Why do girls only want badboys?

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I've had this question for a really long time. I've been a bad boy and it's plain to see, so why do good girls fall in love with me?

why do you think ya dinkus

chicks that want “bad boys” are in it for drugs and hard sex. that’s literally the only appeal. girls that seek that out are fuckin whores

>beat a child up
>become convicted felon
>media uses your face for clicks because they're fantastic people with good morals
>women around the world excuse you beating up children because you're attractive and they're fantastic people with good morals
>get your pick from said women
>child faps alone in his room, probably mentally disturbed after seeing the media promote this shithead and all these women lusting after him

poor kid

They have bigger dicks.

nah, it's girls from all walks of life who are drawn to these guys.
you could say all girls are thots, I guess.

Because you're a flaccid nerd with no business interacting with women.

so many idiots. we like HOT guys, not bad boys. a short (5'5) bad boy is cringeworthy, or an obese/overweight bad boy lol. did u even have any female friends in hs?

everything is better than beta 'nice guys'

I already knew THAT

What defines 'hot'?

Go do something else. Look at the dating world and ask yourself "is this bullshit worth it?"

My answer is: fuck no.

Because they usually have their fragile emotional side figured out. Women don’t like having to fix your broken emotional things.

It depends on the person but usually looking like a model: 6ft1+, very very lean face, good hairline and good hair density, symmetrical face

Women want badboys during OVULATION. Badboys are for making babies with.

Good boys are for long term boyfriends and husbands.

Badboys usually have amazing fighting, dominance, and health genetics. But their T-levels make them unsuitable providers or caretakers of a family.

Good guys lack good genes and they receive mostly obligation sex rather than breeding sex. But they’re typically generous and good with children.

basically this. If you're beta you raise chad's sons and maybe get some pity sex if you're very lucky.

OP, is your dad a bad boy?

he was in his younger days, sure.

Wrong. Back in my scumbag days the girls who wanted me most were the goody two shoes volunteering & church student council nicegirl types who rationalized it as wanting to “help” or “save” me.

But really it was pure lust and pussy tingles for them.

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Because your narrow-minded narrative of the men women are attracted to is wrong

elaborate pls

Beta virgin speaking: but I see this fact as a biological matter, undirectly speaking, humans, just like animals, in the moment of mating, want to have offspring with the alpha of both sexes, I mean, no one wants to have a disabled son. So the point is: woman naturally look for strong men that pass the image of domination and strong, because they indirectly assosciate with strong offspring and better future for them. That can also apply to young bitches marrying to old billionaires.

so at best, I have to settle for some thot who only fucks me out of obligation?

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Female here...

Personally Ive been attracted to a couple different bad boys. I think it has a lot to do with their "fuck it" attitude or not fearing life. Like idk how to explain it because to me there are levels of bad. And what you percieve may be bad might not be the same as what I percieve as bad. Breaking the law and mouthing off to your mama isnt the bad Im attracted too. A lot of bad boys are tatted up...so thats another thing I am attracted too. Basically tattoos and 'idgaf' attitude.

This is worse bait than this thread.


Because typically they live wild and exciting lives. Girls like a guy who she can have fun with instead of some guy who's just average and boring.

Nah, you're the imbecile here because people were still attracted to Charles Manson, Son of Sam, and Night Stalker. It's definintely because of them being bad.

Not necessarily

Women like men who are alpha or beta relative to themselves

A really feminine woman will consider a rude lean twink-looking motherfucker to be alpha. And your typical wallflower STEM/accounting guy to be beta.

An average femininity woman would consider an archetypical type-A jock “alpha” and an average timid wagecuck beta.

Masculine women such as tomboys only see hyper masculine men as “alpha” such as fighters and marines and criminals and any sort of aggro dudes. The average Joe is beta to her.

If you lean towards the beta side. You can best manage a very girly chick who won’t be as demanding of you to let ya nuts hang.

Trench Coat Mafia, Supreme Gentleman types.


women want men not boys

A woman would rather get beat to death than bored to death by a guy

Why do girls only like guys who have facial bone development*


Since this dumb thread is here I want to ask something

I'm far behind on the learning curve with girls and have a lot of anxiety surrounding the act of having sex itself. The chief piece of advice I've gotten to rectify this has been to ask out a bunch of girls, however that will never work the way people think it should. I will certainly make the same mistakes over and over and learn absolutely nothing. Based on other things I've learned and failed to learn, trying to wrestle with something that doesn't make sense to me until it does never works out. Is some other approach I can take learning this?

alpha fucks, beta bucks

It's bullshit you made up where you think there's only "Bad Boys" and "Nice Guys" and absolutely nothing in between. This is straight up just incel buzzwords and so are 90% of the posts ITT that are basically just like BECAUSE THEY'RE ROASTIES XD and circlejerking with you

Most nice guys fail to understand that women are significantly more neurotic than men and crave chaos. Neurotic (but not too neurotic) women tend be better mothers because they’re constantly spazzing out over little billy chipping his tooth or getting lured by pedophiles. Without kiddies to chase around and cry over, they need to get their drama fix from somewhere.

