I'm female and I hate women, but I know I shouldn't

I'm female and I hate women, but I know I shouldn't
they complain all the time, waste money, cheat, demand special treatment, and then get angry at men when they don't cater to their every whim
I've only ever met one funny woman, and even she doesn't compare to the men I've met who are funny
men work hard and earn money for women, they go to war for women, women get off the Titanic first, society is built for the convenience of women and they still complain
the most popular movies with women are literally children's movies
god I just hate feminine culture and the way women speak and behave

I know that men and women are equal and all that shit but I wish women would just behave the same way that men do
I wish that they'd do work and spend their own goddamn money without fucking complaining all the time

I know that I'm a woman and that I'm a complete hypocrite, but I make a point of behaving as much like a man as possible because I HATE the way that women behave and I don't want to hold myself to those low-ass expectations

"oh I wish work let out earlier so I could go see my dog uwu"
"oh no I chipped a nail"
"could you do this for me [insert man's name]?"
"haha I can tell he likes me, he keeps smiling at me, what an idiot"
"men are such pigs lmao why do we even have men?"

I try to be better than that and you should aim to be too
fuck women

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>I'm a woman who hates women, they are so stupid and whorish, incles pls orbit me, I'm just like u!!!
You are no different from these dumb bitches, sweetheart

I don't want to spend time with incels, I want to spend time with men with some goddamn self esteem
and women too, for that matter
they're just rare
incels are losers who don't bother trying at anything and I'm not gonna say
uwu it's ok cuz women suck lol
incels are still losers

I'm serious, are you autistic? Because this is the kind of thing I've heard from several autistic girls.

I dunno, maybe
speaking just from IRL experiences I get along socially pretty well with men, but badly with women
but I don't, like, flap my arms around or anything

Do you have mostly male or female friends both now and in the past

male always

most women hate other women
you aren't special
reported for BAW thread

Wow you're such a unique snowflake

Are you me?

Stop hanging around shite people

Thats a red flag
How many of them have you fucked?

don't worry even mother nature hates women. she made women physically,emotionally and mentally inferior to men. also she made them have periods and made them age worse then men.

probably because autistic girls have a more masculine brain and they can empathize better with men.

All women hate women m8

Holy fuck, you basically just described every quality I hated about my ex. My ex must have been the most womanly woman in the world. Based and redpilled, OP.

I hated women for years growing up, then I made friends with some, grew up and got over myself, and stopped giving a fuck.

I dislike women too and have no female friends. I wish I had and I wish I got along with them, but I can hardly relate to them. I look and act femininely (as in, I've been told I act delicately) but I can't ask constantly for men's help then talk shit about them that 'theyre all pigs who needs them' and that 'they dont do anything', or talk about babies, food, nails, and other people's lives all damn day. It's just hypocrite and boring, you can't talk logic with them. But I don't have any male friends either because it gets awkward with sexual tension between us and I don't want to sleep with them and they dont talk to me if I have a boyfriend whom I love. So I'm friendless, feels terribly lonely to be an outsider. But I can't cling to my boyfriend for everything

Quit letting Jow Forums think for you

what? there is no way this isn't a man trying to bait incels to talk to. poor fellow.

For a long time I have always felt awkward around women due to some of them when I was in primary school acused me of harassing them. The only way you can get past your hatred or awkwardness is to star excepting what and who you are.

>they complain all the time, waste money, cheat, demand special treatment, and then get angry at men when they don't cater to their every whim.
>I make a point of behaving as much like a man as possible because I HATE the way that women behave and I don't want to hold myself to those low-ass expectations
The incels here have brainwashed you.
Browse reddit instead, you're going to have some fucked up self-loathing if you keep this up.