GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

No matter how much you hurt me, I will always be here for you.

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I always felt so lonely by your side.

I want you so bad but I know I can't have you

I'm so afraid of confrontation, that I've been wearing a fake wedding ring. Especially after losing weight, I don't know what to do anymore. This isnt healthy

I know we weren’t together and you haven’t really gone but the loss I feel is real. I felt so close to you for so long and I’m grateful for that. I love you, you’re my best friend. I miss you.

Heh, are you me?

I hate you so much, I want to cut you up and bury you in my backyard. But unlike other psychos, I have some what of a value when it comes to morals. I'll just keep dreaming about it.

Just for the record, I'm making sure that she will never get to raise him.

She isn't the mother and she didn't raise you properly so she's smoking crack if she thinks I'd ever be ok with sharing custody with you so she can raise him.


I lost my friend because I told her I liked her.

God Dammit

Nope but how are you dealing with it? Nothing feels right unless he’s around.

I feel like I've been an observer my entire life. Even as a kid I rarely had anyone around. I kind of had a couple of friends but I didn't really see them a lot outside of school. I didn't really have family around a lot either since they either lived far away or my parents weren't on good terms with them. No siblings either.

Now I'm 19 and I still feel like I don't know how to really connect with people. I have some acquaintances from school and shit, sure. But I've been this reclusive introvert for so long that having an actual friend (or even girlfriend, for that matter) seems like this weird, unknowable thing. I want to have friends but I'm not sure I can or even should at this point.

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Not particularly well to be honest. Mine is alive, but we aren't talking. I wish he would send a message. But idk... it might be for the better for both of us

ohhhh brother get me out of here

I don't care if he wants a divorce anymore. He's selfish in and out of bed, and withholds affection, and expects me to give give give of my spirit til I pass out. I'm going to stop giving, I need to protect myself. I've never "rebelled" against him before... I feel alive for the first time in a long time. Let come what may.
I'm so proud of you anons!

It is.
This is my religion.

Shit about to get real.

Read up on narcissist tactics. You might be facing them soon.

I have no idea why anyone would do this to someone. There is going to be no justification good enough. You might tell me it was for science, to save lives, or to set mankind on a better path but I will still say to you there has to be a better way. You don't do this shit to people.

That was Hitler's excuse for carrying out very inhumane experiments on the Jews.

To better that human race.

Sick fuck.

Everyone thinks they're the good guy.

I think you guys forget that I was gone for about 9 years. The kids went from 2 year olds to 12

During that time I purposefully tried to get away from them. Nothing personal, just don't like constant screaming and shit. Yeah I'm not going to raise a kid.

If you guys wanted me to be a parent then you shouldn't have tortured me, lied to me about literally everything, and shown me how incredibly fucked up, manipulative, and cuntish you can be. If you give me a kid I will have no idea if it's even mine or if you're flat out lying to me about it. Like, you guys can easily fake DNA tests, old photos, anything. Fuck, you could have even raped me in my sleep and did some fucked up artificial insemination. I know what you people are capable of. If you REALLY wanted me to have a kid then you should have given me a girl to pregger with and for me to see that damn thing grow inside and be born and shit.

And I won't believe people are dead even IF you show me their body. For all I know you found someone kinda looking like them from social media AI neural net searches, did a bunch of fucked up surgery on them to get them a little bit closer and then fucking killed them to be a dead body double.

You can all go fuck yourselves. No one ever even hinted at me having a kid, never messaged me about it, or did anything at all to tell me so if someone shows up one day all "SO YOU GOT ME PREGNANT!!!!!" I'll be all "Go fuck yourselves you fucking piece of shit cultish cunts"

If you're hurting innocent people, you're the bad guy. It's really fucking simple. If you are taking advantage of someone, taking away their freedoms, and they have done absolutely nothing fucking wrong... you're the bad guy.

