So...when did Trump lose you and why?
For me it was when he cucked on the shutdown. It was then when I realized he is just another actor, the TPTB have him now.
So...when did Trump lose you and why?
When he said Mexico would pay for the wall
Never Coz I just like seeing the left get pissed off
Well it's time to get loud about it, start making moves to track yourself with the rest of us towards saving the Republic as George Washington would
I had hope, I genuinely think he wanted to MAGA, now tho it's clear he wants to..or only can, MIGA.
Lol...I'm in Washington.
Bump...because im sad/mad...or..smad.
I voted for him in 2016 but with everything that's been going on I'll either vote Democrat depending on which candidate they're running or vote third party. We'll see.
When he signed the omnibus spending bill that he didn't NEED to sign during the same week his vice president said people should be PUNISHED for anti-semetism.
That's it. I've had it.
>So...when did Trump lose you and why?
>voted for him
Uh...say what. Like in spirit?
Im.not voting at all. I knew Trump was going to win, TPTB wanted him to win. He was a pressure release, but I figured maybe..just maybe he was genuine and was actually going to go JFK tier.
Should have know since they didn't assassinate him.
2020, America enters her last war.
When I became a reactionary, and saw this country for the revolutionary Jacobin entity that it really is.
In Canada?
...kike so hard
Unless and until there's someone who will do the things Trump won't do, I'll vote for him.
>pretending as if anyone goes from conservative to retarded leftist because of this
Come on, nigger, don't make such gay threads.
Vegas. He let his supporters get shot at a country concert, didn't release the vids. Complete fucking heartless asshole.
i know you won't answer me because you almost certainly left this thread as soon as you made it, but what is the point of this?
misrepresenting yourself in this way?
do you think you are going to change any minds with these tactics?
why can't you use reason and logic to try to convince people to stop supporting trump?
why do you instead CHOOSE to resort to deception to try to trick people into thinking differently?
are you so arrogant that you believe the general posters here are too unintelligent to understand your arguments?
genuinely curious
Yeah..I ignored that. I ignored so much.
Anyone have the star wars meme...Obi wan yelling at anakin. "You were the chosen one!" If someone hasn't put Trumps face on Anakin yet. ..please someone do...My skills are Paint tier...I did make this tho.
>The SENATE put 1.6b into the December bill
>The HOUSE stripped it out in reconciliation
>THAT was the bill they sent Trump
>Trump told them to get fucked
>Pelosi said "not one dollar"
>New bill has more than one dollar
>New bill had veto-proof margins
>Poison pill shit in new bill applies only to that money appropriated
>Trump can still move other existing appropriations around as CiC
>National Emergency will pass SCOTUS
>Wall STILL being built as we speak
>Some landowners on border have been volunteering to let their land get used
There are dozens of this thread on pol tonight. (((Somebody))) is scared and in full shill mode tonight.
No...I've been here the whole time.
I'm just upset..upset that I got fooled. Literally it's like a support group.
Just wanted to see how many other people have up on him as I have.
Plus with all the horrifically obvious pro trump shills...wanted to provide something else. Don t like it? You don't have to be in this thread. Let us console each other.
OP is a faggot.
Fuck off kike bitch.
Fuck Israel
Fuck the Torah
Fuck the Talmud
The Holocaust is a lie
And praise Hitler!
I also say "keep the change" almost daily
Faggot call me a kike. Fuck you!