Space Colonization

Is Venus a Better Place to Colonize Than Mars?

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Gonna colonise your mums arsehole.

we were meant for the cold
the more closer we are to the sun the darker the skin

> (OP)
>we were meant for the cold
>the more closer we are to the sun the darker the skin
Cant argue with that

Terraforming is a way bigger project than orbiting megastructures, meaning the logical colonization of space will not be other planets but giant spacestations.

Venus' Gravity is much better for Humans (almost the same as Earth), which means in terms of that it is better than Mars which will cause bone degeneration due to low gravity. We can remedy this problem when we figure out how to add density to a planet's core, but that's centuries away.

Overall: no. It has some things making it easier than Mars, and other things that make it much harder/worse.

Mars used to have an atmosphere and could develop one again. The lack of Carbon Dioxide being released into the atmosphere relative to the amount being stripped off by stellar wins and solar matter is what's causing the problem. Scientists have theorized that a very large specially designed magnet at a key Lagrangian point of Mars would reflect the "crap" being flung from the sun from stripping the relatively weak Martian atmosphere potential away. That Lagrangian point magnet wouldn't be too hard to construct, technically speaking, and would mean that we wouldn't even have to do any of the "heavy lifting", per se, of the terraforming process. Just a bit of time.

stellar winds*

Sure once life has evolved an immunity to sulfuric acid. You can start by ingesting it in small quantities and working your way up to higher amounts. In fact, a more efficient way is to find a mild concentration (around 30%) and ingest a single serving (8oz) with an empty stomach every morning. Then increase concentration by 5% ever week after that

tfw no stellar wins

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who knows, too busy baby sitting niggers and brown people

This one knows what he's talking about, but we'll probably try at colonizing Mars out of pure romance with the concept of terraforming.

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Neither is actually feasible with current technology, we're not even close.

Suck up all the Venus CO2 in giant space Zeppelins, then dump it into Mars' atmosphere. Two planets for the price of one.

Really, cooling down Venus would be the most difficult part. The near lack of rotation could be solved with solar mirrors and blockers.

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Venus is trickier than it looks. The easiest way to deal with the atmosphere is to literally blast it off with a large impact, but that's no guarantee of long-term success. Venusian geology is wildly different from what we see on Earth, and it's not unlikely the atmosphere it has right now would be reconstituted over time purely through volcanic emissions.

Yeah. Venus also lacks a magnetic field, so we'd have to drum one up *somehow*

They are both bad.

And the 90 atmospheres pressure at 872F?
Sounds like a real garden spot.
Mars is a distraction. It's bloody hard to get to mars, and for what? Dirt and Co2?
Start with industrializing the moon- He3 fusion power. With that, the entire Sol system becomes our bitch.

terraforming will never happen. allthe climate change twats would drag it out and make the whole exercise a waste of time

50km over the surface temperature and presssure are like here, and our air is a lifting gas.
You could literally live inside a giant Zeppelin and walk outside in just an oxygen mask.

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Name an eaiser planet to colonize than either antartica or the interier of Australia. No, nothing? Space is a meme kid. An old dream from the 50s

Red Mars, Blue Mars, Green Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Martian greens oppose Areoforming, war and hilarity ensues.

> At least as early as 1971[8] Soviet scientists have suggested that rather than attempting to colonize Venus' hostile surface, humans might attempt to colonize the Venerian atmosphere. Geoffrey A. Landis of NASA's Glenn Research Center has summarized the perceived difficulties in colonizing Venus as being merely from the assumption that a colony would need to be based on the surface of a planet:
> “However, viewed in a different way, the problem with Venus is merely that the ground level is too far below the one atmosphere level. At cloud-top level, Venus is the paradise planet.”
> Landis has proposed aerostat habitats followed by floating cities, based on the concept that breathable air (21:79 oxygen/nitrogen mixture) is a lifting gas in the dense carbon dioxide atmosphere, with over 60% of the lifting power that helium has on Earth.[9] In effect, a balloon full of human-breathable air would sustain itself and extra weight (such as a colony) in midair. At an altitude of 50 kilometres (31 mi) above the Venerian surface, the environment is the most Earth-like in the Solar System – a pressure of approximately 1 atm or 1000 hPa and temperatures in the 0 to 50 °C (273 to 323 K; 32 to 122 °F) range. Protection against cosmic radiation would be provided by the atmosphere above, with shielding mass equivalent to Earth's.[10]
> At the top of the clouds the wind speed on Venus reaches up to 95 m/s (340 km/h; 210 mph), circling the planet approximately every four Earth days in a phenomenon known as "super-rotation".[11] Colonies floating in this region could therefore have a much shorter day length by remaining untethered to the ground and moving with the atmosphere, compared to the usual 243 Earth days it takes for the planet to rotate. Allowing a colony to move freely would also reduce structural stress from the wind.

