>read Adam Lanza’s 113 page mental health report
>read the 400+ page Parkland report
>read Heather Heyer’s autopsy report
>read Stephen Paddock’s autopsy report
>come on Jow Forums after a few days
>literal dick pics, porn, much racism, muh women, and twitter posts
>go on 8pol
>same thing
>go on voat
>same thing

Where the FUCK do I go now? Where do I talk about the fact that all the mass murderers were on the same antipsychotic drugs, or that Heather died from a heart attack because she weighed 330 pounds?
Don’t get me started on putting the word “happening” in the subject lines for literal NOTHINGBURGERS

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Other urls found in this thread:

bop.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/bop.nv.gov/content/board/ALL/2018_Meetings/4. October 2018 Discipline.updated10.3.2018.pdf

op doesn't know what ahi is

Cruz tips purposely ignored by the FBI a month before the shooting

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>Where the FUCK do I go now?
Whichever country is first to openly declare itself a white ethnostate, free from jewry.

Just relent to the fact that we’re on our decline and nothing g you read/know ca save you. Take care of yourself, insulate yourself financially and with viable tools for survival, and that’s all you need.

Stephen Paddock died the next day

Forgot pic

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Yeah we know. Mods are pedophiles who prune happenings all the time. I got banned for a month for exposing that the parkland kids were literally fake people and they don't have official records. Half of them still don't even have exact birthdays or even year of birth in any of their bios a year later.

checked for truth
this board has gone to shit
its not even funny anymore

Most intelligent people just leave the circle jerk instead of fighting it in vain. Then it just feeds on itself. Not really a medium anymore of intelligent dialogue unless it’s private or a heavily moderated forum.

You've got to talk to your fellow rabbis about that and their tranny and glo nigger pets.

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Heather had serious heart problems and had cysts on her ovaries

Forgot pic again

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The Parkland officers let it happen on purpose...?
Does anyone care about anything anymore

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There are so many shill teams(hasbara, antifa, jidf, college students directed by a professor, paid shills for the dnc, paid shills by the trump team, random discord trannies) working here that starting or maintaining anythread without there support is almost impossible. The only way to stay on the front page to have 1 or more shill teams working in tandem.

Twitter is useless, they have banned millions of people. Facebook has such strict filters that you can not even type out any original thought that is 100% kosher without a 30 day band and most of the forums are absolute garbage.

There are a lot of people spending a loit of money to ensure that people with an iq above 120 that aren't completely on-board with the zio-homo-globo agenda have no place to talk or exchange ideas.

Every time you get banned, shadow banned or shilled out of relevence buy another box of ammo and/or another rifle. If that habit caught on we would all be in a much better position.

pic related: I am a law-abiding citizen who strives to be a good boy who dindu nuffin. pls no bully fbi

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Heather Heyer’s BMI was
Which is TWENTY POINTS above the highest level of obesity possible, Class III

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What do you want me to do about it?

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Good post will bulli soon jkjk

Adam lanza didn't exist, retard. He was not a real person.


The Heather Heyer autopsy was fake.

Disagree. There’s enough emails and psych records over the course of ten years I sifted through to prove you wrong. However, I do think he was drugged against his will for malicious reasons.

They realized the power of uncensored Internet and the role it had in 2016 elections. They will never allow it again.
Remember that true free speech is (((their))) biggest enemy.

>There’s enough emails and psych records over the course of ten years I sifted through to prove you wrong
No there isn't. Those are fake.

what medication

Feel ya brother. 2020 is their unmask year. Hell on Earth. Bring it.

There was no reason to fake her autopsy retard. It tells you the truth but assumes most people don’t know the medical terminology

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Freedom in all forms is (((their))) biggest enemy. Psychopathic control freaks overdosed on their belief in their own racial supremacy, screaming racism at whites because they fear us.

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The autopsy indicates she was hit by the car, which we know for a fact did not happen. It's fake, retard. Just like Adam Lanza's records are fake, retard.

Why would there be thousands of them?Have you even seen them?
Guess how I know you’re a shill?
I’m one of the only few people with access to all his communications, not just snippets. You don’t have access, and you haven’t seen them. Get out you scum

>Why would there be thousands of them?
Because hoaxing an entire human life requires it.

The autopsy indicates she died from a heart attack because of the alarming situation. She had a BMI of 66.7. Did you even read it? You have no idea what you’re taking about, please leave

One sec


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Also note as I’m posting these: a pharmacist was sued for looking at his medical record to see what he was prescribed to, I’ll post that too

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>The autopsy indicates she died from a heart attack because of the alarming situation
No, it doesn't.