That said, if you are the one defending innocent people from getting harmed by disgusting pieces of shit and you are forced to use force to do so... you're the good guy. It's SUPER SIMPLE.

If you're the kind of person that says shit like "SACRIFICES HAD TO BE MADE" when you yourself have never sacrificed fucking anything and when it's your turn to make a sacrifice you refuse...

It's amazing how they always talk about sacrifice until it's their turn.


if you guys try to pin these crimes on the chinese or russians you are asking for a new kind of hurt. No one is going to believe that, literally no one. They FOR SURE did just as fucked up shit as you fuckers but you assholes clearly aren't innocent. You have slaves, you torture people TO DEATH, you conduct illegal human experiments, and countless other atrocities. You treat human beings as numbers, you handle dead human children in bags like they are nothing. Those were fucking people. THEY WERE PEOPLE.

I picture you in a trailor park with a mullet or tail in the back and a huge water bong on your computer desk. White trash paranoia shit. Rebel flag flying in the front. Some serious inbred cousin shit. Am I right? You got a call from the Springer show?

No. I get it. I agree.

my genitals always think for me. and i do really stupid shit when i get horny. i get in a drunken state and don’t think through my actions and their consequences. i had become a prostitute for a short while for fun to quell my hunger for a short while. at the moment, i am completely celibate and abstained from reading hmanga. but i’m not sure i can really control it. what can i do to stop myself from getting aids? should i tie myself to the bed

wrong flag faggot

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Seeing you be physically comfortable with anyone but me kills me. I think this time I’ll let myself go, since you seem unable to. I can’t be like this anymore. I am sorry for the pain I’ll cause you.

Lol oh excuse me. Mistaken on the flag, just dead on the rest of the shit.

Leave me out of this, you fag
I did nothing wrong

I WILL have justice.

Ah but will justice have you?

That is the question.

Another skitzo thinking they're Hitler posting on Jow Forums

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

and what justice will you be having? Personal? A grudge? Did the people you want to hurt do anything wrong or did they just prevent you from doing wrong to others?

>did they just prevent you from doing wrong to others
Don't make me laugh

so yes?

You didn't answer anything.


I want to fuck. I want to fuck so bad. Tired of this deprived, frustrated state, this limbo, this arrested development, this not knowing... Tired of withering away my youth, my vitality, in isolation... my body cries out for it, needs it like air to breathe... I'm sick with desire... sick with desire, and at the same time I'm afraid that this sickness will pass, will go away like my youth is going away... and that I'll outlive my own libido like a spent match, without ever having known what another body feels like.

I want to know someone who understands... just say "I'm here" and I'll do the same for you... that's our sacred bond, our pavlovian pact, between two loving beings, for each other.
Fuck society, and its appearances... only standing in the way... only keeping true love away from us by the delusions it engenders... work, dress, hair, makeup, smile, I don't care about any of that shit... I've rejected society. I want to find someone else who's done the same... want to love each other infinitely, unconditionally... let our love be our refuge under the squall...

I'm sick with these dreams of love... I need it, I want it, I'm young and my body cries out for it, has made itself fecund for it, has bloomed for it, hurts, and aches with readiness and anticipation, for that sacred act... I don't care about the pragmatics of it, of what one should do to get it, in whatever socially viable channels... tinder, cold approaching ppl... commodified, petrified versions of the real thing, which can only exist between me and you... I'm sick for it... wont u help me

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ok boobookittyfuck

Luv ur pic

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They are known associates of an organization that kills, tortures, experiments, extorts, intimidates, and uses it's members to obtain an insane amount of power and influence purely so their own can benefit from all of this blood money.

Not a single one of you is innocent. You chose to be a part of this group. Just because you get payed to torture and fuck with people doesn't make it right.

>we were just following orders
>I needed to provide for my own
>I like shiny things
No excuses.

I will not join that fucking family. You're all shit fucking people.

There is a storm coming.

lol what yall talking about... it sounds fun lol...

