Whew...fucking up America sure is hard work! Time for a little R & R!
Whew...fucking up America sure is hard work! Time for a little R & R!
what a coward
4 D C H E S S
based and lago pilled
stay mad kid
Better start learning Spanish kid.
What's wrong with this
Better start learning to code, shill.
Nothing. All that bending over backwards for Isreal can really take a lot out a guy. Glad he's getting some time to recharge the ol' batteries.
It’s 4d chess guyz!!! He’s totally da god emperor and he’s totes working for us. Don’t worry that wall will be up as soon as Hilary is behind bars. You’ll see.
He’s still da based god!! Haha based *holds up spork* I like to be rndm somtjmes lol we so based huh MAGA!!
Honestly at this point the only ones doing the shilling are the retards on the Trump Train. You're so far into the cult of personality that you'd get yourself circumcised if Trump told you to.
Nice job trying to spin Trump stomping your shit in with executive power, kike.
Why? Because he did exactly what we said he should do 3 weeks ago?
Trump's lawyers said the 'poison pills' schtick was a misinterpretation. Business as usual.
We said Trump should sign a bill basically giving amnesty?
I don't recall Trump mentioning adding an additional $200mil for Israel, granting amnesty for illegals, or settling on $1.3bil for 55 miles of steel slat fence that can be vetoed by local government.
It doesn't, you lying kike.
>giving amnesty
>still believing this shill meme
That's just not true. Don't believe what those niggers are telling you.
ROFL yes it does. Fucking read it you idiot kike
>I don't recall Trump mentioning adding an additional $200mil for Israel
That part is genuinely shit
>granting amnesty for illegals
A blatant lie.
>or settling on $1.3bil for 55 miles of steel slat fence that can be vetoed by local government.
He's not. He declared a national emergency which allows him to get 8 more billion to spend at his discretion. Even the 1.3 billion can't be "vetoed" by local government, the law only requires that the whitehouse "confer" with local government. What's more, the local government operates at the behest of the state government, and that state government is the texas state government.
I did. It offers protection to sponsors or potential sponsors of unattended children. You have to be a legal resident to even apply to be a sponsor. So that provision doesn't affect a single illegal immigrant.
Srsly... fuck us, eh?
Well , go have a vacation ShillAnon .
Yeah it’s looking like it. I had no idea the scope of this cult.. I thought they voted for him like I did, him b/c of what he campaigned on, not because of lol smugmemes. Fucking pathetic and surprising desu
>He's not. He declared a national emergency which allows him to get 8 more billion to spend at his discretion.
thats pure unadulterated wishful thinking right here
Thread full of discord TRANNIES, Sad! IN MANY SUCH CASES...!
No it's not. It's just how the fucking national emergency act works.
Jesus Christ it’s a mind ray. Their minds are gone. The man can do no wrong, they will defend anything and everything he does.
Drumpf didn't sign the bill. KEK.
If you're going to shill, at least fucking try to blend in
Literally not an argument. The bill does not provide amnesty, full stop. It was a misinterpretation, likely willfully on the part of disinfo shills, of a provision that protected a certain class of visa resident. There is not a line of text which provides protection for illegal immigrants of any sort over existing policy.
Also I literally criticized him for giving dosh to israel less than 5 minutes ago.
Everyone who is against trump is a discord tranny! Wahhhh! No one could possibly be over him! Must be shills!
>first few replies in shill threads are always some boring proxyfag talking to himself
it's all so tiresome
I thought you faggots wanted accelerationism?
No, just the ones that blatantly lie in order to concern troll. You're the same tranny niggers who threw a fit over syria last april, for example.
yeah there's no amnesty, the bill just makes it really really hard to deport the illegals already here, while increasing catch and release
and israel is getting it's 38 billion no matter what, but this bill increases that amount by a smidge and also makes sure a few billion goes to international health care and health care for the illegals.
