Tell me why this is impossible

Please call me a retard and explain to me why americans in open carry states cannot organize and march with their rifles/guns in a peacful and orderly way. Imagine a recurring yellow vest type march every week where people march under the banner of anti illegal immigration or something like that.
Would antifa dare throw rocks at that? Would police make arrests of peaceful people doing a march through town? This could in turn spread all over the US with independent people just marching with their rifles behind their shoulders

Attached: states-with-open-carry-policies.png (5906x3508, 814K)

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bump ffs

They have jobs.

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Weekends? They have jobs in france too

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Read the OP, this is NOT an anti gun thread

Do you know how long it takes to drive across America?

Americans are cucks because the police can escalate violence much faster and more aggressive than Europe.

I'm saying you should do this in separate places, one march in ohio, another in kentucky etc

How do you mean? What would happen if say 1000 people in a town decided to march through it in columns carrying rifles behind their backs

They've had local ones. No one cares.

PA here, plz step up invasion schedule before the poz spreads any further

Americans think the yellow vest thing is a poweful statement... this would be far more powerful esp if done simultanously across the country

There is a difference between open carry, and brandishing a firearm, it's a fine line to walk, especially in a protest where tempers can flare.

Is it illegal? Maybe not. Is it stupid and unnecessarily inflammatory? Absolutely.

Where? were they really marching like a small army? It needs to be a recurring thing so it grows every week

What are you talking about?

Rifles behind your shoulders is illegal?

If people did this in Sweden there would be an enormous outcry

We don't have to. Look at your map and compare it to were antifags are most active. See a pattern?

No, as I said brandishing a firearm is.

If you actually managed to get EVERYONE at the protest to respectfully carry their firearms in a safe manner, unloaded, sure.

But we all know that isn't going to happen, at least some morons will load up with real live ammo, or worse, point their weapons at counter-protesters, even if those firearms are unloaded, that's illegal.

have you seen the yellow vest protests? Now imagine that but with guns

really bad optics.
you're basically screaming "build the wall or else !". sure it will make libs go mad, but it won't achieve anything.
pantifa doesn't show up in non-cucked places anyway

So wouldn't tthey just arrest that one guy who did that?

KY is also finally passing a bill to allow concealed carry without a permit.

Stupid people (may or may not be moles), complacent people, and the media

It's horrible optics for the movement at all.

Firearms are weapons, a peaceful protest with firearms is somewhat counter-intuitive and just sends a message that I really don't think you want to send.

The optics just look bad.

You have more guns than the rest of the world combined, you have no idea how big of a fucking statement this would be in europe. At least having peaceful marches should be within the cards

Quite a few states. I told you. No one cares.

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I don't know about that, it might go both ways but regardless it might be the most powerful and peaceful way to get the govt to actually stop white genocide in your country

>It needs to be a recurring thing so it grows every week
people have jobs and shit, and those who don't are generally too lazy to get up and protest all the time.

And it was recurring like with the yellow vests?

>actually stop white genocide
as a white person in america, fucking lol.

Does it matter?

What part of no one cares are you having trouble understanding?

You can go to walmart and see people walking around with guns. It's not attention grabbing. The media doesn't even cover it.

Yeah but thousands of people marching in columns should be pretty attention grabbing no?

No one cares, including the thousands you want to do the protesting.

If they wanted to protest, they'd be out doing it.

But you vote Trump and call everyone a shill who says hes a puppet?

So just lay down and die is your plan?

Too busy working to pay for all the shit we own or want to own.

Here's a newsflash:
This place is absolutely
There's exactly 0 chance of recovery for this cesspit.

No, we know it's just political rhetoric and there is no actual white genocide happening from what I can see in my country.

It's just fake outrage to justify the border wall and harsher immigration policy.

All of this defeatism makes me think I'm responding to a bunch of shills, fucking get your act together, we very much envy your freedoms here

very funny

The media would take pictures of the goofiest looking ones and post them as representative of the 1000. As for law action? Nothing if they have a permit to protest

It's not funny at all, it's the truth.

The only people who believe what's being said are the trump die-hard trumpers that literally can't think for themselves and just believe whatever the conservative media they follow is spewing.

But any intelligent person on Jow Forums should recognize the difference between words that are said and what's actually happening.

if you don't believe there's a white genocide then you're a shill/retard

Lmfao, if you DO believe it, you're just being used.

I appreciate your support, but no one in the upper echelons of power in this country pretend it's anything other than political rhetoric meant to rile up their base supports who simply don't know better.

That's you.

This image is fucking wrong though

lol white genocide is going on all across white countries through demographic displacement, in my case using arabs and in yours using hispanics, you can deny that all you want but it doesn't change reality

I just got a pic of google

If that's the case it's been happening in slow-mo for 100+ years.

Hardly a genocide.

The defeatism is mainly shills and retards that listen to shills. They’re just here to shit up Jow Forums in the off-season until the meme machines start running closer to the 2020 election.