Long story short, I'm in love with someone who will never feel the same way. It's the greatest pain I've felt in a long time.

Same. And getting away from them is imposible because I’m their best friend :’)

im just fucking tired of nothing ever going right

>Everyone thinks they're the good guy.

No, some of us simply don't care about being good little boys and girls, the pets of society. Here, take your cookie for your happy idealistic thoughts. It's all you get.

I feel this

I doubt that's why... there must be more to it

i proposed marriage when I was stressed through Facebook

spilled ALL the spaghetti

Why can you just show me a little bit of love? It doesn’t have to be romantic, just be sweet with me . It would make this a lot easier :(

I am VERY DISAPPOINTED that the media, the supposedly liberal media, is not covering YANG THE MAN and his amazing campaign for president. The first person to make me realize transit subsidies and universal basic income can be a REAL THING in America if people stop being dumb shits.

>good little boys and girls, the pets of society

Careful not to cut yourself with that edge bruv

As CHVRCHES once profoundly said, good intentions never good enough


I wIlL hAvE JuICe!
JuIcE iS jUsTiCe!

>universal basic income
Top degenerate


I must learn the tongue of my people

Giving up on smart girls is the best decision ive ever made in my life. I have never been more happy and loving of girls now that I've let go of the idea of wanting nerdy chicks. God is real and he loves me :)

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I have to discharge my mind. Maybe someone can give me some advice about my situation.

I met this girl in one of my classes. Had tons of fun with her in class over the semester. I finally asked her out at the end, and she said yes. And so we met up for coffee, walked and talked... I really felt such a connection to her. But unfortunately there's little chance of us continuing this. She's already leaving to go home now that finals are over, and she'll be abroad next semester. I won't even be able to see her again until the summer probably.

I'm going to try to get over her but there's no way I'll succeed. I'm already in a state of crippling depression, trying to imagine how different things could have been. Is there a chance of making this work somehow? It took oh so many years until I met a girl like this. How many more will it take until I meet another?

Should I keep in touch with her? keep texting her?

I forgot the question mark

Haha. That's not that bad. You'll be back to friends before you know it.

email and video chat

I resent you

Right on man
I started to hit the gym back around 09.
Best decision I ever made.

They might be a bit shallow and a lot dumb, but I love how they look up to me (more than literally ) to fix all their problems.
I dated smart girls in college and half the time we were together they used to complain about how I didn't do things right.
Fuck that.
Gratitude is better than respect

She's gone, bud. She's fucking gone.
I made that mistake in highschool. It doesn't work out. All it does is retard you from finding someone new.
Trust me, you'll always be second or third to her. She's pretty, she's in college. She wants to have fun while on campus.
Fucking gone bud

What for?

I'm not gonna make it. Fuck man, in fucking world do the bad guys win? This isn't right.

no u

Yes my guy so much stress is removed, from this decision.
I was under the impression that "If I have a deep intellectual connection with a woman," then I wouldve found true love. But you see I had high expectations and reality shows thats not the case. So I thought about it and , turns out its the hotter, dimmer ones are more fond of me.
Im no chad, but I enjoy interactions with "bimbos," than "cute nerdy girls," because they're more pleasant and the like me as a person. Im glad that you are working out again good luck!

no u more
I don't deserve this

well I got trips

what are u going thru?

Did I ever love someone?


i've been involved with too much shit with too many people in a certain community

its damaged the community, making them focused on the particulars and the next event

the personality sells when they're at their "prime" and i used them
but i don't feel anything for them, i feel more for the community

the community was never great, but it has been damaged

i can go back at any time without any repercussions, so can they, but it will always be a burden i carry

they wont find me
they don't know me

but my impact will be forever present as people try to replicate me

my vagueness is for my own safety

My response to receiving attention is unhealthy and indicative of deep-seated, irreversible damage but I’ll keep seeking it anyway because I am a sanguine whore whose chalice always runs dry

You were willing to risk your relationship for that?

H O P E I T W A S W O R T H I T.