>mfw a quarter of the posts itt are T3hwZggi
truly the best goy
It absolutely does. The bill offers protection not only for sponsors but for potential sponsors as well and specifically bars ICE from conducting legal status checks on these potential sponsors. So by signing this Trump both increased human trafficking and created millions of new, left-voting Americans.
ya thats exactly how it work you have to proof you invent the whole shit but it's EXACTLY how it work
let's meet in 2 month to see how you're right
maybe you'll ready to hear the truth about who control your government with a 5th column of dual citizen
Trump is such a disgusting rat, he has the balls to actually relax while he just finished telling his most loyal supporters to fuck off. He’s everything wrong with jewish consumerism. I hope he suffers badly in 2020.
Man I hope you’re trolling and not this fucking stupid. He’s failed and deep down you know it.
Like most things, we'll see how it shakes out
Jesus he really doesn’t wanna get elected again does he. I almost feel bad for all the people who gave this man their support.
I bet his batteries are gonna be drained all over melania
>the bill just makes it really really hard to deport the illegals already here,
> while increasing catch and release
This WAS part of the bill, but was removed before being passed by congress. In fact, the number of detainment beds was moderately increased
>but for potential sponsors
Illegals are not potential sponsors.
No, he did exactly what I said he would and should do 3 weeks ago, which was to use a national emergency to get the funds that congress would not give him.
This isn't going to work, Chaim.
Definitely am not that at all. I don’t give a flying fuck about Syria. I don’t care if we pull out of there or bomb it to hell and back. Literally couldn’t care any less than I do right now.
I care about the wall though. And I care about seeing the clintons finally get investigated and locked up. But I know I was naive to think we’d get either.
>The SENATE put 1.6b into the December bill
>The HOUSE stripped it out in reconciliation
>THAT was the bill they sent Trump
>Trump told them to get fucked
>Pelosi said "not one dollar"
>New bill has more than one dollar
>New bill had veto-proof margins
>Poison pill shit in new bill applies only to that money appropriated
>Trump can still move other existing appropriations around as CiC
>National Emergency will pass SCOTUS
>Wall STILL being built as we speak
>Some landowners on border have been volunteering to let their land get used
There are dozens of this thread on pol tonight. (((Somebody))) is scared and in full shill mode.
>Illegals are not potential sponsors
Now they are. This bill prohibits ICE from checking the legal status of a sponsor and protects illegals willing to take an unaccompanied child into their home.
Why would the Jews be shilling against Trump when he just gave them yet another $200mil on top of the $38bil?
Baste and MIGA pilled!
throwing billions of dollars to foreign countries and making it illegal to criticize that, is putting AMERICA FIRST. If i'm going to throw billions of dollars away we might as well have it go to foreigners, right? america first, MIGA
Its a boomer or a fat idiot retard.
Trump shit on us all acceleration is the best option or vote for young dem women and andrew yang to shake the system.
>Now they are.
>This bill prohibits ICE from checking the legal status of a sponsor
If they're illegal, they can't be a fucking sponsor or a potential sponsor. You can't apply to be a sponsor if you yourself are not a legal resident. All the bill does it make it so that ICE can't look at the criminal record of existing sponsors and applicants.
>Oy vey! The goyim are finding out their president is nothing but our puppet! Quick make fake discord screenshots and call anybody who actually gives criticism a shill, moshe!
> A leaf trying to lecture us on how American politics work
Go back to your bong and dog leaf
way to troll that libtard, fellow migapede
>just give up and vote for a socialist goyim
Kikes are not a monolith. To an athiest kike in the bay area, 40 billion dollars to israel means nothing, the browning of america is what matters to them
As I've said, Trump's obsession with Israel is fucking retarded, that doesn't mean that using a national emergency to build a border wall isn't a good thing, nor does it mean that this spending bill grants amnesty, it doesn't.
I'm not trolling, I'm just explaining why he's fucking wrong.
Kys newfag from r/Jow Forums
>someone cares about 200 million when youre already over the 38 billion
I don't get why shills keep repeating this 200 mil number like it's gonna completely change people's opinion.