I live in Alaska. And to go from my city to the next major city is 800 miles. That's just from southeast to south central

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Same here

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Bro the US was 95+% white in the 1950's. This is a recent, catastrophic white genocide across the US and EU.

No its been happening since the 60s, have you seen pics of california from the 50s?

I'm talking about globally since you decided to mention Europe.

>the faggiest states don't allow open carry

So you admit white genocide is happening in the US but not europe? But you won't do shit to save your country?

>The Swede speaks sense and the Amerimutt drools.
What the Hell is this, fuckin 54%

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I want to know why these place with strict gun laws are subject to mass shootings and cry for more gun laws.

Same as saying “they have slavery masters.”
The US slaves had a hourly wage, housing, medical care, as well as the right to grow their own livestock and garden and profit off of it.
A US citizen today has less freedom than a African slave did; but Publix school doesn’t teach this.

I don't believe my country is an ethnic state.

We had various colors of white killing each other in the streets in the early part of the 1900s. It wasn't until the race riots in the 60s that we really banded together and started hating non-whites together.

America, white or not, is still america.

>Muh shills
Nah man, this place is absolutely Talmudic.
Freedom is a meme, hasn't done this place any good. Have you seen the absolute state of this place?

The amount of niggers in the 3 blue ones is absurd. It's almost necessary. No society can function if niggers are allowed to walk around with guns on their hips.

Why do you think Mexico is worse off than the US?

I hear you bro, I wonder how many shills they have employed and what their salaries are, must be a sad thing to lie constantly for a living

Absolute faggots will call the cops on you for it these days, especially if you are in a city, and people are actually more in a position of doing it for awareness.

A mixture of historical and environmental factors.

Location location location. The US has the prime land in this part of the world, that's pretty much undisputed.

but can the cops arrest you for peacefully protesting?

>jews pay counter protestors to get violent
>jews pay infiltrator to shoot counter protestor
>front page of every jew run newspaper is pictures of "armed right wing death squad gunning down peaceful demonstrators"

Okay, now you're just trolling me

That's a fair point, but doubtful they can find people to shoot counter protesters on a regular basis

because our mainstream conservatives are KEKED to the optics and the only groups that do such things are boomer civ nat groups like oath keepers who are nothing more than fbi watch groups

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>all this reddit spacing
>all these retarded opinions
you have to go back

Sorry, but If you think it's because of whites, you've gotta be trolling me, it's laughable to even think that could be possibly true.

Imagine being SOOOO fucking useless in life that the ONLY thing going for you is the fact you're white.

You know, if I could believe a GOP politician could get elected without the support of the poor rednecks in the US, they'd be the first i'd want to gas.

imagine how many black people would get shot if they marched around with guns

i've been here longer than you and I can almost guarantee it.

So start a new pro white organization?

>The optics just look bad.
so? the "optics" will always look bad when right wingers stand up for themselves

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>there is no actual white genocide happening from what I can see in my country

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until the blacks do it.

California had plenty of guns and fairly light gun restrictions until the black panthers started open carrying weapons in the late 60's and 70s

On the very remote chance you're NOT trolling, a reminder that Mexico had control of everything from Texas to California, until it collapsed under it's own weight.

The problem is genocide is killing a specific ethnic group.

No one is killing whites en masse it simply isn't happening.

Forgot the pic.

Attached: old mexico.png (800x598, 254K)

not anymore

Attached: file.png (885x516, 734K)

Genocide is also defined as demographic displacement, see tibet vs china

With a tiny population at the time and little to no modern technology.

Industrialization was only just happening in the US in the early 1800s when we acquired texas and california.

Mexico at the time didn't have nearly the man-power, or resources to actually do anything with all the land out west they had.

But it's not being forced, and still isn't genocide.

No one is forcing whites out.

Thats about to change soon for nevada. Toon many libs and spics moving in. Soon they'll start implementing state taxes.

Yes its being forced through brainwashing by the jewish run media etc

Because America is WAY more cuckolded than Americans here are willing to admit. In openly leftist areas like the pacific northwest, an open carry march would be met with fearless violence from the left. They have the law enforcement and government on their side so they would win that encounter no matter what.
>they beat the shit out of the gun carriers, no cops arrest them, they look brave and strong taking on armed opponents
>gun carriers shoot them, get huge jail sentences, look evil by shooting unarmed people, further push people and government towards gun control

Either way the left wins. The only areas where this wouldn't be a disaster for the open carriers are certain parts of Texas, Arizona, or the low population states in the upper Midwest

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lmao, what sort of brainlet actually believes that?

It's been the jews fault for hundreds of years yet somehow they still manage to hold onto the reigns of power magically.

How is that a contradiction? Jews can be powerful and the wrong thing no?

and do*

Wtf is the point of carrying a firearm without ammo? Fuck you.

>(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

So you're saying what donald trump and ICE are doing to the immigrant children is genocide?

After all the children are being forcibly separated from their parents (one group) to a foster care facility backed by religious organizations (another group). With little to no tracking on these children to determine where they came from, who their actual parents are, and with no way to easily return them.


spot the fucking beaner, you have to go back