Why do Body positive people and Vegans vote for the same Political party?

Why do Body positive people and Vegans vote for the same Political party?
Just keep in mind its pretty hard to become obese or overweight without consuming any meat or dairy products.

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Because both act upon what emotionally feels good which is why both fatties and vegans chose to be what they are
>vegans feel good about not using animals
>fatties feel good not taking responsibility for weight

basically what he said. they choose feelings over politics.

Veganism is based. Fatness sucks but I get where theyre coming from. This is the great nation controlled by satan. You might be smart enough to stop from abusing fastfood, alcohol, and meth. But A lot of this country doesnt have what it takes to beat the MK ultra. Try to be better for your brothers. If you are competing with fat slobs there isnt much incentive to improve yourself. But when everyone is healthy then the bar is raised for everybody.

Is body positive lefty code for' fat fucking pig without an ounce of self control' now a days?


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>apple pepper carrot watermelon
>this is what meat eaters think is the central part of a vegans diet

Because they’re both retarded and cannot think in the same terms as normal people. They can only feel so they do what feels good at the moment and they don’t understand anyone who doesn’t operate like themselves

What is the Central part of the Vegan diet?

Also this was the best image i could find.

Because capitalism replaces real differences with maginal differences.

blue shirt or red shirt
pizza or fruits
tv or gym
fat or thin

You think these are choices, but they arent. Everyone is a slave of capitalism.

Baudrillard says it better than me.

No. I think vegans mostly eat heavily processed fake meat made of various factory chemicals. And dick. Vegans eat lots of cock.

Basedbean products

Mostly legumes / starches for dish bases. Veganism is easy as fuck. I only eat red meat when I eat out and only cook chicken at home.

>Just keep in mind its pretty hard to become obese or overweight without consuming any meat or dairy products

Don't need meat or dairy. Cows get fuckin huge on corn feed

I think they are both coming at it from different points of view.

I am a vegetarian, but I vote conservative, but if my vegetarianism was central to my identity, I'd probably vote left too. The left is more about protecting animals and all that shit.

The body postivity people are a bit more complicated, but it all essentially comes down to "don't fat shame women (specifically)." You'll notice that body positivity doesn't really involve men, because the ones that are most insecure about their bodies are women. They don't give a fuck about men. So, really, it's yet another part of the left that caters to women. The official reasoning is that the left wants to accept everyone, including ones that don't fit the classical beauty ideal, but in reality they are just trying to comfort fat women. No one gives a fuck about short men or how women constantly talk shit against short men all the time.

1. Because they both seek superficial labels for what they do. There are fit Republicans who choose "plant-based diets" for fitness reasons, and there are fat Republicans who are perfectly happy being fat. They just don't need a label for it.

2. Because both movements are conscience-driven. The body positivity movement is about treating people well regardless of their appearance, and the vegan movement is about environmentally friendly food choices, animal rights, etc.

Note that I'm actually left-leaning, but I think most vegans are dumb (some are good though, but I think optimal is mainly meat and veggies, with fewer carbs), and I'm pretty anti-fat.

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We all know you mainline unfermented basedbeans

>fake meat
literally a meme, and only literal faggots eat that shit its like the frozen chicken paste nuggets of the vegan world

Absolutely agree. If it was just about treating ugly and injured people well, I'd be all for it. Instead it's about supporting people being gross and slowly killing themselves.

beans, and no, not so[ybeans, this may be surprising to you but theres hundreds of non asian species of legumes that our people have been eating for generations


Vegans and fatshits are equally retarded and mentally ill. People that actually work out and eat healthy (LOTS OF MEAT) vote right wing.

>vegans are left wing so[yboys meme

you are wrong, consider the sources of the memes you regurgitate, youll find youre reinforcing your enemy

>our people have been eating for generations
Why do you lie? Eating meat as been part of our diet from the beginning. Other primates have a much much ( relative to body size) colon to digest for longer the poor nutritional value of their green diet. Monkeys might spend 6-8 hours a day eating just to get enough food

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did i ever say our ancestors didnt eat meat? weve done a lot of savage primitive things

we are masters of our evolution and our bloodlines, falling for jewish memes meant to bind us to their will is not smart

>muh jews
"Jew" is the new Reductio ad Hitlerum/Godwin's law

Veganism is the most based thing you can do coming from a non vegan. Two possibilities. An afterlife or there isnt. Incase there is, veganism is a based choice that a superior merciful creator will surely recognize. On the otherhand, if you are a selfish meat eating entitled great ape consumer like we have all been MK ultraed from birth to be. Well the creator might just make you live your reincarnations as slaughterhouse animals so may learn the err of your ways. Just my two cents from a guilty meat eater. This is clown world. Dont trust anyone. You love to play wiht cats and dogs and think they are cute, well the baby cow is pretty cute too and you dont wanna just bite into it when you see it. Youre conditioned to love the burger in burgerland, aka the great nation controlled by Satan.

Pascal’s wager has always been brainlet reasoning


maybe, but these memes painting high meat and dairy consumption as a white thing for strong men and painting vegans as so[yboy weaklings can clearly be traced

The real truth is he is singularity beyond the limitations of our duality. 1 or 0. He can be 1 and 0, at the same time. The answer to the question can G-d create a stone he cannot lift? (The atheists paradox) is he can and cannot at the same time. Because he is beyond our perceived limitations.