I'm sorry that there are times where I doubt you and think incredibly negative things about you. I know you love me completely and one day you'll be my wife. I know that. I hate that there are parts of me that just have troubling trusting. I know your ex is loser, and I know you know he is too. We both know how much he hurt you. And I know completely cutting him out of your life isn't going to happen overnight given everything. And I know you have been cutting him out slowly, and that things are way better than when we started. So I believe you when you tell me you and I are better anything you've had before, and that I make you happier and fuck you better than anyone. I'm putting so much trust in you. It's not something I do for everyone. I only do it because I love you in ways I didn't know I could love another person. Please, please don't make me regret allowing myself to be this vulnerable

You need to visit more often, honey - you're always welcome. After seeing you once I can't stop thinking about you for the rest of the day (and those thoughts aren't innocent).

I tried get to that stage to but you didn't accept it.

I love her so much. The first time we hung out she laughed at something and gave me the most beautiful smile. She had the prettiest eyes. I hope she actually likes me this time, and I don't just have my hopes up.

Me too user, whats your story?

I have so much trouble with saying "I love you".
But tomorrow I'm going to tell my nephew that I love him. I've never said it some how.
I'm his second father. I shouldn't put my shit on him.
He's just 6 now. His mom is autistic. His dad, is fucked knows. I never see him.

But when he's with me, he should know that I love him. He already does. But I should say it. Saying it shouldn't be as hard as I feel it should be.

In the end, what’s truly fucked about my life is that I know I’ll never be happy. I know I’m going to keep reaching for the next best thing. Nothing is ever good enough, at least not for long. If I die will these feelings stop? I just want to fade away.

the thing is though...

if you were to build someone to be INCREDIBLY important to the entire human race and you were to have the ability to genetically engineer them to be a certain way (including giving them super human abilities) you would make damn sure you do everything you can to make sure they never get hurt, they never get sick, and you make them fucking immune to everything.

I might have those diseases by my body will regenerate. Any holes any illness may have given me will heal fully. Any illness I have is simulated, I cannot get sick. I can get aids, syphilis, anything, but my body will kill it or keep it contained.

What else do I need to do to convince you fucks that I am more than just a man, I'm super human. A god.

I wish you answered me. You could have asked me what I ment if you were confused about it. I really liked you really fucking fast, and that doesn’t happen to me often. I still think about what a fuck up I made. But it’s fine. You didn’t feel the same way about me.

I’m such an idiot.

Ask you what?
You know now I hate being put on the spot.

I’m sorry.

I wish the internet would crash for a week just to see what would ensue

How do you know they don't feel the same way?

Sorry about what?
Look if you wanted sum fuk, you could've been blunt with me and we could end it.

You didn't and here we are.
This body admittedly thirsted for you until you made it feel clear you didn't want that.

My friend told me they were avoiding me.
The girl of my dreams no longer responds.
I feel sick despite doing all the right shit health-wise. fucking passed out the other day.
The person I'm supposed to be working with doesn't communicate.
Hate life.
Depression worsening, motivation dying.
I wish people did me right, I'm trying to do them right though that doesn't seem to matter.
Please Z, talk to me.

So I made the right choice. Great. Thank you.

There wasn't much to be confused about, there was just nothing to respond to.

I lost a lot of my will to pursue anything after being stood up the one time I'd tried to make plans. Not a day early, not an hour early, but I get a message 20 minutes afterwards that you're doing something with somebody else, and couldn't be assed to to remember your commitments. "Hey, you should join us!". An afterthought.

So you tell me that you're the kind of person that doesn't do those things, somebody who's honest and straightforward. What precisely am I supposed to take from that?

I wasn’t doing something with someone else.

They left me hanging.

How so?

You’ll never know.

I hate myself for everything I've done but I feel like theres no way I can change. I feel like we can never have a normal relationship after what I've done.

Did they not call?

Apologize and start over unless you cheated on them.