> four Earth days

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Magnetic field means less than shit. Atmosphere is what protects us from solar wind, and that erodes only on the scale of many millions of years.

>yes goys, stay on earth in the arms of the planetary monoculture! There's nothing worth doing anywhere else!

Lol have a you

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Yea lets just have the base drift uncontrollably in 200mph winds, great idea.

You'd rather fight against the wind? To stay over some random spot on the ground? Drifting with it is the easy option.

Same reasoning says that living in an apartment is easier than on 40 aces of land in the forest. True to an extent, but people still want the forest.

Will Space Nazism save the White Race?

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I'd rather not attempt to live on a balloon. There's not even really any advantage over a space station.

> leaving in American Matrix
> not knowing about glorious achievements of Soviet technology

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1) Ready supply of valuable carbon dioxide
2) No air pressure concerns
3) Protection from micrometeorites and cosmic rays
4) Pleasing view

1) Effectively bottomless pit into hell outside every window
2) No other cons

It would have been 2 billion years ago. Not now. There's no way humans will exist long enough to terraform something the size of Venus.



A. 91% of Earth’s gravity, basically no difference, so no detrimental health effects

B. Mars has pretty much no atmosphere, like 0.6% of our Earth atmosphere. Venus has a 90 bar atmosphere, and crucially it includes 2 bar nitrogen, some water and so much CO2, there is no problem to create a 79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen atmosphere with the available material.

C. Unlike Mars, the terraforming problem on Venus involves cooling, not heating. It is counterintuitive, but cooling is actually less a problem than heating - cooling simply requires blocking sunlight.

etc. Venus is pretty much our twin planet and we haven’t even found a better example of an Earth twin anywhere in the universe.

Triumph of Supreme Soviet

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>And the 90 atmospheres pressure at 872F?

It sounds counterintuitive that a 90 bar hot (“hot” in terms of our normal life thinking) atmosphere is less of a problem than a virtually non-existent atmosphere on Mars. But if you look closer it can be.

How do you create a 1 bar atmosphere on Mars? Heat up the Martian CO2 pole ice? Adds a little but you still are only at 4-5% Earth atmosphere. Unearth all the ground CO2 etc. under the Martian atmosphere? A massive feat, essentially a global mining operation... and you still may only get to 25%. So you need to get external material fro, asteroids and Moons... now we are talking massive sci fi.

Contrast that to Venus. You don’t even have to touch the Venutian atmosphere with tech. What you need is thin film solar shades in between the Sun and Venus. Impossible? The tech we have (a sun shade is just a very thin sheet)... it is a question of scale and manufacturing and getting it into place. And you can actually calculate the heat loss per second from the Venutian atmosphere if you block most or all of the sunlight hitting it. It cools down pretty fast to 30 degrees C. At that point it cannot go lower until the CO2 mostly liquifies, which it does pretty quickly (within 5-7 years).

In other words, we have the tech to get a Venus that is Earth temps with an atmosphere of about 7 bar (2 bar nitrogen, 4.5 bar CO2, 0.5 bar CO and some trace gases). That allows for surface colonies in doors and further terraforming. The next step (somewhat sci fi) is how to concentrate the liquified CO2 “oceans” in certain places (the poles) where they can freeze out and not return into the atmosphere again.

A huge advantage that you can go outside and have a shitload of gas around you to work with.

> uncontrollably in 200mph winds
That's at the equator, it's slower near the poles. Hindenburg had operational speeds of 84mph. That's enough to travel over the planet in a controlled manner by going north/south and moving in and out of the jet stream as needed.
I don't understand this obsession with control though, it's not like you are going to crash into something. Besides, this planet is named after the biggest slut ever, it's obvious that she's making the rules in this relationship, not you.

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>Hot as a blast furnace
>Ultra toxic atmosphere than would crush down on you with the weight of a semi truck
>Endless miles of volcanic hellscape
>Constant state of near total darkness
>Rains fucking sulfuric acid
Venus is the closest thing to hell we've ever seen

Mars is easier

#captain obvious

the surface of venus is a very difficult place to colonize no matter what you do to the atmosphere because of the length of a solar day on Venus
116.75 earth days

Based Kraut.

