26yo virgin

>26yo virgin
>go to anime con
>Harley Quinn cosplayer invites me to an orgy
>turn her down
>hang out with the married couples watching Elf instead
Am I just broken?

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Depends. Did you really prefer to hang out with the married couple or did you rather have mad sex with cosplayers? If its the latter, Id say work on your insecurities and social skills.

I don't want to have sex with anyone, but society says I'm supposed to.

sounds pretty immoral. You made the right choice

Orgies don't hurt anyone.

Are you attractive? How do you get them to invite you?

That’s disappointing.

Imagine railing her anus all dressed up while you scream out joker quotes...

Harley girls... always retardoed.

>I don't want to have sex with anyone, but society says I'm supposed to.

Then it's pretty simple. if you don't then you don't, why did you even make this fucking post? Either you're at peace with yourself or keep making excuses.

I'm ok with the way I live but people are judgmental.

Sex isn't some ultimate achievement, we're more than horny apes, if you genuinely preferred hanging out with the married couple than there is nothing wrong with it.

So youre not okay with the way you live.

If you didn't tell anyone, there wouldn't be anyone to be judgemental.But you told us. Something tells me that you are less than okay with the way you live, and wanted the incels on Jow Forums to shame you.
Investigate whether or not you like the life you lead, and kill the parts of you that are keeping you there.

Having sex with a bunch of strangers is kind of dangerous, user. Count yourself lucky that you didn't go pick up some con crud or crabs.

Well I'm not asexual, but I wouldn't have done the anime convention orgy either, fuck no. That just sounds like a gross, desperate kind of scene. And besides "Elf" is a pretty decent Christmas movie, you made the right call 100%

You don't want to get STIs, which is reasonable.

Society needs janitors because "garbage go in garbage can" is too tall an order. We face environmental crises because society can't throw out its own garbage.

Who fucken cares what they say

>turn her down

you just avoided HIV and a possible false rape accusation during the era of #metoo. also it would cost you about $200,000.00 to bail you out of jail and you could serve up 10 years in prison for rape. now tell me is the sex worth your freedom,your money and your reputation?

You missed out.

You made the right choice, don't worry. It's better than worrying about if you are showing signs of an STD. Nothing wrong with hanging out with people and watching movies platonically.

Yeah, that totally happend.

You didn't bring back an STD user, I'm proud of you. I'm not the type of person to just have sex with a random person

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Yeah I'd have done the same desu. Sex is okay but its pretty boring esp. with someone you aren't emotionally attached to.

Chances are other people would had been ugly, orgies aren't like porn, chances are that it would suck

The girl who invited me was cute. She was a thot though.

It happened to me but i was 16yo
I still regret it. Was offered an orgy with 4(!) super cute cosplay girls while i was a virgin and i freaked out and walked. It was offered only to me and 1 more guy who took the offer.

Haha. You did the right thing. If you’re actually someone who wants that, it’s probably better to start slow, maybe with a threesome or just sex with a single stranger.

You have no clue.

Watching Elf is unironically better than having sex. Roasties will deny this. You did good OP.

Now imagine the smell

If you're fine this way and are not suffering about it then you're fine. Don't become another cuck to "society says this" and "society says that" with no self will. Like a sheep following other sheep.

You're not superior, but hell no you're not inferior for it either. Your life, your choices.

>people are judgemental
Then let them be. If they don't like you that's their problem.

If you're really severely stressed over this you can talk to a psychologist/counselor about it but really I don't think that's necessary.

You do you.

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society is stupid, society itself tells you that every day

it's like listening to Jow Forums

OP here. Should I tell my therapist about this tomorrow?

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If it’s bothering you, sure.