Genetically inferior

What am I supposed to do if I am genetically inferior to everyone?

Attached: A23FB977-E954-4F37-A400-E0CB36602096.jpg (2046x1536, 236K)

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in what ways?

>go to a psychiatrist
>stop telling yourself youre genetically inferior
>get into stoicism
>understand stoicism

>4.5” penis
>ugly face


You’re not my master

yeah he should just "bee himself" and then everything would be fine.

not genetics, work on that
learn a fucking instrument or something, I think chicks like violin.

Succeed in other stuff. Go work out, make money.

>not genetics, work on that

You can get penis enlargement operation. It costs 15k BUT your dick will be thicker and longer than 90% other male dicks. And confidence takes away from your looks or height. Get ya self ripped body and done. You will be above avg male core. From 3/10 to 7+/10.

Well you don't actually know that's true. You might have killer genes.

No he should work out and stop worrying about the size of his dick.


Maybe, but it would take me a lifetime to save up 15k

Okay, I was going to ignore this thread, but god damn this post worked like the perfect bait for me.

In what ways are everything in your body related to genetics, but intelligence is not?
Of course intelligence is impact by your genes. To deny that is to deny reality. You can learn new skills, and hone your mind to be better, but there will always be people who are swifter to learn, and those who are slower, and those who are completely incapable. Now those who are incapable are honestly so mentally deficient we just consider them retarded. We see it as a disability.

Just be happy that you aren't on that level OP.
You may be slower to learn, but you are still capable of improvement and learning regardless. You may just need to work harder at it. Take solace in that theres probably some things you are more apt to than other people as well.

Realize that if you stop bitching and apply yourself you will be doing better than many people who have better genetics than you.

Find yourself a 4'11" qt3.14

Attached: murning after.jpg (236x374, 19K)

Move to asia or find asian girl.
Women dont care. In fact smaller penis is definitely more pleasant for her than huge one which hurts her.
Pic or didnt happen.
>stupid and untalented
>>>/lit or pic related faggot

Attached: anti brainlets.jpg (780x2588, 325K)

My face
I just realized how out of control my beard has become

Literally just lose weight and move to Asia. You're white so asian women will be drooling over you.

Which country? I’ve been studying Japanese, but they are only slightly below average height, all the countries where worn as my height are third world shitholes

The thing about the Japanese is that they worship white skin as white skin is seen as high class. I remember reading a couple of dating studies where the final conclusion to the statistics they found is that race is a more successful contributing factor than height and wealth. Many western men have no issues picking up asian women, regardless of height and status. It seems shallow, I know, but going to asia is your ticket to feel like an attractive person.

You look like absolutely normal unkept fatass. Shower, haircut and shave is all you need. And maybe psychologist depending on your mental state.

Attached: stop fat.png (948x1328, 100K)

I love how this guy is literally an Jow Forums meme at this point
First name : 5'1"
Last name : 4.5"

You look like the type of faggot I would avoid, and likewise everyone else. A maladjusted socially and intellectually retarded fatass with no life prospects

Fuck you retarded ass namefag

Yeah nots act like I’m serious screwed in life or anything. Just point and laugh so you can feel secure about your unearned place in life

I'm almost humbled.

You didn't even bother providing a reason for me not to believe what I had just said. Epic.

Everything you said is subjective

That's not the point.

You could've disproven what I said by doing anything but getting angry.

You fuck yourself in ways you can't imagine.

How do I go about disproving a bunch of personal attacks? How else do you expect me to respond to such things? With indifference?

>With indifference?
Yes, precisely.

Well you caught me at the wrong time for that. I do think most of what you said is true, so my reaction to it was a way for me suppress what I know is true. I should really just kill myself. it’s the only logical move

Be the one person that would actually benefit from self-help books.

I'm sorry if I had caused you distress over what was said, but I do admit it takes a lot to admit something like that over the internet.

What I want from saying something *this* harsh is not for you to just submit (though I'm sure you have many times) it's for you to finally fucking man up and say to yourself "alright this is the changing point, this is where I will seek something greater from myself than what I always have".

I'm not nearly invested enough to tell you more, problems like this are for you to solve.

Sorry about your life, bud, but killing yourself will just make you the ultimate loser everyone perceives you as.

You act like you're the only person in the world with problems. The fact that you even have internet access and enough free time to post these self loathing threads means you're already living more comfortably than the vast majority of people in human history. While everyone else is working hard to make the best out of unfortunate situations you're sitting in your room bitching about your shallow insecurities. Being short or having a tiny dick don't even matter in your case, if you were tall with a big dick you would probably still be useless because you're just a weak willed person in general. Grow the fuck up.

That doesn’t mean that my problems are void. You don’t complain about all these people who have relationship problems or job problems etc, when they’re problems are even less severe than even mine, because they have no issue finding a gf/bf or even a job. And I do deal with it on a daily basis. Sometime I forget and actually find a way to just enjoy life now and forget that I have no future, the only time I post here is obviously when I am weak and allow it to get to me. How the fuck do you expect me to “man up” and alone and a loser? It’s just you shifting the blame so you don’t have to help someone

>You don’t complain about all these people who have relationship problems or job problems etc
Because those people don't post on Jow Forums with the same exact bullshit every day. You've already gotten plenty of good advice but you CHOOSE to ignore it and continue on being... well you. Do you enjoy being a pathetic little vermin? Because it seems like you do.

sorry mate, gonna have to agree with this insightful user right here.

No, I don’t enjoy it, but I haven’t found the advice they give to be sufficient. I don’t what I need to get out of this hell but this clearly isn’t working and the more I do this the more I will attract the ire of anons. I have forgotten in the day-by-day week-by-week grind what exactly the anons have said. Again this isn’t working but I don’t know what will


You're on a negative feedback loop my man.

You want to change but you don't at the same time.

The first change starts with some self-reflection, and electing to do something different, step by step.

I should start working out. I’ll need to figure out how to fit it in with my demanding work schedule, but I need to start with basic cardio on a treadmill or something. I have been trying to interact with my peers, but I still fall into my old ways when it comes to people I’m not entirely comfortable around i.e. strangers. I have a small circle of friends at work that I hang out with in the break room in between shifts but all of them are male and not attractive. I’ll start with that but still there will always be a doubt I my mind that I might get rejected or looked down upon because of my height and stuff these insecurities don’t go away overnight

Realizing you aren't necessarily smarter than everyone else is a good start, you can defo work on that. Start reading/learning about something that interests you.

Well, talent doesn't grow from posting threads on 4ch.

>Ugly face
Can usually be remedied somehow

>not genetics

Yes it is.

It's like muscles, you can work them all you want but you're never gonna have the natural frame that Chad has. Chad can do the same and look even bigger.

Then stop acting like it's objective. You can change a lot of the things you don't like about yourself

Don’t breed. Adopt.

if you have the money, go backpacking around the world. if not save up until you do.

I’m the usual 4.5” guy and I’m not 5’1”. OP isn’t me. I’m 5’7”, talented in music, writing and art.