No, NASA has been telling you the lie that Mars is easier since 1970s, because they don't want you to know the real reason behind their interest in Mars (archaeology).
That's also why funding for Mars programs has always been a shitshow, basically there are groups who really don't want us to dig there.
Pic related is a natural formation goy, nothing to see here.

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Mars has more points in its favour as it doesnt require the entire planet to have its atmospheric conditions changed before its inhabited, and it has next to no water, which again Mars does, it could probably be done and has some things mars doesnt but is much further off from a technical standpoint, Mars could be inhabited right now, money is the largest issue.

It rains sulfuric acid you stupid fuck

Then start bottling it up and selling it to the colonists on the moon. They have a shitload of rocks and no acid to process them. One man's problem is another man's opportunity.

USA was on the moon without any doubts, space is 100% real,

because else i would have to rethink my whole world view and that would be too uncomfortable for me.

The good: it has better atmosphere, size
The bad: the atmosphere is toxic and acid

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i hear venus is the hot destination spot

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How do you get it back to space from the 450C + 90bar surface? Rockets do not work there, electronics do not work there either. Nasa and others are trying to do build electronics (transistors etc.) which would survive that temperature without cooling, but no success yet.

Venus has two feasible options: Either build a giant shade from asteroids at Venus L2 point (drag asteroids there and ground them to dust clouds, needs to be a permanent project) or build one million gas "mine" elevators, which are solar powered CO2-to-ice pumps which then eject the frozen CO2 to space.

Both processes takes approximately one million years to complete (Venus ground level pressure same as in Earth)

>How do you get it back to space from the 450C + 90bar surface
I don't, I stay /comfy/ in a balloon at 50km . All that sulfuric acid is in the clouds also, I scoop it, liquefy and sell to the moonies.
I use something like pic related to send shit up to space or bring it back.

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It's estimated we don't have enough resources in the entire solar system to build a megastructure of any kind (dyson sphere, ringworld, you name it).
I think terraforming is possible, we still don't know how yet. If we understood how gravity really work, we could find ways to control it and use it to build artificial atmospheres, then it would only be matter of planting trees and bacterias

Of course. For the emperor, brother

Orbital mirrors could cool the surface in 100 years or so.

In the long term yes, but it requires new terraforming techniques. Mars is more in fasion because we can actually plant the flag on the ground

it rains liquid diamonds, its air is sulfuric acid. Mars has nearly 0 atmosphere but its 10'00x more stable than that shit planet.

>Named after the biggest slut ever
The first zeppelin station should be called the Lana Rhoades. And it should be black. And veiny

Is this guy getting #metoo'd?

This is a great idea, kek. The feminists have already forced International Astronomical Union to have all terrain features on Venus named after women. I think Lana will git in nicely.

Yeah, Venus is just like that bipolar chick. The sex is great but she'll kill you if you make a wrong move.

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>Pic related

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That guy looks chinese :D

Ims ready to colonize dem white alien wombs

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>American Matrix

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If by metood you mean getting his crank squeezed.

>muh Isaac Arthur
best YT channel anyway

With infinite technology level yes.
With current or near tech fuck no.
Venus is hyper-pressure, hyper-temperature, hyper-corrosive atmosphere - and that's way harder to manage that the nearly non-existent and kinda cold atmosphere of Mars.
The only "good" point of Venus compared to Mars is the better gravity, which is a double-sided sword because it mean getting back from it is as hard as getting off Earth.

Only "current tech" possibility is literal blimp-carried cities, as the upper atmosphere is way more livable and still dense enough to make ballon stuff work even better than on Earth. But that's a bit too weird to get funding, and Mars would still be simpler anyway.

humans race will die on this planet, there will never be any planets colonized by humans. we're still using fecking _rockets_ to go into space...

... and what else do you want to use ?
Space elevator will never happen because any random aloha snackbar country could shoot it down.
Space guns throw way too many G for live cargo.

if humans are ever going to colonize planets that actually are suitable for living or explore space deeper, we gon need better technology than rockets.

Grab it by the pussy! This guy has got it wrong!

Rockets are great. In fact it is you who sucks.

I love how this is an "I" situation. You, bruh, dont do shit. You dream.

Literally impossible

I wonder if this guy knows they sent him to outer space for political reasons and not because hes a decent scientist

In other words... They sent him to space because hes black and not in spite of it