If women aren't a monolithic entity, then why are so few of them attracted to short men...

If women aren't a monolithic entity, then why are so few of them attracted to short men? They all seem to follow their evolutionary instints to be attracted to tall masculine men?

Why do men have such a wide variety of sexual/romantic interests compared to women?

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Unironically, because short men are convinced women don't like them and are thus uncomfortable with the idea of dating a girl taller than them.

Honestly all the short guys I knew pulled way more than most other guys I knew, back in high school and that tends to be where this shit is magnified hard
I think the problem is most short people run a Napoleon complex, which is mega ew

>Unironically, because short men are convinced women don't like them and are thus uncomfortable with the idea of dating a girl taller than them.
Yes it's all the fault of short men and they don't have that insecurity because they're less desirable to begin with.

Could it have to do with how with XX you get a more stable, self correcting gene path giving you very average women with average interests while men have XY so if something is wrong in the X or Y that shit is going to production, thus men have much more varied interests/heights/intelligence

Why are you lying?

Less desirable, not undesirable

Studies show that the most attractive men are below average height

date/fuck and having fun with the short chad

marry the tall virgin with big money so your children don't turn out a shortie.

and keep going out to fuck chads not matter the height

If you're alone because of your own insecurity, it's 100% your own fault.

>why are so few of them attracted to short men?

Women are a monolith. There is such small variability from woman to woman.

Attached: women borg.jpg (640x631, 62K)

not during estrus

I met this one black woman who had a fetish for short men 5'4-5'5.

/Thread. I'm 6'4, cute and had no real relationship (21 now). Read models. I'm a third done with it and it already took many insecurities from me.

yet all her boyfriends were probably tall

No, she wasn't attracted to tall guys.

I'm a former male model for sportswear, never had a gf due to my autistic hobbies and behaviour, during highschool despite looking like a chad girls thought I was weird and creepy, probably dudes were more interested in me.
Btw female models are some of the most repulsive and hollow human beings I have ever met, wouldn't even go for a hookup

No amount of help we can try to provide will fix your shitty personalities
That's on you and if you'd rather pass the buck, then pass it on all ya like. We won't stop you, truly

just get on tinder lmao

>get on tinder
Speaks a lot about the difference between dating like normal human beings should do and with that cancer.

They make me feel inferior and powerless.

how did you get into modeling??

completely true

honestly as a woman, I'd date a man of any height as long as he

a) took care of himself enough that he didn't literally look like he crawled out of a garbage can and
b) was funny

Why don’t you say anything about penis size? Why are you lying? Just say it, “no less than 6inches”. Don’t lie.

because I like to fuck men in the ass with a strap on
next question

Don’t joke either, this is serious.

no I'm actually not joking

hot, be my gf.

ok, we are now dating
but yeah since I'd consider myself an outlier generally, I can't actually answer OP's question lol

>female Models are repulsive and superficial
>go on le hookup apps :33333

>ok, we are now dating
my first gf

Disregarding OP, what's the appeal of pegging for you anyway?

I'm 5ft tall so I don't really like men that tower over me. 5'8" is fine but the shortest I dated was 5'3". Tallest was 6'0" and he was a bit too tall he was generally just an as whole that liked to mock my smallness

Multiple women flock to the same man. It has to do with the fact that men can have sex many times while women can only do it once every 9 months (in nature at least). This leads women to be choosy since their genes get passed on less frequently. So they of course go after the best man they can find. Yet the ratio of men to women is pretty close to 1:1, which leaves all the loser guys sexless. It’s unfair but it’s life. Think of some bulls that inseminate cows. It’s just one bull that gets to fuck, but for every one of those cows there’s a sexless bull who was killed or whatever I don’t know what they do to shitty bulls.

>It has to do with the fact that men can have sex many times while women can only do it once every 9 months (in nature at least)

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sorry for late reply, buncha shit happened

mostly I like making a man surrender his masculinity
like when you're getting fucked in the ass, that's like the least masculine tough-guy shit you could do
so doing that to a man is thrilling because he's letting you completely emasculate him for your own pleasure
also I just think it's hot lol

In a world full of wild beasts, savage killers, robbers, and rapists what kind of woman would prefer a shorter guy with all else equal? That’s pure dysgenics.

