Watch the new (((family goy))), goy!

watch the new (((family goy))), goy!

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They literally shit talked every president since bill clinton.

Did they do obama?


>Bill Clinton is a suave ladies man
>George W Bush is retarded
>Barely touch Obama
>Entire fuck drumpf episode

I just can't watch this show anymore. Southpark sums the show up well.

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wtf are you saying a show with a known liberal creator doesnt support Trump??????
this is some heavy hitting stuff OP

Show went to shit after season 2.

Haven't watched it in years. It has it's edgy moments, but it's mainstream and has been for years so there's a line it can't stray too far from.

hes a gay pedo

The writers and creator are liberals. They still manage to do less drumpf bashing than the creators of south park, who are right wing retards of some sort. Why are you so upset?

>x hasn't been y like this since that time I did z: the show

I don't think Trump has small hands. I think he has average hands, but because he's a big mother fucker, they look small.

I take that back. I looked it up. I'm about 2 inches shorter than Trump, but my hands are about an inch and a half longer. I guess he does have small hands.

Nobody talks about the sacred Obama

Not really, pretty much no one did


You mean


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Nah I'll keep watching repeats of american dad. Before they decided trump was a political enemy and it was ok to smear him because muh fee fees

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The best part is they showed peter sucking up to obongo even though he seems like the guy who would vote republican (married white boomer). If the writers of family guy were clever they would have made peter a trump supporter, since they think trump supporters are retarded like peter griffin.

American dad did. Which is funny because we've all seem that gif of Obama lifting tiny ass pink weights but because he's a political Ally, well you get what I m saying

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always thought the show was tarded.

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>family guy and the simpsons are still a thing

So how many decades does that make it since their last new good idea?

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Nobody talks about Obama.

I haven't seen the last season or two but Family Guy is still pretty consistently funny.

>creators of south park, who are right wing retards of some sort

they aren't even close to right wing, just riding the anti-sjw train.

Hollywood is making shitty anime/manga adaptations now that they've bled capeshit dry. They haven't had an original idea in decades.

Avatar was pretty original.

Pretty sure that show has pedos working for it

When you only staff thru blood rituals, you are gonna be scraping the bottom of he barrel.