Can men genuinely experience love?

Serious question. All men can disregard their own pride and everything for someone beautiful and youthful. Men (look at the rich ones) will easily throw away loyal wives in favour of hotter girls.

Look at the Internet, and it is a unanimous agreement that a women is only worth as much as her looks (to men). A men is valued through everything else, his personality, humor, skills etc etc. Everything is disregarded if a woman is below average.

While the same can be argued for women, I have seen far more women stick with their husbands through thick and thin to be cheated on. (My parents and my relatives) These men crave validation and everything, but only from the hottest women. Then they whine about no one being faithful to them.

Do men only experience lust, confuse it for love, but not true love? Once again I am asking a serious question. Just thinking about this makes me hate them even more.

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Who hurt you?

Men can be sentimental as fuck, but they don't usually go around showing it because thats fucking nuMale. Also, men who usually get all sentimental are more propitius to ger hurt and become bitter, so yeah, there is that

Well, in my family only females cheat on the men or leave them. I have the feeling it depends on whether you date upwards or downwards.
I always thought men are more romantic. Cultural references are full of men giving everything for their love. In the past I would have given my life for the woman I love, no doubt. Given I only can save one, my mother or my partner, I would save my partner.

Your post is a shining example of why oversimplified interpretations of life always end in failure.

Well, as a man I can tell you that the literal answer for your question is 'no', but it doesn't mean what you think. It is well known that women have much fewer brain connections, and basically women are less evolved humans. The love we all experience is just a product of this complex web of neural connections and chemicals. Your love is a product of a much less complex system than my love. Men cannot experience your 'love' because men have a different brain, in the same way men cannot experience a pregnancy.

The men who do this sort of thing never loved another, they only loved themselves. That's why they leave the old women and cheat. It's only self-love.

Other men would never do it. They experience real and altruistic love. Like the threads you see around here, where guys still can't get over their ex's after years and years. That is generally true love.

You can learn to tell the difference up front by judging harshly a man's morals and character. This is a step women often forget and pay the price a few decades later. Women who're bad at choosing men, generally hang around other women who are just as bad at choosing men. So what happens is, it seems like your entire world is full of bad men.


Men dont cheat


Men aren't allowed to have feelings. We stuff them away until they come bursting out and someone gets killed.

love is a by-product of evolution, it's not the main goal
if a man feels he's not done being a man, he will seek out a more suitable partner
if you're a woman you can circumvent that by marrying someone 2~3 times your age

Gonna need links to these studies or sources for this "women are dumber/lesser than men" idea you actually pulled out of your ass, old fart.

Not him but nothing false about it roastie. Its basic evolution. Pick up a book cunt.

I'd give you the actual paper but I know women can't into science so here's the article:

Relevante quote: "They found that in the temporal neocortex, which is involved in social and emotional processes, men had a higher density of synapses than women."

Love is a social and emotional process.

>asking serious question
>frog pic
I dont know about others, but i learned the hard way to never reply seriously to frog posters.

Make a new thread after few days which doesnt sounds like r9k female version.

Attached: r9k female version.png (574x1668, 210K)

He right. See pic related fo first. As for the second one, the Y chormosome is deteriorating while the X chormosome has been almost pure since ancient times. Also kys.

Attached: fc3.jpg (1334x694, 342K)

Men want to provide and protect and women literally want to pass on the best genes to the next generation.

All adult love is conditional.

Idk why autocorrect stuck "literally" in there

>it is a unanimous agreement that a women is only worth as much as her looks (to men).
Hardly. And even if it were true, which it isn't, allow me to break that unanimity by saying a kind and loyal 4/10 is vastly superior to a whore supermodel.
True, if you're an actual ogre, then it's going to be much harder to make up for it as a woman, but odds are that isn't you.

>These men crave validation and everything, but only from the hottest women. Then they whine about no one being faithful to them.
Those men are also garbage unworthy of consideration past the question of avoiding them.

>Do men only experience lust, confuse it for love, but not true love?
This is a society-wide problem currently, and while it is slightly more severe for men (for a variety of reasons), it applies to both genders.

The bottom line is that if you're expecting men and women to act the same in the same circumstances, you are going to end up confused, angry, and/or disappointed because we're different. That doesn't excuse immorality, of course, but soberly recognizing the differences can help you to avoid misunderstandings or degenerate people.

>Just thinking about this makes me hate them even more.
I don't hate women, I simply hate whores (and manwhores). Don't hate all men--but hating manwhores isn't just not wrong, it's good.

Ill give you a simple answer sweaty. Its men who experience love, its men who are romantic it is men who are brave, its is men who are closer to God.

You confuse admiration and received-protection for love as you wouldn't date someone of a lower status than yourself.

Women are adapted to choose a strong mate and "fall in love" very quickly if he provides basic demands that women instinctively are looking for.

Attached: 1524958599755.jpg (2652x2004, 616K)

Love, like honour, is a male abstraction.

Love is when you care about someone who can and never will benefit you in any way.
Women cannot do that. Women love to benefit themselves. "It's for my children". Heartless bunch

fucking ironic thread

Your question may well be serious, but it is far from genuine OP.

>>Serious question. All men can disregard their own pride and everything for someone beautiful and youthful. Men (look at the rich ones) will easily throw away loyal wives in favour of hotter girls.
Sounds like some confirmation bias going on here. There are plenty of examples of insanely rich men who have been very loyal to their partners. And even if they made mistakes, most don't throw their wives away. Tabloids only care about the scandalous examples.

>>Look at the Internet, and it is a unanimous agreement that a women is only worth as much as her looks (to men). A men is valued through everything else, his personality, humor, skills etc etc. Everything is disregarded if a woman is below average.
This reminds me of incel. I'd suggest getting help from a therapist, because this is not coherent with reality.

>>While the same can be argued for women, I have seen far more women stick with their husbands through thick and thin to be cheated on. (My parents and my relatives) These men crave validation and everything, but only from the hottest women. Then they whine about no one being faithful to them.
Some psychoanalyst would say that you look for men like those in your relatives and parents. My experience has largely been the opposite, but I know that it's because it happened to me, and I'm more likely to relate to it.

>>Do men only experience lust, confuse it for love, but not true love? Once again I am asking a serious question. Just thinking about this makes me hate them even more.
If someone confuses lust for love, they have a lot to learn. The two feel very different from each other, and this difference has been described for thousands of years (plenty of stories in the Catholic Bible), and categorized by the classical philosophers.

Jow Forums really isn't the best place to ask this question, as so many guys here are more jaded towards women than you are towards men.

yes we do, the chads who you lust after cant though, their brain is of a a womans, no loyalty or honor

Um... women will leave you for an asshole if you are too nice. You just wnd uo alone for being the good guy. Women are the sole reason men are assholes...

This is your fault.

user has it.