I'm starting to lose hope in the existence of nice girls out there. All I see are bimbos who only chase money...

I'm starting to lose hope in the existence of nice girls out there. All I see are bimbos who only chase money, looks and popularity.
Is this a culture thing ( From Slovenia ), age thing ( I'm 19 started uni ) or what?
I don't want to become an incel anons

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Can't talk about your culture but that's definitely something associated with age here in the UK

When do you think it gets better? I'm absolutely sure that a big part of my KHV status is the type of girls' fault

Remember that being picky about your partners makes you not an incel. Probably between 22-25, but there are always outliers. You should be looking in places where girls you would be interested in would be.

Age thing. You are 19. You're a kid. The people you hang out with are kids. You will grow up eventually.

Yeah but each day I'm growing more and more hatred towards that type of girls. That is on the path of becoming an incel.
Girls I would be interested in would be at home playing games watching shows or in a small group of friends having fun. I can't go to someone's house.

Do people that are like that change? I find it hard to believe judging from the things I see.

Stop hating them. Firstly, you don't believe these women are worth your time or effort, so why would you willingly continue thinking about them? Secondly, extremely negative thoughts release cortisol which causes stress, which can visibly aged you at best and can literally kill you at worst.

So see if there's any local vidya groups, on or offline. Find men with similar interests to you and make friends with them because they also might know women on the scene. If you've got any local game shops (play not buy), spending time there would be a good idea too.

At 19 you are still kids. People will change a lot between 19 and 25 and 30.

Because they are all I see user, I'm not joking.
There's like a con maybe once a year... and everyone there goes with someone, I'd hate to go alone.

I hope you're right

So there's no local game stores and you've researched online for any local relevant groups and there's been nothing? They might be all you see but you're letting them live in your head rent free.

>local game stores
It's not America, you enter the store by the game and leave, you don't hang out there and play games.

>local groups
Maybe there are but they are probably exclusive

That's why I say that it may be a cultural thing, I would have a much easier time in America or UK

I am in my 30s. And I can guarantee that even though you think you have the world figured out at 19, the reality is that you don't know shit. You will look back years later at yourself and cringe at remembering how stupid you were at 19.

The thing is, I was saying the same thing at 14, 5 years ago, and in those 5 years I haven't moved an inch, no relationships on dates no nothing. So what's another 5 years?

>All I see are bimbos
Maybe you should stop looking for love in places where bombed congregate you fucking retard

LGS' exist all over Europe buddy. But if you're that certain it's cultural, maybe go into Jow Forums or Jow Forums and see if other people from your area agree. Jow Forums is usually us centric

Every 5 years is a big step in maturity. Yes, the difference in worldly knowledge between 25 and 30 is pretty big. Of course when you are 25 or under you think this is bullshit. But it's not.


Literally at school.

I'm not certain, it's just that I don't know better, I don't know what the culture over at US is but I know FOR SURE it's better.

I know that's true but what I'm saying is that, if I've said all these things from when I was 14 to know and nothing changed what gives that it will in the next 5? What can I do to change it?

>Literally at school.
then look somewhere, jesus christ, you really are retarded

Where niguh, all of my 4 friends are chads who only hang out with Stacys. I can't just go out solo on a group quest like that.

There are women different but you won't find them because they don't put themselves out there much. You need to pursue your own interests and you'll end up meeting like minded people.

>If a woman wants a valuable man with good genes then she is a bitch


The thing is that women often don't provide much themselves besides a warm hole.

I'm amazed that you manage to dress yourself every day

How do I pursue video games and anime

I can even brush my teeth

We’re not supposed to. Call back when you can carry a baby for 9 months and risk a gruesome death without modern medicine.

People like you are on Jow Forums??

Are you retarded?

croatian here, there are nice girls out there you just gotta meet them. don't think of it as a gender thing, most guys you meet you can't click with either, right? nice girls are rare, that's why they're valuable. don't forget about that.

also, it seems to me that in balkan states it's more common to get in relationships later than in western europe? most my friends (granted, they're kind of nerdy, technical faculty) are 20, 21 and haven't been in relationships at all. I've had my first on at 20. But I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering if other balkan anons had the same experience

There have been men who have given birth, your point?

I think out girls are just in general more bitchier desu

Wtf are you talking about


Whoah hey fellow s/love/nianon

>tfw no slovebian robot gf

Love it

I spent too long trying to figure out why you wanted to replace "love" with "nianon".

BTW what do you study? Probably Ljubljana right?

I'm in EE, most of my friends have had at least one gf. Feelsbadman.
At least I don't have to third wheel. Would be nice to have somebody I could always turn to though, none of my bros can do that (plus it's kinda gay to have a sleepover with a dude when you're 21).

Keep your head up though, we have normal, honest girls in Slovenia too. I don't go out if my way to communicate with women so my interactions are >99% male (tfw no EE classmate gf), so if I say I know three girls like that that's actually a very good statistic.

The country's name is often stylized like that, pic related

Attached: ifeelslovenia-logo-400.jpg (400x250, 35K)

Yes Ljubljana, related to science, don't wanna dox myself so that's all I'm gonna say.

Probably an age thing.

Nehi jokat zguba

How the fuck would revealing your faculty mean you doxxed yourself? There are dozens of students in every first year class, and we have nothing but your faculty and your age to go by.
I'll tell you I'm 65kg, 178cm, 43 EU foot size. You already know my age and faculty, and it's still impossible to find me. (I'll buy you a slice of pizza if you can find me irl/fb and show me a screenshot of this thread. I'll even add a pic of my newest pair of shoes to help.)

Anyway, back to the point I was making, if you tell us where you are we can tell you what kind of girls will generally surround you. Girls in economy are mostly low IQ thots. Law has stuck-up thots with high standards. Engineering girls are kinda okay, average intelligence, average thotness. Physics girls are usually unattractive but mostly down to earth. Etc etc.


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>implying he will find a special snowflake that is not the like the other girls.

All women are gold diggers because they have the babies and they need a good environment for their children. So men with money can provide that for them.

No shit nature gave males a higher sex drive so you would fall for it. Women need men more then you need them.