8/10 girl with 4/10 personality or 4/10 girl with 8/10 personality?

8/10 girl with 4/10 personality or 4/10 girl with 8/10 personality?

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Personality better than looks. Anyone over 25 will tell you that. Pro tip: you spend most of your life over 25, unless you’re a cancerfag.

The 4/10 personality will cheat on you and steal your shit
The 8/10 will cook you dinner and do anal. Is this even a contest?

Did it, no ragrats. Pretty things will always diminish but a good personality ages like good liquor
A good attitude always literally looks good as opposed to a shit one, to boot. Bad personality always kills a point or two off the scale.

the first one, personality can change relatively easily but looks can't

Considering I'm a 4/10 in looks with a 4/10 personality, I'll take the second one.

A girls looks change in a heartbeat her personality will stay vaguely the same throughout her adult life so it depends on how old this girl is to make this decision


>personality can change relatively easily
yeah nah

Personality is just as reflective as a cut diamond - you shine your light in and it gets shone out a million different ways, all differently to different people, including back at yourself.
Be careful you aren't just projecting your own shallowness and obtuseness onto others perfectly capable of love, at different places in life socially and emotionally. Also maybe stop rating people in numbers.

8/10 personality girl whos 4/10

t. 25 year old who didnt know how good he had it

which one puts out more?

4/10 is kind of high... Am I allowed to hit her until she's a 2/10 looks wise, and 10/10 personality wise?

Do you want just fuck or long lasting relationship?

This but I'm 23

First one for one night stand

Second one if you want kids and marriage, no question. 4/10 is more than okay. A harder question might be 1/10 looks with 9/10 personality vs 9/10 looks with 1/10 personality.


Okay then none of this could possibly apply to you

What do you guys consider a “good” personality?

Everyone's different disclaimer but it's general chemistry + decent human being + wife material. Whatever rocks your boat as an ideal partner.

Wholesome, practical, responsible, and authentic.
Idk is different for each person im sure.

The largest thing is that the person is willing to admit their wrong.

It's annoying because I'm always right, so them thinking anything else is just stupid. It's why I never have fights in relationships, there's nothing to fight about. The only thing you have to remember any time you get upset is that you're wrong, and I'm right.

I think it's a large part of what makes me attractive to the opposite sex.

You don't fuck their personality. Go for the pretty package.


Based sapient

*they are

You are wrong. Now what?

It's bait, congrats

Thank you. But where is the follow up? Is it only a single step bait? That is boring.

Not settling with either of those.
Lowest I'll go is a 6/10 looks.

the latter does not exist

Wrong can be used as a noun as well as an adverb.

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I feel guilty sometimes for not being attracted to her that much and self concious sometimes because people question why Id go for a girl they think is uglier than me, but 4/10 looks with a good personality, as long as she isnt fat

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Great. Now the bait gains traction.

*wrongs or wrong doings

i’d even be ok with a fat wife if she was really amazing otherwise. well, some fat. there’s a limit.

Maybe your tastes are too elective

Fat people usually cant have good personlity. They lack self control, discipline and basicly health awareness.

Having just dated (imho) the first one, I'm definitely going to want the second one in future

This is so sad. How do you know that you are 4/10 personality though?

>They lack self control, discipline and basicly health awareness.

I personally don’t include any of those things in my definition of a good person or a good personality. It’s more about how kind and caring they are for me.

As a girl who's the latter, this thread is lifefuel.

Does this make me female equivalent of a beta tho?

>Does this make me female equivalent of a beta tho?
who cares desu

this. kind and nuturing women make the absolute best mothers too. i don’t need my wife to be super disciplined, i just need her to be loyal and love me and our kids with all her heart.

Me? For the same reason guys care about being a beta I guess.

>t. fattie

69kg at 178. Try again fatso.

Neither if we're talking about GF material.

She has to be at least adequate in both departments. I won't commit myself to a girl who i consider ugly, even if she has an amazing personality. A girl like that would make for a great female friend but not a girlfriend/wife. On the other hand, a girl can be smoking hot but if her personality sucks, i won't make her my girlfriend/wife. She would make for a great fuckbuddy or one night stand.

For a great relationship, there has to be enough chemistry from a personality POV, but there also has to be enough sexual attraction from a sexual POV. You need an adequate amount of both for it to work out IMO. Also think about it from a biological POV. I don't want to reproduce with a girl who is either ugly or has a bad personality. I don't want to pass down any of these 2 traits to my children.

>inb4: bruh, girls will become ugly anyways as they become older
Well kinda, but to the same extend. From what i personally see, hot girls can stay fairly attractive until well into their 40's-50's as long as they take care of themselves. There are plenty of women who are in their 40's or 50's who are still pretty good looking. But girls who were ugly/fat or both to begin with will become even more butt-ugly as they age. Sometimes to the point where it's difficult to even look at them. I don't want a wife who is so ugly and fat i can't even look at her face, even if she is 50 years old.

post body

No chance gay boy. Im totally user on the internet and plan to stay that way.

When the lights are off u sont care about the 8/10 and 4/10 body

Can't have an ugly gf. It looks really bad socially.

oh yeah, way better socially than no gf amirite?

Yes actually. Get real.

I recently tried dating a girl with 4/10 looks but with amazing chemistry and 8/10 personality. it didn't last long because I'm an autist, I literally felt ashamed to show her to my friends because she's noticeably less attractive than me. I would fucking kill myself if I had to introduce her to my parents.

also protip but every girl will look uglier to you once the initial infatuation ends; so your 4/10 will end up being a 3/10 and you'll regret ever sticking your dick inside her

I honestly think I'd rather do 6/10+6/10

I’ve fucked a lot of girls of all sizes and this is basically true. Pussy is pussy. Fucking a fat girl with the lights off or under the covers is actually v comfy.

