YAS Gurl!!!
YAS Gurl!!!
Look out, incels...
I love this timeline
La futuro es ahora.
You've never pleased a woman before.
shes not wrong, amazon kikes should burn
Who cares about a whore who's not going to get more than 10% of the votes? Stop wasting your time shilling your retardation and focus on what matters the most: killing yourself.
>Still alive
>Look out, incels
tfw AOC bursts into my room to give me an angry handy as part of a govt mandated anti-incel initiative.
She's absolutely right.
And if they don't want to pay a 70% tax, while threatening to move their funds offshore, we should deport them too.
No sense in these billionaires benefiting from the infrastructure and freedoms that everyone else pays for, particularly the middle class and poor. Especially someone who has enough money to last a thousand lifetimes.
Fucking ridiculous.
Because they provide a service the public is willing to pay for?
>People buy shit on Amazon to avoid paying state taxes
>Then proceed to complain when Amazon doesn't pay taxes
this but unironically, why should new york suck up to big corporations when they are literally one of the top world class cities in the world? i never understood why they bent over to amazon nor why they were gonna put it in Queens too. is new york city really that gentrified? i haven't been back there in over a decade since family moved away from Hoboken.
>Businesses and billionaires need to contribute their fair amount!
Fair enough, everyone can agree to this!
>They need to be taxed at 70%+!
What the fuck. Also, watch as they utilize the tax loopholes anyway. Flat percentage tax+ code reform. Easy.
You're a fascist
Queens is the new Brooklyn
good it's about time they got the nogs out of there. too bad they probably moved into new jersey, oh well.
>he thinks women can be pleased.
Lol, faggot
Because smart people don't pay taxes. You create thousands of jobs so that those employees pay taxes that's how this shit works. Smart people also don't work for a paycheck, you generate income through debt.
One of the very few times I agree with donkey face
Wtf is that supposed you schmuck?
You fuckin dirt bag
You motherless fuck
come ova here and say that...let me see you and show you how I feel
You’re tough now right? You feel energized? Fucking mutt
How do you generate income through debt?
Why should families that contribute to the pot be in a position to take billions from the public?
Owning property is probably the easiest way. Bite the bullet and take out a loan to buy a duplex and rent it out. You are now the creditor to your tenant. Their monthly rent payments are now income for you to pay off the original mortgage. A renter is always in debt to their landlord.
>marxists rhetoric
never should've come here
What taxes would Amazon pay?
>Ignoring the donations, charities, and write-offs this company does in order to land at 0 for tax season
She wants a cut of the profits, doesn't she
Just spit my drink all over my desk laughing. What the fuck is wrong with you, you spastic?
>a cut of the profits
maybe some kind of tax?