Pot, alcohol, tobbaco, razor

Pot, alcohol, tobbaco, razor
Which one is worst and which one is best coping mechanism? And why?

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coping with alcohol starts you on a vicious cycle in which you always feel shitty

All are bad, dipshit.

Pot is the best because it has the smallest impact on your health, and it won't make you fuck up your life by crashing your car or doing something retarded, like alcohol can. But if you misuse it, you CAN fuck up your life by becoming too content to do nothing at all. But as an occasional indulgence it's pretty fantastic

Razor is the worst, because cutting is honestly just pathetic. It really is.

I like tobacco more than drinking and pot, as it doesnt fuck your mind up as much. That being said I also have an infection in my salivary gland from dipping. The razor is pathetic as user above stated. Alcohol is 2nd worst because alcoholism can be worse than heroine addiction, and it rots your brain like a raisin. Pot is bad if you have mental illness. I know that as a man who struggles with panic attacks and paranoid delusions, it wasnt my drug. Nicotine may kill me when I'm 80, but it takes me out of a psychotic episode in just a few minutes, so fuck it.

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razor is the worst because it’s for antisocial attention seeking cunts

tobacco much like overeating is an addiction that doesn’t instantly affect your quality of life so much as it slowly chips away at it.

alcohol is a bad coping mechanism for genuine mental illness because it damages your ability to see life clearly.

weed is bad for mental illness but probably better than alcohol.

note: weed can trigger a nervous breakdown in people who are high strung, which causes irreversible psychological damage.

this poster has a good point. the mood boost from alcohol is very temporary, and some people feel in a worse mood once the buzz wears off. overall I definitely wouldn’t consider alcohol a positive contributor to mood. the reason people enjoy it is because it uninhibits them and makes the immediate moment more enjoyable.

but if you’re taking psych meds you might notice as little as one drink impairing you, which is really not fun.

so based on this assessment I’d say tobacco wins. overeating is also an option. these things will make you less attractive and erode your health, though, so you’ll want to stop once your mental health stabilizes some. hopefully you *are* doing something to improve yourself rather than just coping.

These are all terrible coping mechanisms. Still, you've asked for them to be ranked so let's go.

>BEST: Tobbaco
Fuck your lungs up and probably die prematurely of cancer

>2ND BEST: Booze
Will make you feel like shit, make you gain weight and fuck your mental health

>2ND WORST: Weed
Will FUCK your head up if you're the kind of person who needs to abuse substances

>WORST: Self-harm
Don't be fucking gay, go for a run or something

t. Somebody who has partaken in all of the above and still partakes in the first three.

all of these are for hiding from reality, not coping. and you cant do that forever no matter what

Meditation and self-love

booze were worse than weed for me.


I don’t want to be a shill for vaping, especially since the verdict is out on the dangers, but it does come without the stale smoke smell and taste. It’s also more of an itch in the lungs than a burn.

Why is razor the worst and gay?
Also all of them are self harm.

I self-harmed often but quite visibly and more than usual when drunk out my mind one night. still regret it 15 months later. 0/10

1.exercise and outdoors
3.pot (if legal, i've never tried it)
4. tobacco

>All of them are self-harm
Stop. Right there. If you're on that level of kool-aid then fuck off to Discord, fag
>Why is razor the worst and gay?
Because when you eventually make it closer to 30 you're going to wonder what the actual fuck you hoped to accomplish by scratching your skin up like some sort of autistic problem child
You're going to sit there with these scars, while others have scars from eating shit and doing hard jobs and performing weird and dumb stunts, and your ass gonna have scars cuz you sat in the bathroom with a fucken gilette playing mad libs on your wrist and thighs

Save your future self the woe and just drink and smoke weed, get faded, puke up your guts and realize why most people face life head-on-- honestly the alternatives really aren't all that great anyway, and it's not like there's a better reward out there than what you get out of some hard work.
I guess you could be born into that 1% of rich families but eh, we all missed our boats on that one.

I've been through all and all are bad in their own way, go talk to a psychologist instead.

Cigarettes are probably the least mentally taxing but you can look forward to lung cancer later in life.

Pot and alcohol lead to a viscious cycle where you need more and more to keep you not feeling shit and eventually they start to affect your life and you start feeling like shit for doing it but quitting is hard because you get addicted. Pot is probably the least addictive but the withdrawal is still pretty bad. I'm going through withdrawal right now, the first week I had anxiety attacks every day and severe depressions and I started drinking heavily which was also a bad idea, now I'm finishing second week and it's getting better, i've stopped drinking as well as that was an incredibly easy way to alcoholism. The cravings are not as bad as alcohol or cigarettes. You also get these hyper realistic dreams when you quit weed after smoking long term.

Razor has a much quicker cycle where you feel shit every time you look at your wounds and scars so you want to do it again and again and it starts almost immediately. Don't. Trust me on this. Also when people find out you cut yourself it's much worse than anything else. Most people will understand alcoholism, weed and cigarettes but this one is really hard to grasp for people who didn't go through it so ther reactions can be pretty harsh and unpredictable. It lead to one of the few moments in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. My friend who found out didn't know how to react or what to do so she told people in our class and eventually everyone knew. Some people just made jokes about it, some tried really hard to explain at length that it's bad as if I didn't know and some were even threatening me that if they see more wounds they will contact my parents or even mental institutions.

