Jow Forums is no longer a Trump board. He has betrayed and is nothing more than a ZOG puppet.
Alexander Thomas
People were so convinced Mick couldn't find a way; it's an important lesson to never doubt that potato nigger. He can cut entitlements and retard funding like no one else >A CLIMATE CHANGE MUSICAL
>what ever happened to lil b idk, what happened to sum 41?
Bentley Brown
This have become pretty drastically polluted and off base, is there a need for something like a tractatus logico to just cut to the bottom of it and eliminate a lot of nonsense?
you know i just realized something when i was in high school we were told communism looked good on paper but terrible in practice i'm starting to realize even that saying though my teacher was saying communism is bad it probably was still an example of public school kike brainwashing shit as if it's you were told yeah communism on paper is good but was executed terribly so still try it goy and you might get it right this time!
Local news did some 'fact checking' on the speech Trump gave earlier today. Evidently he lied about how many homicides there were in Mexico last year. His number was 40k, and the actual number is over 50k. >WTF IMPEACH!
Ayden Green
Yup. Also it turns out that either the bill didn't get signed at all (more likely: Congress just forgot to update their websites) or that the shit everyone was worried about yesterday isn't as bad as feared. Pic related.
Accelerationism is only good if you have the personality of junko enoshima.
Charles Thompson
No, communism is good on paper because it is Utopian. It's the society star trek runs off of. However it's impossible in reality because it ignores the basics of human behavior. Humans are intrinsically individualistic and will work towards their own goals over the goals of a collective.
Aaron Diaz
Is it true Trump hasn't signed the spending bill yet? Been at work since his speech earlier today.
mama fucking mia, that seems pretty good? All I've been seeing is people sharing Ann Coulter tweets bashing Trump for what he did today am I missing something? Was there something really bad in the bill?
It can only properly function in ship/quarantine situations, tbqh. Even then, it's a crapshoot
Grayson Taylor
There were a lot of things that looked really bad but ended up not mattering because Democrats are retards. See
Nicholas Price
Good, Pakistan has fucked with us in Afghanistan for decades.
Easton Lee
>Was there something really bad in the bill? Plenty of bad, but it could've been worse. Reminder: far lefties voted no because they thought it didn't go far enough
Brody King
Thomas Kelly
There's some basic sense at the root of the thing to sprout and branch off from, I'm absolutely certain. A historiography and central logic would be nice. I'd mentioned before if people had ideas that short and free form essays would be nice too.
That claim relies entirely on assuming Congressniggers didn't just forget to have their staffers update a website before they clocked out for a three day weekend. I suspect it will get corrected quietly on Tuesday morning and backdated to today.
>Humans are intrinsically individualistic and will work towards their own goals over the goals of a collective. What if we implement socialism instead and use the betterment of the nation as the common goal. We can call it Social Nationalism.
>There's some basic sense at the root of the thing to sprout and branch off from Think of it as tangential free-flowing consciousness.
David Fisher
Roasties are fucking their own dreams away by wrecking themselves on short term cocks.
Henry Harris
Yes OP Trump should be fired
Hudson Peterson
the poo in the loo meme was meant to drive away indian posters so we would not learn how similar they are to ourselves (both former british colonies, with similar laws/culture/religion)
Kevin Garcia
What is for sure, is that Jow Forums has many armchair lawyers in their ranks.
Hunter Walker
Find an awoo to compliment your inability. That way you both can MAGA And AWOO
It's basically an inverted aborted girlfriend meme.
Zachary Collins
Outrage from people who believed shills that the world was ending, and a hysterical barreness. The even more fun part of this is two watchdogs filed in DC before anyone could get a lawsuit going in CA which means you'll get to see Garlic rule on it before it goes to SCOTUS
>Barry's Department of HUD "lost" 4 BILLION during his Presidency >nobody cares or does anything >the Left has a microscope up Trump's ass for every dollar
John Butler
The problem is that there used to be more central basis of knowledge and discourse, the average person is more disjointed and separated in political knowledge and ability to parse information they receive. There is some fundamental approximate truth to matters where perceptions then branch.
There's no need to display ressentiment so badly but criticism of taste and culture is certainly good if it's more coherent.
>the Left has a microscope up Trump's ass for every dollar imagine the smell
Nathaniel Harris
And what do they say?
Zachary Rivera
The chinee are backin the paki's yeah? Might be able to try and force their "claims" to eastern india pocket with the water? Fuck I want this so bad allmyleastfavouritesubhumansnukingeachother.png
Dylan Lewis
Some are getting wise and when they are ready to settle down they play it down and act like they barely know how to give a blowjob.
Jace Walker
hey /ptg/ i have something cool for you all to watch it's super comfy and probably my favorite thing on youtube:
Aaron Robinson
Two of /ptg/s own became lawyers. They're probably normies now, but still.
William Jenkins
>We can go faster We have the technology
Lincoln Morris
The tech professionals are AWOO posters. >including me