Of course it’s a spectrum, but generally taller = better. Unless you’re a freaky looking beanpole.

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Same here. I’m very good looking which attracts people initially, but after a few seconds of interaction and realizing what an autistic weirdo I am they get disappointed and creeped out.

Like opening what seems to be an expensive present and finding a stapler inside.

>I like making a man surrender his masculinity
that's hot as fuck, I'm guessing that means you go for more masculine men though? There's a lot of ways you can emasculate a guy, do you go for anything else at all?

the only type of guy I wouldn't go for would be a guy who dresses and speaks effeminately
but most guys have masculine attributes, so most guys are "my type"
my fantasies always involve me fucking a sports player while he's still in uniform, but obviously that's never actually happened, and I don't only like athletes, I just have a special thing for them
(whether or not they have the athletic body type doesn't really matter)
and idk, if I can get a guy to cum without touching his dick I definitely will lol

You answered your own question...

If we were to boil it down to the sole variable of reproduction, females would be looking to optimize, while men are just looking to pass on DNA. So naturally, the female scope narrows trying to select the best option, males are just looking to reproduce period.

That of course changes, drastically, as other relative variables come into play. Take for example some hermaphrodite species, where each participating sex partner can impregnate or get impregnated; you're now accounting for aggression, size, everything down to which organism is fittest at that exact moment and if anything else impacts (significantly, whatever that means) the outcome of a penis joust/mating.

Then you have humans, present day, the most conscious flesh organisms we're (self)aware of. Yes, height is still playing a part, but the reality expands...exponentially. Some items are prioritized consciously, some maybe not. Isolating height against other "single/isolated" variables...even if we just stay in the realm of sexual attraction which I'm almost certain this post boils down to. Now then, your life, your baseline; this is all in contrast to you as an individual as perceived by any given VIABLE female (as in you have your own narrowing criteria, I imagine, beyond sexual reproduction):

How does her priority on height of a sexual partner compare to: weight, BMI, bodily scent, oral scent, diet, income, stature, shape of your nose, eye color...etc . And that's just some of the shallow shit you can figure out from a quick hookup, or even a Tinder profile.

All variables considered, for all viable females whose top 10 priorities is not height of her sexual partner, then consider all those other factors, AGAIN. Geographic proximity, age proximity, social status, life goals and aspirations, personality, hip gyration, sexual member dimensions, health, health history, genetic background, genetic history, interests, hobbies, music, soul passions...



>my fantasies always involve me fucking a sports player while he's still in uniform, but obviously that's never actually happened, and I don't only like athletes, I just have a special thing for them
>(whether or not they have the athletic body type doesn't really matter)
Some people go for nazi dressup so putting on an athlete's uniform should be a pretty easy fantasy to fulfill.
>and idk, if I can get a guy to cum without touching his dick I definitely will lol
I've tried before without success, but it definitely feels pleasurable to play with your prostate. It'd be pretty cool to be allowed to come only through pegging. I wish more girls had your fetish.

How many guys have you done it to?

...clothing style preferences, confidence, ambitions (yours, hers, family's, their dynamics, their likelihoods of change, etc.), kids or no, preexisting kids (either side), family life, family opinions, personal perception experience (i.e. all this shit for HER, her own self concept, experiences, etc.) , ad infinitum, and yea, it can virtually go on infinitely if we're boiling it down to the "perfect" sexual partner. At some point, there's a priority goal consciously set (e.g. I want a family man, the loins hunger and are withering or I want a career partner to build my dreams with), or whatever the priority is, and all those other factors are weighted in, maybe less consciously, your deal breakers, your perks, your tolerances.

So, bearing that all in mind, remind me how the actual fuck you think any woman you find worthwhile is going to really give a shit about your height when you can out compete likely a "significant" portion of your own local male population (we're not even discussing the world, maybe, MAYBE a tri-state area where you're likely to cross paths or sincerely consider meeting) on virtually an infinite number of other variables? Like, when's the last time you talked to a woman, or at least considered the incredibly rational thought that this is the dichotomous sex of your SAME SPECIES! They are not an enigma, fellas! They have lady parts and their own instincts, but yours are - naturally, whether you like to admit it or not - complimentary.

