Sex life with gf dying

Guys, what am I supposed to do?

A little context:
>we've been together for nearly 5 years
>she's 19, I'm 20
>there's still a lot of love and feelings in our relationship, we never fight or anything

Once we reached the point where we hadn't had sex for a month I felt like something has to be done about this, so I talked to her about it. She agreed and we had sex that day and the day after that. That was a bit over a week ago and we have not had sex since.

She's told me before that her libido is pretty low so she doesn't get turned on that often. And I feel that's true because we never had a "honeymoon period" of endless sex.

I'm lost with all this

tldr; Not having sex despite talking about it with my girlfriend and having her agree that we should improve our sex life

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Just break if off. Highschool sweethearts is a pipe dream.

You got together when you were kids. Now you have grown up and are totally different people. Break up. Seriously, how many people get together at 15 and stay together forever? Almost nobody.

just try little spontaneous romantic shit, book weekend away to different cities etc, I had a similar thing with my gf, actually quite similar to you, been with her for five years we’re both 19. with sex drive if it’s her you just gotta find what gets her going, try the old back massage, maybe just try grabbing her ass, kissing her neck, that all works for my other half

Keep trying user you can do it x

I’ve been with my gf for nearly 5 years now, since I was 15 and she was 14, it happens

There are things you could try but if you have to make an effort to have sex when you're a teenager, your relationship is headed for friendship.

>Seriously, how many people get together at 15 and stay together forever? Almost nobody

I know at least a dozen of married adult couples like that, including her parents and my father's parents

>with sex drive if it’s her you just gotta find what gets her going, try the old back massage, maybe just try grabbing her ass, kissing her neck, that all works for my other half

She can get aroused by one thing for like two times total, something that worked awesomely before just irritates her now, and it's really hard to come up with new stuff

>Keep trying user you can do it x

Thanks man

That's exactly what I fear. I feel like it's ridiculous how little sex we're having given our age

5 years is not forever. we’ll see if you’re still together in another 5.

OP, when a 19 yo girl stops fucking you she's fucking someone else or at best there is a guy she's crushing on she wants to fuck. Sorry.

You're barely adults. The odds of your relationship lasting are very low.

>she doesn't get turned on that often
Do you keep yourself attractive, hygienic and act sexy for her? Can you make her cum?

>I know at least a dozen of married adult couples like that
Calling bullshit. Unless you live in West Bumfuck, Alabama, and the people you are talking about are all 70+ years old.

Honestly mate hit up the gym. She'll get wet if you start looking like a strong cunt. Get some new clothes or a haircut. Just remind her that you could go away and she will want you back.

everyone is different and some people just naturally have a lower sex drive. if you’re not ok with that, leave. trying to pressure her into having more sex when she doesn’t want to is gross. it’ll get to the point where she’s just lying there dead behind the eyes and asking you to “get it over with” because she feels pressured and she’ll grow to resent you. either learn to live with not having sex as much as a “normal” couple your age or move on.

>she doesn't get turned on that often
>Do you keep yourself attractive, hygienic and act sexy for her? Can you make her cum?

I do all of that. I'm a bit over 190cm tall and about 100 kilos with low enough bodyfat to have abs and veins going on. More often than not she gets an orgasm/s when we have sex

>Unless you live in West Bumfuck, Alabama

That's pretty much it, we live in a smaller town.

>Honestly mate hit up the gym. She'll get wet if you start looking like a strong cunt

I've been training for 6 years now, so I certainly hope that's not the issue

>either learn to live with not having sex as much as a “normal” couple your age or move on.

Thinking this through, I feel like I love her more than sex, but not having sex really gets on my nerves. I get frustrated, can't sleep, short temper all that. But man it would be really hard to let go

just let her give you blowjobs, it's simple

How so?
I mean, she's not really getting any stimulation from it so it'd be a bit unfair in a way

Nothing to fear. You're not married and don't have kids. If it ends, that's okay. Most people don't end up with their first love. It's a learning experience.

Are you married?

Sex with the same person gets old after a while, user. It's just a fact of life. Why do you think so many people cheat?

Im also with ym gf since im 16, im now 26.
We have been going through the exact phase, but at age 22-23.
It... kind of passed, we now have sex once a week or two. Which is still not enough for me.
I love her what can I do, but I am blue-balled like hell and she knows she's torturing me and feels bad.
I almost asked her if I could fuck other girls but i didnt, feels like i might ruin the relationship which is a great relationship other than the sex thing not happening too often.

I had this exact same thing happen with me and my recent ex. It got to a point where there was no longer any consent in our relationship and, as a result, I am completely repulsed by anything remotely sexual. You hit that notion spot on.