The bill was mostly bullshit
>mayor's can veto the wall in their area
>legal protection for sponsors of illegals
>almost all funds can only be used on repairs
>funds specifically used for a fence, not a wall
>huge foreign aid additions
National emergency is good but the bill still fucked us.
you're right, liberal reform jews like chuck schumer would NEVER use the government to benefit a foreign country he shares ethnicity with, that's preposterous. MIGA
>Go back to your bong and dog leaf
if it make you feel any better for being a lazy coward so be it
The question was "why would the jews shill", not chcuk shumer specifically, you fucking retard.
#notallJews, fellow MIGAPEDES like you and I should start a tweeter hashtag and get it trending, am i right? there are BASED nationalist jews that are fighting alongside us to MIGA
>mayor's can veto the wall in their area
No they can't. The white house just has to "confer" with them. Explicit consent by the local government is not required. Even if it were, the texas state government can just force them to comply. And this only applies to the 1.3 billion dollars which are part of the congressional spending bill, the rest of the money can be spent on wall construction without such restrictions.
>legal protection for sponsors of illegals
Illegal children. Essentially it's just there to allow visa workers to bring their kids over from spicland and not lose their visa. It actually doesn't even provide protection against deportation of the child themselves.
>almost all funds can only be used on repairs
sucks, but not an issue with national emergency.
>huge foreign aid additions
No getting past this, but what can you do? Kill your senator I guess. In minecraft
All jews are bad but they don't work as a block is my point, you dipshit. Trump's New York jews are orthodox neocon zionist shitheads, which are on many issues in conflict with the "conservative"/athiest west coast jews that are hedonistic globalist communists.
He really just bent down to the jewish overlords didn't he
Nope, he fucked them in the ass with the national emergency act.
Funny, when I go to thehill.com and look for the article, it's not there! And the link... Not provided? What does this mean???
Mockery or not I like the idea of God Emperor Trump beating the fuck outta Mexicans like he's fucking John Wick
Are you a fucking bot?
0/10 low test
Melania always looks so cool
>(((They))) live in a world where Trump signed a bill
I swear to god these past couple days have been a shift in timelines
>makes himself look like an idiot
>accuses others of being a bot
wew, time to grow up, fag. we all gave zion don the benefit of the doubt for a long time, but it's over, snap out of it and move on
I called you a bot because your post didn't make any fucking sense. Why did you just type >block?
God damn you really are a bot aren't. You. Let's see if you can do a trick: what is my name?
it's a voting bloc not block you caved in head underage faggot. don't call other people stupid when your own idiocy is literally spelled out for you and you still don't fucking get it. if you're going to run your gullible magapede retard mouth around here use a memeflag instead of making us look worse by being illerate jhc
>y-you must be a bot
shut the fuck up, and go back to PTG and fucking stay there
I wasn't talking about voting blocs you dipshit, just the whole of jewry. And how the fuck am I the gullible one when you're the one parroting debunked lies about amnesty in the spending bill?
Wow, what an amazing thread.
This thread is in no way a candidate for reporting for being low-quality shitposting.
This. Doesn't look like he signed it before leaving.i guess he forgot kek
a bloc is a group of people united by a common interest; it doesn't have to be specifically a voting bloc but that's just how most people are familiar with the word. you used the word bloc but spelled it like a block of wood, my god you're still trying to defend yourself here.
no wonder this country is fucking dying. repeat this to yourself, so you remember. Voting will not get us out of this mess. I don't care if zion don tells you to trust the plan, stop making excuses for him, he isn't who you thought he was.
*nothing personal kid*
"a group of things considered together, or an amount of something"
>Voting will not get us out of this mess.
>Just stay home goyim
I'm done with you, kike
This would be less funny if he hadn’t spent so much time mocking Obama’s much less frequent, much less costly trips.
There's a lot of fake news and shilling going on about this shit. The congress's own bill tracking site says this thing was never signed.
spot of emergency golf anyone? Saying that, speed golf should be a thing
here ya go dummy
>just wait guys
>don't pressure anyone for proof
>just a couple more years, we promise
Stop spreading this retarded shit. The bill wasn't submitted until 9pm. Sometime it doesn't update until the following day.