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>Because when you eventually make it closer to 30 you're going to wonder what the actual fuck
I'm 24, I've been cutting myself around the age 16 and while I don't have that many scars as I managed to quit relatively quickly, I know exactly why I did it. And I've been in situations since then where I sat in my room with a razor in hand trying my hardest not to do it again. I have an anxiety disorder and I didn't even know about it until recently because I thought what I was going through was normal and I was just a pussy and couldn't handle it. It's not always just some edgy fad, some people can have actual issues so don't be so quick to judge.

Tobacco for sure gives you cancer
Alcohol can give you cancer as well as ruining your liver and whatever else
Weed can you give cancer if you're going to smoke it
razor is just gay at least most of those other ones get you high or something.

>All of them are self-harm

Definitely not. marijuana has loads of medicinal properties, alcohol isn't bad as long as its moderate, tobacco is pretty shit yeah but at least it's not visible self harm typically meant for teenage girls.

>weed is bad for mental illness but probably better than alcohol.
>note: weed can trigger a nervous breakdown in people who are high strung, which causes irreversible psychological damage.

If smoking a joint is enough to send you over the edge and give you "irreversible psychological damage" then it sound like you were just as likely to get yourself all fucked up just by waiting in line too long at the grocery store or someone not saying "thanks" if you hold a door open for them.

Alcohol is by far the best. Many options to choose from, many places where it's ok and even socially required (to a point) to use it. And if you ever feel like you're done coping, there are even support groups to help you get off it.

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Weed can legitimately cause psychosis. It has happened to me. And it wasn't like my first time smoking, I've been smoking from time to time for years and prior to the attack I was smoking almost every day for maybe 6 months. While I don't feel it has damaged me in a significant way, I did quit weed after it happened as it was probably the worst experience of my life.

Razor. It's cheap and many workplaces expect you to be clean-shaven anyway.

so that one then

It is true that it's the most socially acceptable and available out of the bunch.

but oh boy the number of times I woke up with a hangover so bad that I wanted to fall into a medically induced coma or just fucking die. You can smoke weed all night long and the worst is gonna be a sore throat you're not gonna be wishing you could sleep for the next 24 hours or accidentally shitting while throwing up in the shower, etc.

Also as far as bad decision-making goes, alcohol also beats weed by a mile.

However weed is still very much illegal in a lot of place if not still frowned upon

It literally can't cause psychosis, some studies have shown that it may trigger scizophrenia in young adults if you're already genetically predisposed to it.

Because at least alcohol and weed give you some fun & pleasure along with the "self-harm." It seems like a fair trade to do a little damage to your health in exchange for an enjoyable high, as long as you don't overdo it. And also, of course, there is a social component to drinking with friends, smoking a bit of weed with friends, etc. Even if you're alone, lighting up a joint and watching a movie after a long day of work is one of life's great pleasures.

Cutting is 100% negative with no payoff, a completely antisocial activity, the scars are visible and embarrassing. You literally wear your weakness on your sleeve. It's bad. Find a new coping mechanism

As someone who almost exclusively dated and hooked up with cutters (this was the late 90s up until the early 2010s so it was mallgoths and myspace and emo and all that so it was still very much in) I can tell you that them cutting themselves actually is in a way pleasurable, in the sense that it gives them a dopamine rush or whatever and gets them a little bit high in the same way that someone does from eating spicy peppers or opening loot boxes in video games or playing video poker. They got issues and can't control this or that in their lives so in their mind they're like "this I can control, this is my pain" and yeah

I'm not defending it or anything I was always turned off when rubbing a girl's arm or thighs or whatever and it was all scarred up or even freshly scabbed, but it's not 100% negative in their mind.

I literally had it happen to me, went to a psychiatrist, told her what happened and she identified it as psychosis and said weed can trigger it. Stop pretending you know shit, retard.

This depends on the legality of these things where you live.

If you are in a state or province of your country where marijuana is illegal even trying to obtain it could be a death sentence or at least screw you over for life.

If you are in a country where this is true of alcohol, same goes.

Tobacco is the most dangerous, but also the most legally and socially accepted drug worldwide besides caffeine.

If you're American, Canadian, Latin American, or European, alcohol consumption can be harmless as long as you pace yourself and set designated times that you drink so that it doesn't cripple your every day functioning. Alcohol is also not as bad for you in the long run as tobacco.

BEST case scenario, though, weed is the most harmless of those three soft drugs, legal issues notwithstanding. In an optimal situation you are in a weed legal state, province, or territory of your country where it can be easily purchased. Do not smoke at work or school since this will be still be suspect and even punishable, but it will help calm the nerves in your off hours without the addiction or long term health effects of alcohol or tobacco.

This is something weedheads don't realize. Drugs affect different people differently. It's just that the legalization crowd's backlash against criminalization and prohibition became so strong that any criticism of marijuana or its effects is treated as cause for suspicion.

>trigger it

That's what I said, you originally said it causes psychosis. There's a big difference, maybe you misspoke?