Short? Dress to look more slender/taller. Balance that with a work out that still gives you a full, strong body, but only strong enough as you'll actually maintain, because fuck your life styles gotta mesh. Like, need I go on? Is anyone still not picking up what's being put down?

I'm 28 yrs old and have had 7 boyfriends since the beginning of high school, I've had sex with all of them but with the first two (both high school romances) I was too insecure to ever actually do any weird shit
after HS I gained a decent amount of confidence though
so 5 different guys as of now. I'm single currently so there'll definitely be a 6 lol

This vagina person just verified it for you. It's fucking duplicitous. I like something about the athlete aesthetic but not the actual athletes much at all?! Like dafaq! Put on your fucking favorite sports jersey, some war paint, a bandana, when you go to a game wit the boys, put on a fucking smile, give her a wink, and GO FOR IT (confidently, not arrogantly), if, and only if,t hat's your genuine representation. The goal is not "I must get you" it's "I'm putting out my best piece, and I presume you are too, what's the chemistry here?"). Just...fuck.

Oh, and don't even fucking get me started on males own screening tools for sexual viability. Make up, corsets, etc. The game does two ways, boys, stop getting caught up in the fucking details and play! It's there! It's real! Your approach to the game, even rejection of it, is fucking part of it by virtue of...YOU EXIST!

wait, so every guy you slept with let you peg him? And here I was thinking I was a weirdo for liking it - actually did they enjoy it at all or was it to keep you happy? Does it make a difference to you if he enjoys it or feels pressured into doing it at all? Where do I find a girl like you? Sorry for all the questions but this stuff makes my dick happy.

not every guy, idk if my high school boyfriends would've, we only ever had normal sex
it was after high school that I pegged a guy for the first time
first of all, you're not weird, lots of guys enjoy it
second, I made it clear on first dates or on my Tinder bio (for the short period of time I had a Tinder) that I was sort of sexually deviant. If the guy wasn't into it, I wasn't all that into him. So it wasn't a coincidence that all of my boyfriends since high school have been into it, they were the ones who checked my sexual boxes, and I checked theirs!

and... where can you find a girl like me?
you can find me in Anchorage Alaska babey
but there are actually a decent number of girls like me. The unfortunate thing is that you may have to go to, like, Fetlife to find them. Or get lucky on Tinder.
but we're out there

PS I don't mind questions, it's aight

well kudos to you for being so open about it. I don't think I could do the same, which is why I'll probably never find a girl into it. Even stuff like fetlife is fairly dead where I live.
>If the guy wasn't into it, I wasn't all that into him.
So you'd only date a guy who'd let you peg him now? How do you feel about other stuff like chastity?

>you can find me in Anchorage Alaska babey
I knew you'd be nowhere near me. Alaska seems like a beautiful place though.

Alaska is alright

I'd only date a guy who would let me do something femdom-ish
honestly I'd be willing to negotiate cuz my dream guy could be right around the corner and if he doesn't want a fake dick up his ass, so be it
but yeah, I feel like sexual chemistry is important so I'd only date a guy who would let me do something along those lines.
(and yes, I like chastity as well, I like all kinds of femdom)

you'll find her, trust me
your perfect girl is out there and she's waiting for you too :-)

>(and yes, I like chastity as well, I like all kinds of femdom)
I'm curious, how far would you go with that stuff? Like is cuckolding too far?

>honestly I'd be willing to negotiate cuz my dream guy could be right around the corner and if he doesn't want a fake dick up his ass, so be it
I'm guessing he'd have to be perfect in every way otherwise. Hopefully you'll find him, a girl with your tastes has a sea of men to choose from.

>you'll find her, trust me
>your perfect girl is out there and she's waiting for you too :-)
I'm not so positive but thank you

no doubt he's just a dude with a fetish but his posts still gave me a boner

Everyone is taller than me, even short men. I like men at an average height most because, when they hold me, I feel all safe and secure. Also he can get me things off the high shelves. That's it.

i think the best game tip for you good looking guy is to "
1. smile
2. say "en-huh" "cool"
3. nod and smile.

Never trust anything coming from a woman's mouth.

They are like drug addicts, lying or confused, their evolutionary role is to give birth not to come to logical conclusions.

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Duh? If women were open about their true nature it would ruin their status as the sexual selectors.