Yea I'd rather be the eligible bachelor than the guy who settled for a 4/10.

Ew. All that jelly. No firmness. Blubber jiggle not tight jiggle.

only person in this thread who won't regret his choice eventually

a slam piggy is not the same as a gf

>amazing chemistry
>8/10 personality
>”m-my friends might bully me so i have to dump you”


I actually like the feeling, it’s very soft and comfy. If you like the feeling of fat when it’s on the chest why does the same feeling suddenly disgust you when it’s a bit lower down?

Because I like humans. Not fat blobs.

That's not how it works

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>google "blind men like skinny women
>get results
you guys are quite literally the most basic bitches imaginable

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guess i’m an outlier then bc i don’t mind a bit of fat on the tummy. and a bigger girl can still have a low waist to hip ratio? i’m not talking about morbid obesity here.

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It literally says in western countries, meaning it's not built in but cultural. Do you people even read the shit you wanna use as evidence?

Fuck you even just kept in a more recent study that said that other one is full of shit

Yea we culturally ingrained blend men's sexual preference

All that braille marketing and shit

Of course because the only consumptive media is visual. All of our movies are still silent and our music is lyricless and if only we could find a way for blind people to access books in an auditory way....

Yea bro that makes sense. We subliminally manipulated blind men into preferring a specific hip to waist ratio through film audio tracks

Mostly because I'm on Jow Forums, but other stuff too.

I like thicc girls, but thicc with an ugly face is awful. fat faces are gross. atleast a thin girl with an "ugly" face can have a "cute-ugly" face

I can turn the 4/10 into a 6/10 with proper moisturizer and diet. The 8/10 would end up cheating on me with a wealthy white guy once I tell her I want to grow old with her.

There's nothing subliminal about it, smooth brain. If you're too dumb to notice what you're being fed, that's your problem, not mine.

shut up, I went for average girls and they still wont be with me cause theyre insecure or whatever

An ugly girl with a good personality is still subject to promiscuity. Stop believing colloqiual lies.

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So they do exist, they just don't want you

Fit knows nothing about how girls are stop believing shit like this, ugly girls dont magically become some fucking princess with a "super duper personality," no they become angry and bitter and hate men then go on to be feminists.

Two things you need to look for
>does she like you?
>is she polite?
Thats it. These two things are "high standards," appearantly.

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Why do you assume fit? I've interacted with plenty of these women irl, so you're not going to convince me they suddenly don't exist. Maybe they're not man haters, they just don't like you.

T. Incel

Tired of women thinking theyre better or that they have to compete against men. Nothing to do with shitty buzzwords you use.

an ugly girl with "a nice personality," dont exist, the more attractive women are just bullying attractive guys to settle for less.

Once you actually go outside and meet women you will realizs they all want hollywood standards men. So you have to play the same game in order to win or someshit.

"Women don't have a personality" -> Tired of women thinking theyre better.

Nah you're just an incel

>I've interacted with plenty of these women irl, so you're not going to convince me they suddenly don't exist.
Since your reading comprehension could use some help.

women thinking they have to compete against men (splitting the sexes) has ruined dating.
Then why are there so many fat ugly femnists?? Im talking about losing weight and not dying your hair in all colors.

theyre both the same go for a girl that actually is willing to spend time with you.

That's your opinion, not a response to the points I have brought up. You're an incel.

Im not an incel cause Im not making a good living. Ideally it would be nice to have a gf but its not a good idea when your young.

Correlation =/= causation. There's lots of incel fat dudes, does that mean that they're all as bad as feminists?

> Im not making a good living.
Incel = 'involuntary' celibate. You want to explain your mental gymnastics for why you have to be making a living?

you watch jordan peterson videos dont you... condisendingly treating women like children so its okay if theyre not as good as men is not okay

>out of billions of women on the planet, none of them are unattractive with good personalities
are you retarded

also you seem pretty you if your view on dating is still teenagers, peer pressure, go out with my friend bs

>t. bitter fat "4/10," with a """"8/10""" personality
suddenly its all the guys fault cause hes doesnt have abs or someshit. Im not fat, but there is a clear doublestandard between the sexes that you are ignoring.

>modern dating is ruined
code word for "I cant get pussy and its womens fault" desu

literally no one is saying its mens fault. thats an incel strawman representation of women

None of that is a response to the points or the question I made, you're just lashing out now because you can't respond. It kinda ruins your own argument when it's obvious.

No i dont worship that guy, and no I dont treat women like children consider the following;
>there are more men there are women
>almost all of them are probably beta providers
>even the attractive ones have to make near 6 figures, be over 6ft, somewhat famous...etc
All a girl has to do to is
>give a guy attention
Lots of attractive black athletes date ugly fat women, and do they have an amazing personality? No.
My point is stop thinking that looks have to correlate with personality, there can be very pretty women who are really nice.

youre clearly a feminist woman. You must be sooo smart woaah.

I never blamed women for not getting pussy, besides being promiscous is disgusting for both sexes.
Also if you "codeword," anything youre a dumb nigger.

>almost all of them are probably beta providers
>even the attractive ones have to make near 6 figures, be over 6ft, somewhat famous...etc
neither of these are true. especially the second. almost none of the population meet all of those, almost all men have relationships. youve drank the Jow Forums cool

>My point is stop thinking that looks have to correlate with personality, there can be very pretty women who are really nice
youre the only one doing this. no one is saying every ugly girl has a good personality, its a thread about two hypothetical women. youre the only one saying theres a correlation by saying ugly women cant have good personalities