How to meet girls?

> almost 28 year old
> virgin
> pretty decent looking guy

Do you just go to bars? I have online dating apps like Tinder and Bumble.

Im looking for a relationship, not a fling.

Everyone seems trashy af and not really all that fun.

Attached: melting pepe.jpg (484x510, 42K)

Could probably use some stat improvements in the charisma category but, I dont think I am that bad.

Maybe impress your girl. something like that

You sound like you are just making excuses for not trying.

Have a bump m8

You don’t look good, you are socially awkward, you are isolated.
At this age it’s pretty much hookers and countryside chubsters.

fuck man same literally , i think theres just more guys then girls now and some bachelors like us are just fucked.fucking hate being an incel its such a derogatory word for normies


Look around at co-workers, neighbors, friends, friends-of-friends.

The teenagers of Jow Forums have an odd phobia about the dreaded friendzone, but in your age group most romances begin as friendships.

Just walk around the city and ssk random girls for directions to stuff and try to initiate conversations. You have nothing to lose at this point just practise talking and try to get better. Don't take rejection seriously it means nothing just keep trying and if the flow is right ask a girl out for lunch. Don't bother with tinder or bars they're not your thing. Do it right now. Have a shower first and maybe a haircut and make sure you wear deodorant

Try to go to parties and dance with different girls there. If they are interested, then you will soon notice it.

>> pretty decent looking guy
lmao if you have to ask this you are ugly and fag looking

>co-workers, neighbors, friends, friends-of-friends.
How the fuck do you start such a thing?
I don't have any female coworkers, my neighbors are all married, most of my friends are guys, so friends of friends seem like the only possible category.
So how the fuck do you do that?
Bringing attention to your bachelor status is a social death sentence, and I if I fail with a girl a friend knows, he will be in bad standing with the person he said me up with.
Idk. I have no idea on how to break into this hobby and I feel I am too far behind.

All the good girls are taken once you enter this age.

T. 25 cant find gf too.

Fuck off pua zombie. Taking a shower. Tztztz.

settle for a chubby girl.

>party girl
>not a fling

Pick one.

Dont shit where you eat.

Srsly today all adv is pure trash

Nice excuse. Have fun being a bitter old man.

I had a gf just a year ago. Pure chance. Too bad she was one of the flake serial monogamist types.

Are you kidding me? The moment I hit 25 suddenly there were more women i.e. career women looking to settle down, normies coming out of first divorce, girls who waited to marry. You must either live in the middle of nowhere or have nothing going on for you.


Ok first divorce at 25? WTF where do you live? Career women are all taken. And girls who want to settle after..... you fill in the blanks. Not my type. But I got nothing to offer to a woman currently so no harm. Need a year or two. Then maybe.

That's because you are gay and trying to spread your tranny psyops here, liar.w

I had a gf. And never finger my asshole unlike you, prostate poker pete.

O don't know, I turned 25 and all the women disappeared cause they were getting married.

Yep. Not necessarily married but definitly in strong ltr.