My girlfriend slapped me really hard and her long nails cut my face. Now I have a bunch of long gashes on my face...

My girlfriend slapped me really hard and her long nails cut my face. Now I have a bunch of long gashes on my face. I was mad and I punched her really hard in the face and broke her nose.

Am I a bad person?

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Did she do it on purpose? You probably shouldn’t have hit her back. Call the cops and laugh while they haul her crazy ass to jail.

I don't necessarily think hitting someone back who hits you makes you a bad person, but you're fucked if she goes to the cops. No way around it.

That said, This user was right. Never hit a woman back unless you're in some serious danger, if you want to avoid getting into some legal trouble yourself. Like it or not, as a guy, you're the one goin down with the law when push comes to shove.

No you're not a bad person. You were very angry.

Was it anger and not self-defense? Even so, I don't think many people can blame you. You let control of your temper slip, made a bad choice, but you're not a bad person.

I mean just the fact you're reflecting and asking yourself this, is an indicator that you're not evil.

You are both bad people.

I dont think you're a bad person but you may lack self control. Legally, hitting her back was a bad idea. Men get fucked in these situations so hopefully she doesnt press charges. Sounds like a fucked up relationship btw so you should probably work on that

Not really bad but you shouldnt have done that

Bad, maybe not
Dumb, rash, shortsighted, temperamental-- all yes, I'd say

First time I've agreed with you on hitting women.

>I was mad and I punched her really hard in the face and broke her nose.
I want you to know that reading this brought me pleasure. Good job user.


Is that how you justified your actions fucktard? It's wrong irregardless of her actions to hit a women.

>women can hit men but it's wrong to hit a woman
this is your brain on onions


Go tell that to a judge then. See you in ten years. Five at best if you're on good behaviour.

She’s stupid for not realizing how stupid and thoughtless it is to hit someone stronger than her. This is women’s problem. They always think that everyone will always protect them and lower their strength for them, that’s why a lot of them act foolishly arrogant and risky nowadays.

Make her learn a lesson that not all men will always protect them and it’s always best to keep their hands to themselves and fear us men.

If a woman hits me I will damn well hit her back. OP did a good deed.

Bad person wouldnt worry aboit if they are bad or not.

And break up with her.

Morally you're fine, but you should work towards such things never happening to begin with.

Teach ya girl to stop getting into fights like an animal instead of teaching her to fear you.

That said, legally you're fucked because the legal system doesn't care about men. Oh well.

Consider the fact you said
> I was mad and I punched her
Then yeah that’s not good, you didn’t do it to defend yourself just out of anger.

If a woman hits you feel free to put her on her arse but do it so she doesn’t do it again or to defend yourself or someone else, hitting a girl cos you’re “mad” makes you no better than her IMO

Women should fear men

lmao @ the people itt saying OP did the wrong thing/didn't practice self-control

your (ex?) gf learned a valuable lesson op

Nobody fears you, incel.

No, you're not a bad person. If people go around hurting others then they have to fully expect that eventually they're going to get hurt back, regardless of gender. Common sense. It's better to learn that lesson now than have her do it to some brute who will see no issue throwing her head into the pavement.

Your gf sounds like a bitch too, you should leave her and find yourself a partner who respects and loves you enough to not scratch you or provoke angry reactions from you. Arguments in relationships are normal and healthy, abuse isn't.

tfw no gf to scratch me hard

As a woman, I strongly disagree. No one should hit anyone but if you do then you have to realise not everyone is going to put up with your bullshit.

There's a difference between being slapped and getting run through with a nice you little pussy.

Not until I hold the rifle

Holding a rifle doesn't change the fact that you're a worthless autist. You'll just be a worthless autist holding a rifle.

Lose the trip newfag.

Take a picture of your face and those wounds. Maybe even pick at them to make them worse than they are.

If you legit broke her nose expect a medical bill and or a charge. Best you can do is have proof that she hit you first.

dont let me get hold of that rifle

Doesn’t matter. People will fear me, those attractive people.

You’ll be dead before that.

You’re only a bad person if you wouldn’t have done the same thing to a dude who you’d been buttfucking who slapped your shit up.

if you didnt punch her she would leave you for another man who would.