Stop arguing and link the autopsy you spergs.


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If you don’t know a medical term, just look it up. Her injuries should have been fatal but she had fat deposits in her heart


Whistleblower pharmacist who go sued
bop.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/bop.nv.gov/content/board/ALL/2018_Meetings/4. October 2018 Discipline.updated10.3.2018.pdf

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It literally says her aorta was cut in half, retard. That doesn't happen from a heart attack, and it is definitely fatal. Also says she had a broken femur, which does not happen from a heart attack. It's a fake autopsy, to corroborate the blunt force trauma story.

If you have sex with a girl with those 3 drugs in her system it would be rape because she is not about to comprehend the consequences of her actions. But when a mixed-race kid shoots up a school on those 3 drugs everyone agrees the problem is a MAGA hat and white supremacy

>not able to comprehend*

>SSRIs and murder/suicide
It is well known that giving said medication to teens is quite dangerous. Even the manufacturer knows this. You can look at the insert of any given manufacturer, it is all there in black and white

>>This new

Interesting, in Adam Lanza’s report it states they found skin particulars in his pockets and when they studied what they found it turned out to be chimp DNA. Wtf was Adam doing in his free time? Yikes

could have been part of a new medication study in some fucking spook lab.
Chimps are part of some drug trials.

They let Lanza pet a few chimps before they released him into the wild

The trannies are the Rabbis. The Abrahamic religions are all tranny cults. The Hexagram and Cross are transsexual symbols. Star and Crescent probably to do with castration.

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The fact that a drug that is sold exclusively to treat "depression" has a side effect of increased thoughts of suicide and murder is absolutely insane. Sometimes I can't even find the words to express my anger. How did the FDA approve this drug with the knowledge that more patients will kill themselves or others if they take it?
Why do I have to go to "conspiracy sites" to learn what I already know? The uptick in suicides, and mass shooting correlates precisely with the increased amount of prescriptions for SSRIs and benzodiazepines.

The mass media has no problem taking a mass shooting and somehow tying it back to a MAGA hat or an edgy podcast, but they are completely unwilling to make the only connection between all mass-shooters, SSRI prescriptions, despite the link being scientifically proven and advertised on every magazine ad and attached data on every prescription bottle ever sold.

>330 pounds

Scottish Rite op confirmed.

You ain't whistling Dixie. I worked in the field of psychiatry for a very long time, witnessed the trend in "quick approval" and mass distribution of these drugs.
The reality is that big pharma uses them as blunt instruments to tackle the "epidemic" of population discontent.
Doctors don't even know what they are giving to their patients. The meds themselves work on chemical pathways, they are not very precise medications.

Think about it this way....depression is like a busted dam. Once it goes (depression) a flood takes place. SSRIs is like throwing large boulders in the river along its course in order to attempt to slow down the flow.

Furthermore...in order to speed up approval, governments allow said companies to do something VERY unethical...they are allowed to do their own "safety studies".

SSRIs is like using an AR-15 to kill a mosquito.

To aggravate the problem: let us say you are having a shitty life: bad job, stressful environment, money problems and you end up going to see a psychologist....he will refer you to a psychiatrist who is just a pill dealer. The psychiatrist won't talk to you or make you feel better, no, he will medicate you then send you to a psychologist ever so often in an attempt to make you shut the fuck up and get on with your life.

it is jew quackery at its finest

The problems are artificial. People are alienated from their community after 50 years of propaganda that friends and family are lame, that their job means nothing, that white people are uniquely evil and they have nothing to be proud of. When normal people finally hit the breaking point big pharma steps in: we have some pills that will make you not kill yourself and other people(unless you are in the 10% of people that are drastically more likely to kill yourself or other people).
When these people finally snap after decades of being told that whites are mass murders, and being fed a cocktail of drugs that make them both more prone to hypnotic suggestion and less cognizant of consequences of their actions the narrative focuses on only 2 possible causes: feelings of white identity(which have been drilled into them by the same media since birth) or the availability of guns(which has been the norm in white America since the Declaration of Independence). Mass shootings and murder suicides are a 50 year trend and they only want to tackle a 250 year constant.

But when you are 2% of the population with 100% of control of the media and the legislature I guess it is sensible that an armed populace might make you nervous.

