what I can get, tolerable
Lose some weight
Fuck right off
Pretty weird, would be too scared to even look at her desu

A mixture of 5 and 6. Although either one is fine.

I've always had a thing for big girls maybe because I used to be huge myself 390->235 currently. I still prefer bigger girls.

1. curvy
2. fit
3. Anorexic

Too skeleton
Above average
Better than nothing
Fuck no
Better than nothing
But if too muscular, then it's a no

two, three,
give to me.
four, five,
in my life.
eight nine,
yeah looks fine.

All except fat and supersized are fine.


1-3 for me.

3-5 there's not too much difference and they're neither ms skeletal nor land whales

>ITT: virgins and incels pretend like they wouldn't fuck literally any woman that agreed to it

2 and 8

I don't deserve either though, I'm so out of shape myself

Jesus see a therapist

curvy > fit > boyish > athletic > anorexic > average

chubby > muscular

>ew no
fat > supersized

5-6. Being chubby and a little fat we all gotta admit is pretty hot.

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