Women are emotions. Glad, bad, sad, mad, whatever. They want to feel EVERYTHING. Men are simply concerned with being happy and free from negative emotions. And they project their desire onto women. Which is why guys ignorantly offer solutions to problems instead of letting her enjoy her little drama movie and hugging her. Or groveling like little bitches when they think they “hurt” her. It’s all just part of her performance in life.

Calm down, lad

ask out girls that are like you and share your interests and everything.

If you got the desperate PUA approach of just trying to flirt with every faceless piece of ass that passes by, you might get one real phone number out of a million that ends in a one night stand or her probably rightfully accusing you of rape or something.

If you ask girls out that you know well enough and you know they at least like you as a friend then you've increased your chances.

Well I think you should elaborate on your hang ups with sex. Do tell.

>Men are simply concerned with being happy and free from negative emotions.

Have you never been on Jow Forums before just 5 minutes ago

Hot damn that’s one toasty roasty

That's shit advice to be honest. I don't want to kill my self esteem more.

I'm a virgin

>What is survival of the fittest

How would that kill your self esteem more? By going with the blind PUA meme approach you're going to get rejected a million times over

>Why do girls only want badboys?

Here are all the applicable explanations;

1. Children want what is exciting. Children have no frame of reference for what good long term decisions are and physically don't have developed enough brains to understand and process impulses. Children make bad decisions and, if they're smart, they learn from their mistakes.

2. When children are conditioned to chaos they grow up seeking chaos. An overwhelming percentage of the women who seek "bad boys" who beat them, cheat on them and treat them like shit were raised by dads who beat them, abandoned them and treated them like shit. Condition a human to violence and abuse and they typically seek it as adults. Raise a woman to believe that the people who claim to love them are supposed to be evil bastards and they'll think its normal.

3. "Bad boy" is not a very specific metric. Understand that men and women can't be separated into character classes. Understand that, from the outside looking in, you don't really have any idea why people are attracted to each other in relationships. Buzzwords aside, relationships dynamics are complicated so, in order to understand them, you'd have to process them on a case by case basis.

>Men are simply concerned with being happy and free from negative emotions.

r u 4 real?

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Fuck off.

If you present yourself as a friend then you’ve already shot yourself in the foot. Your pathetic method is conniving and creepy.

>Oh yeah just befriend her and pretend you don’t wanna fuck her until you do

Women appreciate a man acting like a man and being forward about his desire with her.

You look at her approach signals and begin the interaction. As she gives off more signals of mutual interest you escalate with teasing her.

Shut up virgin. You don’t just blindly charge random women like an autist. And why are you obsessed with an irrelevant subculture from 2007?

They're pretty pretty bad and I am rightfully in therapy for them
>mom low key hates men, has said how men are terrible in front of me my whole life
>when I was 5 or 6 a neighborhood girl took me into her room and flashed me. When I ran away and tried to tell our moms, I got in trouble
>a few years later other neighborhood girls held me down so the same girl could forcibly kiss me
>parents told me and my sister about their divorce on thanksgiving
>when I lost my virginity I repeatedly said no and pushed her off of me, but let it happen anyway, because I didn't know how to get out of the situation
>find out later I have chlamydia
>was very angry with women and rejected all of the girls into me for the rest of high school so I could feel like I had power over them
Fuck you

Why are you a virgin? Tell me in your own words.

I think you should see a therapist. Your problem sounds like much more than needing advice to reach the “penis-in-vagina” goal.

as a femanon i can agree that all chicks are thots, but not all thots want bad boys. bad boys have what fags like to call “big dick energy” and i guess that’s enough for your average thot.

Your post had far too many buzzwords and meme phrases to make any sense.

>You look at her approach signals and begin the interaction. As she gives off more signals

For the average autist, those signals may as well be Chinese sign language.

>You don’t just blindly charge random women like an autist.

Yea you do if you are actually.

Really? No one posted that it's simply all about confidence? You can't be a "bad boy" without being confident.

>For the average autist, those signals may as well be Chinese sign language.

I have mild autism and studied human body language for a few months to get where I am. Being genetically prone to obsessing over one subject has its benefits. I at least understand the what, how, and whys of human behavior.

>Yea you do if you are actually.
I never just charge random women who strike my fancy. I place myself in their field of vision at a good distance and wait for approach signals before moving in.

I don't think I'll truly be past it until I start having normal, healthy sex

Ever considered sexual surrogacy?

Not seriously. I'm seeing my therapist on Thursday, so I'll ask him about it

Nigga why do you sound like a bitch? Just go out and get some pussy bro, wat'cha doing watching other Niggas dicks. Faggot

But otha nigga dicks touched all the pussy.
How do I deal with so much dicks creaming in there when my dicc prolly won't satisfy her?
Eating her out? Out of the question unless she cleans that shit like a factory.

