No one likes pink penis Jow Forums, times up white boy

Since the age of wokeness began its became common for girls to hate white boys, so much so that the rates of white male inceldom is sky rocketing. What’s it like being unwanted white boys of Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the incels are mutts and quadroons that all want White people


Most Whites are cut because the Jews subverted our society. This woman obviously has never been with a White man, because we have actual standards.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

“A celebration of the jewish people”:

Attached: jew_covers_.jpg (1781x726, 506K)

well all girls that i have been with have liked my pink uncut cock, but you use a memeflag so that means you must be right!

עou're just jealous

While pink might not have been the best possible color we could have gotten for our dicks, it certainly beats what every other race got.

my cock is like a red color

Care to explain jealous of???

she have nice dick sucking lips

Better check עour input mode, fellow American

>Most Whites are cut

no, thats only in the USA


>implying some random thot's opinion matters

that's an asian bitch with contacts and yes apparently they love the white dick.

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Attached: E3139105-B1C3-4953-8EA8-DBEB9290F766.jpg (421x552, 65K)

The image is of a women saying she likes white boys. Yet your thread is unrelated. What the fuck is this thread even?

Read the full quote

Shit skin females are almost universally unfuckable. Boring thots that are lazy in bed. Any shit skin that tries to cast whites as "ugly" is merely projecting.

>cut nigger dick is the ideal
lmao at americans

Can someone translate this from braindead American into standard Bong for me?

Wat???Wtf is a lipless ass?

>some negress mutt says she doesn't like white guys
>even though questionnaires consistently whites to be most favored.

Oh no no no Jow Forums. Eternally btfo.

except most incels aren't white and if you go on braincels or you will find them crying about the evil white male stealing non white women

an ass that wasn't prolapsed like a proper black woman ass.

My gawd, look at her fucking fake fat lips

Mine was cut when I was little but grew to a pretty impressive size. It's also more like beige than pink. Literally every girl I had became obsessed with feeling it go in because "the pain just makes it better", and there are quite a few on that list who had lots of dick. Sadly my sex drive really is very low and I probably don't get as much out of the act as most uncut men would. It is a frustrating thing to think about. If it's already good now, how much better could it be? Questions over questions.

This is some kind of joke right?


I don't know. You tell me.

What did he mean by this


Is she a kike? If so this is blatant racism

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lol at the NPC memes

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Attached: white roasties amirite.jpg (360x640, 53K)

Don't forget to sage anons! :-)

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Women who talk like that should be forced to move to Africa and never to return.
Get all the black cock you want there and learn to fend for yourself far away from any bad pink men.

That disgusting mystery meat whore won't be sampling my fine white dong, that's for sure. I'd sooner put it in a blender.


Wow it only took you about a dozen threads to slightly change the text of your OP

Bitches talk like this on twitter for multiculti SJW points, then they go looking for white cock IRL anyway. In fact, it's usually from being spurned by a hot white guy that turns a bitch this sour in the first place.

I don't think she is being sarcastic here.
OP is a faggot as always.

>I'd sooner put it in a blender.
Yo Donny, I shit in a blender then put my dick in it, how stupid do you feel now huh little donny dum dum !

What did she mean then, I’m autismo for real

>What’s it like being unwanted white boys
I think you have your meme's confused again as this one like...kills your bullshit propaganda.
I seen you kikes do this several times now.

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Ok seriously what did Pic related mean. I don’t get it

i need more like this

Attached: 1549836647641.jpg (1518x1334, 966K)

Does she kiss her mother with that filthy mouth? If that was my child, I would consider myself a failure. Utter filth.

She wants whitebois to fuck her raw
also see same mentality

She wants to get fucked by uncut White cock. Nothing to concern yourself with, Mohammed

A nice white cock vs a brown shit colored cock.

The choice is obvious.

Guarantee she'd kill to have a white cock slapping her round the face.

Only Jews, Muslims and mutts are cut.
White people aren't.

I'm a brown boy and I love schlurping the cute white pee pee

>Most Whites are cut
nah that's only your cunt problem boi

>t. Mutilated penis

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>most whites are cut

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This account is a nog desperately coping with his big ugly flesh lips. And mad that he sees white guys getting more attention than him

Ahmed why are you here and not fucking British women?

>t. Jew worshipper


If your dick is cut can you even feel sensation during sex or is it just numb?

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You mean only american retards let the kike snip their tip

It's just numb which is why Americans and Jews are so frustrated all the time. If you're cut you would have gone to the gas chambers, as it should be

>Unseasoned cracker ass
Do shitskins season their arses?
