Why do you guys bully Mexican immigrants?

Why do you guys bully Mexican immigrants?

They are good immigrants as far as I know

>their food is superior to any foods including burgers
>They are hard working people. Most of labor intensive jobs in US are done by Mexican immigrants
>They are friendly people. Everyone can be friend with Mexicnan
>they are most interactuall Latino and capable to conduct interactual job/activity
>They are really good at manly sports like boxing
>Their woman is beauitul and man looks handsome

I really wish Japan accept more Mexican immigrants instead of fucking racist Americans

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You want to go to a country that is more xenophobic yet you call Americans racist. That's nice of you.

just a bunch of commies or voluntary slaves to a bunch of degenerate rich libtards

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They're not good at all. They're trash and only want more power for themselves at the expense of the people whose lands they invade. Fuck off military spic.

Based. Mexicans who stay in their homelands and have reason to be proud of their country, unlike chicanos, are heroes.

Is this Michiko? Stfu you slant eyed nip, out grandfathers should have slaughtered your whole race and taken your lands like every other victorious army in history, instead they showed your people unimaginable kindness and now we get to listen to your whining about how you hate Americans. Great. Go to Mexico if you like Mexican so much, but they would probably kill a jip jap bug man like you bc of your incessant bitching.

>their food is superior
Why do people make this argument in favor of immigration? Who gives a flying fuck? Imagine compromising anything important in favor of food.

If you think that's a valid argument you are pathetic and should definitely off yourself.

>they are most interactuall Latino and capable to conduct interactual job/activity

>their food is superior to any foods including burgers
>Their woman is beauitul and man looks handsome
Three biggest lies on the planet, most Mexicans are really fucking stupid by Latin American standards

Their food is disgustingly over spiced

most of their women and men look like small potatos

Libetards are probably the poorst shits in the planet.
>Will never get a house in a expensive ass city, lives with parents or perma-rents.
>Will never get paid more the min wage because beaners work for less and professionals come from all over the world
>Will get 5-6 digit debt to go to university to end up unemployed or useless degree
>Can't afford kids, instead fill the void of lives with a cucktendo switch
Liberal paradise

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They’re pretty chill


same with the chinese

Just white mexicans who emigrate legally

Fuck out of here burgers are the best

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they don't send their best

None of that makes it okay for them to come here illegally. Majority of illegals here come from that shit hole where criminality and cartels are seen as heroes, and gang culture is respect. Yea they are good at x y and z and because of that let us give them carte blanche on our laws. Fuck off you dumb nip. These people are leeches, they would go anywhere if it meant leaving their own shit hole country. If a Scandinavian country was in their reach, they would skip the US and go there instead.


because they are fucking thieves, thats why.
keep them the fuck away from me.

I wouldn't survive without mexican food, specifically Tex-Mex. And my company wouldn't survive without the illegal immigrants who provide the cheapest labor. As a matter of fact, numerous companies would close up shop without that labor. I'm really surprised one of our competitors hasn't made an anonymous phone call to ICE yet, to report us.

>their food is superior
im so tired of this stupid meme. internet recipes exist, we already have mexican chefs in america so its not like they bring anything new, their food taste is subjective and valuing it as one of their only good traits is telling of how uncreative the person is as a cook. i personally dont like mexican food more than any other countries ethnic dishes. anyways mexicans are fine by me but their food is overrated.

i hope you get shut down for taking american infrastructure to grow your business and using it to illegally hire non americans.

>These people are leeches

The grand majority are the hardest working people that I know. It's the few bad apples that reflect badly on all others.

Is it really their fault, to receive some sort of welfare/gov assistance, when employers continue to pay shit wages for hard work? Really need to go after the employers, to put an end to this shit once and for all.

>and man looks handsome
you have the big gay

and no one wants filthy spics in this country, im talking especially straight beaners, the brown ones that fuck everything up

Attached: Jorge-Torrez.jpg (650x406, 143K)

>Sub 5'10 mongrels argue who's alpha

N E I N /////////// C H A N (dot) C O M


American and English-teacherpilled

Yes please take all of mexico's immigrants

Hard working. They are all too fat to work hard. They can barely move.

muh hard workers.
You sound like my 80+ year old grandparents who worship beaners like they are gods "Oh user we got the lawn done today, we tried to say hi but had to say buenos dias because they speak Spanish. BTW have you been working on yous Spanish user""
Me> "No, they should learn English'

I have worked with them. They are no better than Anglo Saxon workers, and they take more frequent breaks, and use the language barriers to conveniently not understand when they want to have a little mid day fiesta.

Fuck em

20+ million illegals working jobs here in the US, driving down wages and occupying jobs that should go to Americans.
They also vote here the same way they vote in Mexico, turning the US into the place they came from.

muh hard working tho

>Why do you guys bully Mexican immigrants?
I love immigrants. I hate illegal aliens. Illegal aliens need to get the fuck out of my country.

we don't.
the whole issue is on people who cross illegally and people who overstay their visas.

>they use civil services but don't pay.
>they demand aid, they are not entitled to it
>a lot of cartel drug mules

legal immigrants we have no issue with and frequently grant them work visas and citizenship.

they steal everything that isn't nailed down.
They game the US welfare system.
They drive around without car insurance and run from the scene when they cause an accident.
vast majority of identity theft cases.
Majority of child rape cases.
They live 15 to a house and trash their neighborhoods.

I'm sure someone else can add to this.