Makes them feel safe.

Why do you keep posting this retarded thread every day?

Answer: they don't. You are lying or stupid.

If you don't satisfy her pump and dump, if you don't want to eat her out then don't. Worrying about sex is pretty stupid, why care about soneone else's pleasure? Just fuck my Nigga

They want competent boys, not bad boys. It's so fucking naive saying that girls don't like nice guys, they actually prefer them, but as soon as guy notices that girl isn't interested in him it's not a damn excuse to slam doors in front of her and start acting like dumbass child like something belongs to him. That isn't being nice. Get that through your damn head you incels

Au contraire.
The proof is in the pudding.
women pathologically go from one shithead to another.
Plenty of decent, vanilla guys out there who'd love a gf but they are too boring.

Your incel anecdotes are not proof.

Do you honestly think the autists on here are conscious enough to consider this as a possibility?

This shit makes me angry

one of my friends showed me his “fuck list” the other day, he’s fucked 32 girls over the past few years. Total manslut. But it doesn’t deter girls. The thing that pisses me off the most, he corrupts nice girls. I knew a girl who actually was a nice girl. Only had sex within relationships and whatnot. She fucked my friend and after being with him she turned into a slut... what the fuck.

I hate chad. They ruin nice women

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anyone with any real life experience knows this is the truth.
*girl dates badboy*
*gets pumped and dumped*
"waaa I can't meet a nice guy!"
*overlooks nice guys*
*rinse repeat*

You obviously have no real life experience and are only repeating incel memes.

>"bad boys"

Have you seen how the guy in your pic looks? He's handsome as fuck, that's what they like. They don't give a shit he's a criminal because of it. women aren't attracted to ugly criminals or bad boys

Women aren’t nice, stupid. They’re whatever they need to be to get what they want.

Wrong. Women are most attracted to men with dark triad personality traits and aloofness.

Women like men who can take care of themselves. Men who exude charisma and confidence. Badboys tend to fall into this category because they're hypermasculine and have a idgaf attitude. Most "nice guys" are either angry incels and/or they lack social skills to approach/flirt with the opposite sex.

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Prove me wrong, then.

Incels are angry assholes and jerks. Meanwhile actual nice guys are getting girls easily.

so you will marry a slut one day?

Why don't you guys try and be a bad boy instead of hating on them?

Like for being the overly logical nerds you are, you surely overlook something very simple

> being "x" attains variable "y"

>currently I am variable "z"
>"z" does not attain "y"

>I should become "x"

Like it really isn't hard. Move to a different city, lift weights, wear more black and shave your head or something. Get some contacts and you're already 80% of the way there.

Women respond positively to being treated poorly. So treat them poorly. Why is this so hard?

If she meets my standards then it's only a good thing she is a slut. Meaning lots of sex in any way I want.

ah, I thought you actually had some proofz.

you wouldn’t care if she’s dome m-m-f threesomes and sucked a lot of random dick?

Women want badboys but know they need goodguys and thats the constant struggle for them. Ideally they want the badboy but so does every other woman so he won't stay put and the question is how much humiliation can she stand when she knows he's fucking randoms, her friends, her family members. Is she ever able to accept that smacking her around doesn't mean he loves her.

You'll see the biggest man hating feminist on the planet have a badboy they are fucking.

Not that poster but

Honestly only dudes with low n-counts and low adventurousness care about this shit

Like I have a close to triple digit n-count just from fucking bar sluts. I've had mff threesomesx fucked girls in bathrooms, I've actually peed on a girl before and fucked married women. If a girl im seeing has a slutty past I really don't care, at the end of the day she's just one in a long line of girls I've diddled.

I choose to fight fire with fire, it works for me

tryhard badboys are an even bigger turnoff than incels.

>You'll see the biggest man hating feminist on the planet have a badboy they are fucking.

The funny thing is that what is considered a "badboy" is subjective and changes frequently.

To a liberal feminist, a trumpy Chad is a "badboy" nowadays for example.


A preppy WASP is a good boy to one girl and an badboy to another. It's funny

I’m never getting married

Nope. Guys with criminal records have more female sexual partners on average. Him being hot was just the cherry on top.

That is all the proofs. Your existence is all the proof that is needed, you are an angry jerk and have never kissed a girl as a result. Meanwhile your incel fantasy has no proofs.

Few things are as cringy as incels who try out PUA tactics.

Most incels are beta as fuck and worship women, so the idea of even being rude to them is sacrilege

>Guys with criminal records have more female sexual partners on average.

>Guys with criminal records have more female sexual partners on average.

I have a clean record and I've fucked 70 girls so far

Explain that atheists

Women will gleefully accept all manner of treatment from men when they think they’ve gotten the best they can get right now. To a woman, a guy who treats people like shit is obviously so valuable that he can get away with it.