I need a job. I'm a college graduate and a highschool valdictorian, and I get turned away from fast food places...

I need a job. I'm a college graduate and a highschool valdictorian, and I get turned away from fast food places. Maybe it's the job market, maybe it's equal opportunity dicking me over, whatever it is doesn't matter because I'm going to be stuck doing nothing for the rest of my life if I don't get something. My brother already had to join the military because he's in a similar boat: a master's, but still fucking unemployable.

Nobody ever taught me how to get a job. How do you people do this? How does the world spin like this? Why can't I even be a wageslave?

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weird flex but okay

I don't know how you made it to this point without knowing that getting a job is always about knowing someone on the inside. Only 1% of online applications get a callback, and only a fraction of those callbacks lead to interviews. And of course, an interview is far from a guaranteed job offer. The most important part of college is making friends and acquaintances that can bring you job opportunities. Ask anyone you know if they know anyome who's hiring. Good luck user.

Also if you're looking for some fast food wageslave job to hold you over while you search for a real job, I would recommend not even bothering with big name places like mcd's, walmart, etc. Look around your local area for small businesses with help wanted signs and you'll probably have better luck.

more than 1% of applications get a callback and it isn’t essential to know someone inside.

OP is just flexing. If it’s a job that doesn’t require a degree, they usually don’t ask for a transcript. It’s a made up problem *or* a problem which has been given zero critical thought.

What do you mean by "flexing"

since OP is such a smarty I figure they got this, but let me elaborate. don’t mention being valedictorian or that you are a proud 4.0 graduate from ivy, and you should be golden.

heck, you can even buy some dumpy clothes to look like one of the peasants who needs these jobs for survival. UNEMPLOYMENT is 3-4 percent. fuck off.

bragging. flexing muscles. it’s slang you can find it on urban dictionary.

some general job search advice that has worked for me (may apply to you)
-mold your resume to fit the job
-add cover letter and recommendation letter if your resume is sparse
-go ask to talk to the hiring manager, shake their hand and ask if they’re hiring

places like starbucks prefer you apply online. I was in quite a bad state (NEET) and I got two different interviews from them.

also speaking of Starbucks a lot of employers want college students. I assume this means graduate students or just recent graduates in general are given consideration as well.

so Google employers who want college kids or post grads

Why are you applying at McDonald's? They probably don't want to hire someone that's just there for a few months while they look for a better job, it's a waste of resources. Just keep applying to everything that's even remotely relate to the field you want to work in. Sometimes you have to start lower than you want and work your way up. But you need to apply a lot and work on your resume. You need to be concise and you need to stand out, no one wants to read a bunch of fluff and bullshit. Then work on your interview skills, you need to be charming and passionate.

Or just go work at Amazon or something...

I'm having problems despite all the good things I got going for me. What is flexing if these good things amount to nothing? If in the end I'm worth just as much as the 600 pound basement dweller? I could be Clark Kent and if I still had this problem that I was unhirable, I'd still be fucking unhirable, super strength and x-ray vision be damned, and I'd still be on a fast track to homelessness.
How do I look around, exactly? Walking around, I didn't see many signs. Online job searching is a complete mess. Do they still do newspaper job postings? Do I need to walk around the city some more?

mcdonalds hires seasonally.

the answer is to get the fuck out there and get a job, and to not oversell yourself if you’re being told you’re ‘overqualified’.

stop whining about how you don’t have one and go get one. you’re being given advice here.

It sounds like this is your first time looking for a job, and like you don’t have anyone really helping you. So, it makes sense that you’re having some difficulty. Please try not to think of this issue as a matter of your worth as a person.

Because it's a simple job, they pay their workers, I have zero work experience so I don't think I'll land a job anywhere else outside of drug dealing, robbery, or selling my asshole, I'm scared to shoot for a job in my field because I feel like getting turned down means I've blown my chances for that company for a good year, a lot of people have worked there, and there's always openings. That sounded like a place that would hire me.
I bet you tell people getting a girlfriend is advice, like you can just go to the store and buy one. "Get a job" isn't advice. If you can read my posts or even vaguely care about my ability to do so, it's a tall order I need help doing.

you spend the same amount of time or greater bitching and whining and feeling sorry for yourself as you do actually trying to succeed at the problem

I think this is a type of autism or something. You need to ask someone irl like a mentor to guide you through the process, then, if it is really baffling to you.

You calling me autistic when I am a diagnosed autist isn't advice either. It adds actually nothing. You need to stop trying to bring me down to whatever level you think you need to pull me down to and realize I'm already down there. Also, I just made a thread and replied to it. That's near zero effort.
>You need to ask someone irl like a mentor to guide you through the process,
Okay. What are those called and where can I get one?

>but bro...UNI SENPAI
this aint it chief.

Sorry. Well, I wouldn’t ask the state to do it, since buracreacy is one of the seven layers of Hell. That leaves paying for a career counselor or having someone in your social or family circle help.

Oh, I wonder if you could get private medical insurance to somehow pay for a psychological therapist who specializes in helping people enter or reenter the workforce. Maybe someone who specializes in low spectrum (this means Aspergers, right) austism would be able to help you with this as well.

look for in demand entry level occupations and apply to those gl

Look at warehouse jobs if you just want experience. What is your field?

Same happened to me. not really sure what to do.

real unemployment is at 23%

You probably didn't acquire any useful skills from your degree and have poor interview technique.

Are you socially competent?

So the real reason you can't get a job is because you're scared to apply for one. Jesus Christ.

You apply to 100 places with the understanding that 98 will turn you away. Do 15 applications a day even though it sucks. All you need is one place to hire you. Ask your friends if their parents have an entry level spot open at their company. If that doesn't work, move somewhere else.