Men would

A) Trick them and try to game/override their biological filtering system


B) Go full beta uprising “either you fuck ALL of us, or you fuck none of us!” incel/muslim gender war


C) Become so exasperated with it all that they just give up on women completely. Deleting the beta providers from the entire equation and leaving them to fend for themselves against picklejars, spiders, flat tires, boredom, social mockery over single status, and spooky noises at 2AM.

I'm five foot four and have had plenty of women interested in me. You're just being self-defeating

Men do A already all the time you retarded incel.

I don't like super tall men because I am average height and it's hard. The advantage is that he can carry me easily. But with short they always have hang ups about it and there's less of them to love. I prefer a guy about my height or taller by like an inch or two and not super skinny or super buff. I want to feel protected when he holds me.

Basically. Incels constantly blame everything on some “critical” thing that magically cockblicks them.

>It’s my looks
>It’s my height
>It’s my autism
>It’s It’s my money
>It’s my penis
>It’s my neck
>It’s my introversion
>It’s blahblahblah

En masse I mean. Only a handful of men are even aware of how gaming bitches works.

Yeah but like I'm not ready in general for the dating scene to be honest

But that's the case?

you incels are obsessed

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Incels are sub 80 IQ people.

late-ass reply again, sorry

I'd go pretty far but I'm not into cuckolding to be honest... even though my sexual preferences are a little wacky I still like traditional relationship structures
so like, regardless of what we do in the bedroom, I'd want it to be just me and him, not involving a billion other guys yknow

I don't kid myself with this stuff, I know that to sit on my ass and hope for the "perfect guy" isn't going to get me anywhere
so I don't expect to end up with a guy who's perfect in every way
I just want to end up with a guy who makes me happy, and I make him happy, and we have good sexual chemistry :-)

Here's your new girlfriend, OP. You must like her to prove men aren't a monolith. Say something nice about her.

Attached: (you) about to take a nice nap.jpg (480x480, 46K)

>go out to parties
>men of all heights are getting with women
>go on Jow Forums
>men below 6ft are all virgins
It’s not your height that’s the problem.

>>go out to parties
>>men of all heights are getting with women

Why she a man with a fake mustache?

>They all seem to follow their evolutionary instints
Yes instincts shape your entire reality, you think they don't, but they do. When you're hungry you care less about how much food costs. When a girl sees a dude who could potentially be flattened by a boulder, she is less attached.

It only takes -1- of those things to remove you from the dating pool. The only way back in is if you have something else spectacular to counter it.

>Why do men have such a wide variety of sexual/romantic interests compared to women?
What? No we don't.

This incel Logic is for lazy people who can’t put the work in to get what they want. If you’re constantly depressed and angry about being alone then why would anyone want to be around that? Go on twitter and look at some of the suicidal people on there who talk to themselves, it’s mostly fat/ugly women who do that mainly for attention. Maybe so some white knight might come along and man the harpoon and gift a paper bag.

If all you look for is flaws then you’ll find them everywhere, if instead you get over insecurities and push comfort zones you’ll be more attractive regardless of looks and money.
Real women who are worth your time want to be part of something exciting, and the best part is there’s women out there who share excitement for the same things you do.

>I'd go pretty far but I'm not into cuckolding to be honest... even though my sexual preferences are a little wacky I still like traditional relationship structures
nah that's fair, I think it's something that would probably destroy a relationship irl. I mean if you have an actual connection bringing someone else in in any sort of role will impact on that, and sex is a pretty intimate and central part of a relationship so you have to be careful.

That's a pretty mature way to look at it so I think you'll be fine. Again, for every woman into femdom there's a thousand guys into it, so you get the pick of the crop.

>Starting a thread w/ a false premise

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yeah it's kind of stupid. Who thinks women aren't a monolithic entity?

but we do. infinite fetishes in porn. meanwhile watch romance novels and chickflicks, all just about women pining over chad.

Men will fuck anything with a pulse

If humans aren't a monolithic entity, why do so few of them eat shit out of the toilet?

>Millions of sperm cells = More drive to find partners
>1 egg sex cell per month = very picky when it comes to choosing partners

Women are just as horny has men are, they just have shitty sex partners to pick from because its common for guys to not care if his woman cums. That’s why there’s more sex toys for women than men.