Roighto cunts it's come to me attention there aint no aus/pol thread even though she's a bit early in the arvo

Roighto cunts it's come to me attention there aint no aus/pol thread even though she's a bit early in the arvo

Been living around Brunswick in Melbourne and everywhere I go I be seen WMBF, lots of african sheilas can't seem to resist the white hipster cock. It's a real head scratcher

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perhaps the real treasure were the cobbers we met along the way

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How many ebony cock sleeves have you turned into your personal fuck puppets?

God protect Australia.

none because they're disgusting. also I assume their herpes rates are the same as basketball american females

>ITT- we advance australia

No one gives a fuck we are all sick of your shit go back to fucking Reddit dipshit

Go back to africa, jungle tard

none, can't handle the smell long enough to seal the deal

Australian fascist movement when?

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Rather fuck a gorilla desu, would give you better offspring

>lots of african sheilas can't seem to resist the white hipster cock
the only black girl i knew (from Uganda) hated african men and cause she is Muslim she decided to marry an arab dude instead lol

That looks like the suave Roger Stone

could you imagine the arms on your sons?

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Tiny dick though

nice flag m8, what is it?

some nigger chick at work had the hots for me real bad

The future of Australia

I don't like the colours

Yeah, the red one is better

did you drill some oil

nah I don't fuck people from work

>implying you fuck anyone

>takes one to know one

Flag I made. Wedge tailed eagle needs to be cleaned up more with a sharper outline and less blur but that's what I've got for now

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So it's the liberal green alliance becoming explicit

looks nice but the green should be a slightly darker green, it looks too fluorescent as it is

Their skin is thick and rough like a rhino hide

>because they're disgusting.
The true Bruce has spoken. Learn from it.

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If you really want this to go somewhere replace the eagle with an owl
Normally all my posts here are satirical but for this one post I am utterly serious

We need another Old Guard or New Guard.

why an owl?

It's a pro nuke collective.
>no u

National bourgeoisie esoterica


How in fuck's name is that a headscratcher you idiot? The head scratcher is what even these beta male faggots see in niggresses.

I get so sick of the absolute failures infesting these threads. At least read something basic like Siege before posting.

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>t. Chink

I'll keep it in mind but I'm pretty happy with the wedge tailed eagle. It's a powerful bird thats a good symbol for Australians

How's job hunting going lads?

i gave up after handing in 8 resumes without getting a call back so now im gonna go to centrelink and just get student allowance

i often wonder what the fuck is going on when they hire some guy who can hardly speak english at my work. when I tell them he is shit they just tell me to cut him some slack because he is an immigrant. what the fuck does that have to do with anything. we have other immigrants at work who can speak english

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A lot of the hate in a woman's heart is a result of being scorned or rejected by some man or another in the past. Women who whine about white men have inevitably been rejected or had their heart broken by a white man at some point in their life, so they dedicate the rest of their life to attacking white men in general as revenge

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there is a merchant above the eagle

cut them some slack?
Id fire the cunts.
No useless dropkick deserves a free ride by making the jobs of others harder.

I can't fire him. they put him in another department though

Yes, this is the same story as men who legitimately hate women.

Cut him some slack user. His poor work ethic is a result of your ancestor's distant cousins colonizing his ancestors, so really you are the one who should be apologising to him

Its rare for men to whine specifically about women of a particular race though, they tend to just hate all women together

I don't even know what shithole he came from. that is how bad his english is

No it's not, go on youtube one day.

That didn’t stop people from fucking abbos, but they must have been blind deaf and have no sense of smell

gonna cut the hours back at work so I can (((study)))

there's an african sheila at my work, everyone complains to management about her, she literally finds somewhere to hide and plays on her phone a lot of the day. She's casual so they have no reason to not just let her go but they haven't so far. It's unreal

Do not lump us in with the Irish cunts that fucked abbos and created the halfbreeds.
Halfbreeds only exist because Irish were as much of outcasts here as abbos so they would hang out together.

yeah it's fucked, they stopped giving this white guy any shifts because he was late back from his holiday because his flight got cancelled

>it's okay if he under performs because he's had a tough life in his home country
It shouldn't be the employers problem that he has some sob story about living a shit life in his home country, which is shit because it's filled with lazy shits like him

Deport them all

They are a majestic bird, nothing more eye catching than see the big fella try take to the sky after he had a meal on a dead roo on the side of the road on the way to work width the rising sun on his back.

that's the southern cross

his life can't have been too tough if he can afford to legally immigrate

>Been living around Brunswick
Whats your watering hole? Rooftop of Cornish Arms is good with the weather being as nice as it is.


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Drinking is degenerate. I don't have any degenerate vices except fucking prostitutes.

fuck off out of my country you faggot

This. Never trust anyone who won’t have a drink with you.

better drillin' oil then burning coal is what i say'

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>fuck off we're fu--

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fucking degenerates

Looks full to me.

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pot calling the kettle black since you fuck hookers

I assume calling you an incel will hurt most.

Turned on the TV.
WIN is showing a documentary of building the Titanic II.
>by "Professor" FatCunt Clive

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>if someone drinks beer that means their integrity is better
that's the gayest thing ive ever heard

i don't think so, some of the hottest girls i've known was/is a feminist, legit 8-9/10 not bumping up some stacey 6 or 7
it's just about power and money, almost every political movement is
i guess they weren't happy about just sucking on some rich tradie or investment banker dick like your normal money hungry slut
leftists want to be an aristocracy, the new religion, people like clem ford want to be it's preachers and get paid plenty, or lots, to do so

God bless you Aussie! God bless your speech pattern. God bless y'all before you'll be colonized by the Asians.
>Speak softly with yer accent in me ear mate

id love to sink it in front of him while a chink shits in his mouth

Last night I got enough vids from this african rhino in Brisbane to make a porno

Daily reminder that if you do not live in the Sutherland shire area you are not among your people

>drinking alcohol means drinking beer
Know how i know you are under 18?
>These captchas that take 5 seconds to load a new image
wtf it literally takes 30 seconds to solve a captcha and if the cunt thinks one of the 3rd world store fronts isnt a store you get fucked and have to do it again. Fuck google.

Birthplace of freedom is a pub or tavern.

Try doing an audio captcha (headphones icon), they are much quicker

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Fuck off Chang nobody's talking to you

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who here getting on it?

gonna drink a few more negronis and head down to my local to chuck a few pineapples through lucky 88

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fuck you Pedro

looks fukn cool user!

Fuck you Rajeesh

how dare you, ill have you know I am 1/36 abo and you will be arrested for hate crime if you ever set foot in Australia

Post pale skin for proof.

i'm blacker than you white dog

>not living in newcastle

not gonna make it

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I'm 1/512th Cherokee Indian and I will skin you alive if you ever come to my homeland

>doesn't even know they scalped people
fucking retard

Images speak louder than words ya pasty cunt.

i just pointed the bone at your and my arsehole is the blackest of black

>groups of drunk people make great decisions


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Did you cunts hear that at the end of last year the last family owned pub in Sydney was sold?
Fucking disgraceful fuck I hate this city there's no fucking Aussies left here all the pubs are fucked just overpriced beers and pokies
No pool tables , no live bands , no juke boxes and most importantly NO FUCKING BEER GARDENS
This is destroying Australian culture
Shits depressing as hell cant wait to move back to my hometown

Also did you guys hear that the government increased the beer tax even more what fucking Cunts beer is already expensive as hell here
Pic related outside of BWS today

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they do, they would punch you in the face

Newcastle is shit its been dying for the last 20 years

yeah they put up durrie and booze prices every 6 months