Boyfriend thinks I'm out of his league

My bf thinks I'm out of his league both money and looks wise. He says I deserve a better man and understands if I cuck him. He feels inferior and poor and can't believe he gets to date me.

How can I help him to gain confidence? How do you/your bf have dealt with similar situation?

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If this isnt bait share the exact disscussion you had where he mentioned being okay with being cucked. Word for word.

Dont bother. You are going to fall out of love with him in a few days. You did already btw. You just dont realize it yet. Once some time passes or a better man shows up it clicks instantly and dear bf is in the trash.

This is Jow Forums so this is bait. That having been said, I was your bf in the last relationship but I'm a girl. Some of us are self concious and would rather make our partners happy even if it requires third party help. Just tell him what you want and what you're going to do and both of you can move on.

Enjoying the bait there mate?

Adv is so boring right now. Yes I actually do.

I used to tell this to my ex in preparation for breaking up with her so that she wouldn't feel like something is wrong with her after getting dumped. Just throwing that out there.

Tell him he won't get sex until he gets his shit together. Also make him go on NOFAP, NOPORN or you leave him. Tell him you still love him. That's it.

>he has no confidence
he needs therapy to regain it. i'm not going to lie but you're not going to change much.

Forget money and looks. The question is why you're with someone who has no self esteem? Does it make you feel superior? Safe because he won't cheat on you? Maternal? Be honest with yourself. You say you want him to change but do you really?

He: "You're too good for me."
Me: "I like you as you are and treat you as a equal."
He: "If some day a better man comes along and you choose him over me I understand it. I'd accept if you had other men as sex partners too. I know I'm inferior and it can't be helped. You deserve better."
Me: "Don't talk like that. I want to be with you."

pat his head
"everything will be ok"
"I believe in you"
"do your best"

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Be patient with him. Show him you love him in subtle ways and compliments he can believe in.

He had self esteem until he noticed he's poorer than me. I want to be equals. Not sure what you mean by maternal.

Second this question.

How often does this happen? It's alright to open up about your fears to your significant other from time to time but if this is a daily thing he should know that it sucks to be on the receiving end of.
He should put energy into attempting to be who he thinks you deserve, whether he believes he can be that or not. If he's given up on that, he's a shitty boyfriend, end of story.
The fuck? Also, it's insulting to your character to believe that this matters.

>equal relationship
that's not gonna happen unless he's much more dominant than you.

Okay, got it. So imagine how you might feel if you suddenly found out that before you he dated supermodels or turns out, he's a billionaire or whatever might make you feel insecure. Even if he told you it didn't matter would you be able to shake off your insecurities? (Maternal means motherly)

It happens about once in a week. He does put energy into improving himself.

I used to believe it doesn't matter and ignored it, but he himself believes it matters.

Dominant in what way? How would it help anything?

I probably would be able to do that.

I don't really understand how adult feels maternal towards another adult. Are you implying I'd want to pay everything and shelter my bf from the world? I'm not doing that.

That would somewhat balance relationship as you're breadwinner now. He's basically the girl in relationship.

Well it means wanting to take care of or play the role of caregiver but it sounds like that's not your issue.
Great that you'd be able to shake off your insecurities. I don't know if I could....Sounds like your self-esteem is solid. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to change the way he feels. He has to work it out himself.

Can some females answer this?

How do you actually get attracted to men less successful than you? I'm a guy and it's just so clearly shameful to go for women richer/better educated/better job than you and I can't understand why any girl would accept anyone beneath them. No one told me this I realised it before Jow Forums.

>what is personality

I have a girlfriend who acts in a similar way.

You just have to keep giving him validation that you love him and want to be with him.

Thats literally it.

It's just a constant process. Theres no time constraint on when he'll believe it himself.

How successful someone is is part of their personality whether they admit it or not

i dont see that much of correlation. i know some guys who are fun to be around but they're impulsive when it comes to cash and some guy who're quite rich but boring as fuck.

My bf cheated on me and blamed me because he said I was too good for him. Crazy

Pic related. Also if woman is planning to have kids they look for good genes, good health and things that make the guy a good father. Success in fatherhood is more important than success in job.

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Money can't buy those things? Then what do etiquette teachers get paid? Do you barter with them?

Not him but money is an absolutely dead giveaway of someone having
3, 5, 7, 8

Education is a dead giveaway of
1, 3, 4,5, 7, 8

Job is a dead giveaway of
1, 3, 4,5, 7, 8

You have to put work in to improve in those areas whether you're paying someone to guide you or not. You could pay someone every day and get nowhere if you think it's about the money.
Ridiculous on every point.

They didn't give you shit. They showed you a path and you followed. The path was always there, you just couldn't see it.

how did he even get to be your boyfriend then? someone with such little self confidence, did you ask him out? Im curious

Those foxes are pretty cute


How did you guys start dating? I wanna girl out of my league.

Can't speak from personal experience as I would never settle, but an acquaintance who lucked herself a relatively well-paying job after getting a meme degree did; she did it because she wanted kids ASAP so she picked a guy too ugly for female neighbours to bother and cheat with. He's quit his job and is the housewife now.

But would'nt she want cute kids instead of ugly ones?

Apparently not, considering that he looks like the fat nerd meme dude.

We met thorough hobby. has good advice how to get women to notice you.