Global Recession

>Currently, the most recentactual GDP number we have is Q3 2018 growth of over 3%, so quite a healthy rate. So, perhaps things are softening, and we won’t get Q4 GDP until later this month, but the idea that we are in a recession now, in the U.S. seems unlikely, based on the current data.

>N.Y. Fed cuts U.S. first quarter GDP view to 1 percent after dismal data

Errr...guys, why is no one talking about this...

Attached: B54333EE-85E9-439D-A450-48312AE46635.jpg (847x650, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

artificial growth is best growth is seems
rev up that printing machine moshe we're going straight to hell

Sure feels like the beginning of a recession. Jobs are strong, but wages continue to be stagnant. House sales are slowing to a crawl as are new auto sales.

I manage construction projects myself, and our work has slowed considerably. Due to the steel tariffs and lack of labor, legal or illegal.



Attached: WHERE WE GO ONE.jpg (320x336, 30K)

>Ultimately, any evidence of a recession will come in principal indicators of the U.S. economy, including employment, incomes and hours worked; business sales; and of course, gross domestic product. Those are some of the figures reviewed by the National Bureau of Economic Research, the arbiter of the start and end dates of U.S. recessions. So far, those numbers aren’t close to flashing red, but when they do, it will probably be too late for any recession predictions.

>too late...

I can only urge you all to read "The Road to Serfdom" by my fellow Austrian F. A. von Hayek. You probably won't like his message of minarchism and free trade, but he literally foresaw what happens right now and he describes in detail how quantitive easing and all that shit only makes things worse. hat book really fucks you up.

I honestly don't think the US is going to survive another hard recession. We were running on societal goodwill fumes in 2008 and we've had a decade of intense division since then. What commonalities are left beyond the economy in the US?

A shared commonality is only one (((accident))) and one scapegoat away. There will be another war before there is a civil war.

As a Person of Wealth™, I refuse to diversify any more. Economic diversity is just a psyop to get us to support social diversity. Fuck it and destroy it.

Based and redpilled. The world does not deserve such wisdom. We are merely apes larping as a space faring species

>meme growth

Mandatory pic related
Break the simulation. Don't end up like this plebbitor. (he became an hero one year after posting that)

Attached: RIP.png (894x1511, 143K)

Good. We need another world war to thin things out a bit and reset society.

Oil is going strong still, and that’s a major part of any economy

Russia and china are looming right around the corner, and any attack on the US would spark a massive patriotism wave like it’s done before, pulling the US out of recession and/or depression

No one is going to be swept up in a patriotic fervor if the United States goes to war in some shithole for obviously contrived reasons. No one actually buys the line that the military has anything to do with protecting freedom anymore, no one buys the line that the US is the good guy in international conflict anymore. I also suspect that we're probably one more quagmire away from no one giving a shit if soldiers get wasted by guerrillas riding around said shithole, which is the real death knell for the country and probably something the ruling class is looking to avoid as long as possible.

>Poor fag with a shitty job an heros because hes a lil bitch
side note the economy better not go tits up any time soon

Isn't GDP not the greatest indicator even per capita because way too much money that circulates is due to non-labor related economic activity like internet sales, self checkout, manufacturing plants basically filled with robots, and (((advertising)))?

>Oil is going strong still
wanna know how i know you dont know jack shit about the economy or anything about commodities?

not really. GDP is almost entirely meaningless on its own and isnt really a good indicator for anything.

>any attack
You mean false flag. Neither of them wants a war with the US; the costs and risks simply doesn't justify any gains they may make.
A war also wouldn't pull the US out of a recession or depression, it will be the last straw that brings us into civil war. We as Americans only think war brings prosperity because during both world wars we made off like bandits selling to everyone for gold before joining in the fight. War creates debt/deficit spending, and all our wars since WWII have been digging us deeper and deeper. The next one will break us.

Do explain

(((Fellow Austrian)))

All libertarian thinkers were/are Jews, and the Vienna school was funded by rent gouging landlords.

Attached: jew-hamster-hebrew.jpg (604x604, 38K)

Let it burn.

Shoulda listened to jews when it comes to money

graduate highschool you dumb fuck

oil prices are down
oil and gas projections are all down
nobody expects oil to be a hug industry for another couple decades and oil industry giants are already having to diversify
all oil and gas stocks are down considerably
oil fields are closed because americans are retarded and broke the global oil market with fracking to the point where they bankrupt all of the north dakota fields. there are very few actual profitable drilling operations in america beyond like oklahoma.

god this board is so fucking stupid all you have to do is fucking read something once in your life before saying something retarded

4 10s senpai


Yeah sure, throw all the wisdom away, because jews were part of the ideological foundation.
Hot take: Someone being a jew does not invalidate all they say or do.

libertarianism is literally a grift.
it was created by a billionaire think tank to justify brutal capitalism with no checks to their power

Or you could burn cash to raise the value, at the detriment to anyone with debt and employers.

not really but ok. Also: All Libertarianism isn't created equal, for example, you probably could get behind Hoppeanism.

so you faggots were just going to let this shit go unchecked?

no i probably couldn't because all cheerleader ideologies for capitalism are retarded and for children

So you wouldn't want to live in a nationalist state with low taxes, a strong military, strict immigration laws and closed borders? Well, good luck to you commie

no that sounds like america right now and america is fucking dogshit

America is indeed dogshit, but not because of any of the described properties

i work construction as well and we are still over scheduled. Pretty sure that is your personal problem.

>america right now
>closed borders.

Oh user you make me larf.