I'm a non-white, and I've never experienced direct racism in my entire life. Is that weird?

I'm a non-white, and I've never experienced direct racism in my entire life. Is that weird?

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fuck off, nigger.

I'm 87% sure you're not white either

First time for everything.

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I mean face to face racism

get BTFO bitches. I've been racism free my entire life. The streak shall not be broken

you wish.

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haha okay have fun banging your goats or whatever you people do


But I guarantee you a white person that had had some racist thoughts about you which negatively affected your life. You may not be aware of it but it's a fact.

>when you're unironically whiter than this Muhammad

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Haha I cant tell if u r a retard or a retard

No, it's not as common as you think(or the left wants you to think) and its not as non-existent as the right claims.

Honestly, most racism that non whites claim is 90% made up and invented in their minds. The only reason many of us here have become racist is because we have been called racists our whole lives by your fellow non whites. We have been cordial and have tolerated your bullshit for far too long. And it's going to get ugly when the race war begins because we are done letting you and every other ungrateful shitskin leech off of us for decades while pissing in our faces.


no, but im sure you were racist to a white person, that or seen them as a target for money or violence
youre not special, get a job and quit adding to the problem
fucking nigs, jesus, everything you dicks do needs praise or recognition, just do your job as a citizen and fuck off
if you havent noticed, thats what all white people do so you colored dicks can have a decent place to live
do we demand credit? no, we just want you fucks to leave or fuck off in general

>someone thought bad things about me
It literally means fucking nothing. I think "fucking nigger" almost every time I walk past a black person, but in reality it doesn't affect their life.

It's not weird at all, whites are weak faggots and know that they will be jumped. These Jow Forums fags are the definition of white fags that need to hide behind a screen to act grown-up. If they stopped being weak fags and found a white cunt, fucked her and impregnated her, there wouldn't be a "white genocide".
Darwinism at work.

it does. if you're in a position of power over them like a job interviewer or teacher.

How petty do you really have to be. We are being honest and are not hiding behind anything. This is a board for discussing politics freely.

You on the other hand, are a virgin cuck asshat who believes that “privilege” and racial diversity matter more than real political issues.

>hide behind a computer screen

You have to hide a computer screen cause if not, we’d beat your scrawny ass

Just don't act like a nigger.

Oh nigga please. Niggers are fucking cowards who run in packs cus they can't fight one on one. They also have no honor and will sucker punch whenever they get the chance.

I white. Sometimes I feel like a nigger. When I feel niggerish, should I nig out?

Go back to eating your carrots, rabbit... But just remember, the wolfs always hungry. You better get to fucking lest your lowly species go extinct.

Location? We can fix that for you.

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>White people are so powerful that even thinking something racist can ruin a niggers life.

i thought i was white before i came here./

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t. Stupid sub-80 IQ nigger who doesn't realize modern world is about intelligence not muh nigger slave muscles.

Lol diversity? Aren't whites supposed to be dying out? Isn't Jow Forums's whole rhetoric? Shouldn't you be making white babies with a white cunt? Wait, no...you are too much of a weirdo fantasizing about cartoons.
Your chimera is your own creation.

Aren't you the ones crying genocide?


Why are you crying genocide then?

>Why are you crying genocide then?
Why do you care then?

Aren't you the ones spreading across the globe like a swarm of locusts? There is no white genocide. There is only nigger overpopulation. There are more whites alive today then there have ever been.

>More whites living today than ever
What's kind of low IQ reasoning?
There are more people living today than ever, more blacks living today than ever, more Chinese, Indians etc. Keep it up leaf, your superior mind is such a liability.

For kiis obviously.