What percentage of serial and mass killers are fellow White people?

the shills are so fucking annoying...

they're spooked due to their imminent extermination - yes, death is wasteful, but the shills are too annoying to be allowed to exist and taint the universe

Take the White Pill user. Technology always increases the power of individuals versus groups, and has ever since the pointy stick.

Today 3D printing allows an individual to create personal goods that can prevent groups of armed assailants from getting close enough to project power.

Sure, airstrikes, tanks, and things are harder to prevent, but armed thugs are obsolete.

You don't need to redpill anyone, recruit anyone, or lead a revolution in the streets wearing yellow vests.

You just need to be free, and if you find folks that want to be free too, share this information with them.

Don't go back to the bad old, obsolete world. Go forward into the new dawn of personal liberty, prosperity, and the entire universe becoming our new playground.

Post anything you want on Steemit. Flaggots can be a nuisance, but they can't delete your posts, which are stored on a decentralized blockchain hosted on literally hundreds of servers run by individual people, not a corporation with total control.

This but unironically

Hey idiot, it does not “literally” say that you mong
Only the outer sections were grazed, it never cut through and ounctured

Nothingburgers umnumnymnumbunnymnum

that is cool and all but the objective is to go more mainstream, not more underground.

Yo let’s sue the FDA

>Body Heat: Ambient

Aortic dissection can be caused by hypertensive crisis which i wouldnt rule out

Proof that you are an actual shill. It NEVER said it was cut in half

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>not posting the obvious ITT

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I meant to say *shouldn't. According to how her injuries were described, if she were a healthy weight/had a healthy heart, she had a 90% chance of surviving with medical treatmeant. She died thirty minutes after getting to the hospital, so her aorta wasn’t “literally cut in half” like the other user was saying.

When you have information that will be censored, it's a useful thing to be able to post it where it cannot be deleted and link to it.

Dtube, Vimm, and other apps are also using this same blockchain, and Goolag can't censor them like it does Youtube.

Rumsfeld said 'You go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had.'

Wat da fuk

uh yea. wut da fuk?

High IQ post desu
This board has been shilled to death, right into the ground...six feet under

Also, can a med user answer: why do they pull head AND pubic hairs for autopsies?

What do we have here?

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Broseph.. is this telling me that two Lanzas were ruled out as suspects and the actual DNA hit was found in a New York database???

there was threads all about that when it happened, everyone knows it was glow niggers already
everyone knows this was glow niggers too

everyone knows every single fucking thing is the glowniggers AND we can prove it but it does nothing it seems

It is saying neither of the Lanzas DNA was found and that they ran the DNA through the national database and obtained a match from a NY convict.

Has anyone tried searching the number for the hit?

>4. The results are consistent with Nancy Lanza (item #1 3-S2) being the mother of
"Adam Lanza" (submission #14). TTie expected frequency of females who could be the mother
of "Adam Lanza" is approximately 1 in 530,000 in the African American population,
approximately 1 in 37,000 in the Caucasian population, and approximately 1 in 53,000 in the
Hispanic population.

Was Lanza a nigger or were these numbers higher when compared to a random white woman?



Reality doesn’t matter anymore, they have overridden it
Time for debate has passed
You will never reach audience they do
Search Obama smith mundt 2012
Domestic propaganda has been legal since 2012
Search navy persona software
Tools exist to drown all debate EVERYWHERE
Search thispersondoesnotexist.com
They can just manufacture identities and faces endlessly
Truth is suffocating and only thing that matters now is who can manufacture brainwashed army to do their bidding
false flag practice in third world is complete
USA is being dragged onto sacrificial altar
The world is hijacked by organ harvesters who thrive in civil war and lawlessness and we MUST be destroyed

But her autopsy report fails to mention the surface bruising and abrasions that are typical of being hit by a car. IOW, she wasn’t hit by a car.

Thanks for the demoralization.

I don't care.

This one doesn't look right

Attached: www.thispersondoesnotexist.com.jpg (1024x1024, 397K)

They’re a little off, but shrink down to a thumbnail avatar for twitter etc and no one can tell

None of those seem to be working for you. How about going back where you came from?

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I've been here for around 4 years, and the place has changed for the worst, especially in the past year.
When there's a genuine happening or a rolling sticky the oldfags come out again, and it seems more like the Jow Forums I used to know.
Only Kek himself can save us now.

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Take the pain

Chronic use of benzos can screw you up for many months by distorting functional neural pathways that will need to be relearned to fix.

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>Circumcised: NA

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And millions of people are getting these prescriptions and not one person is taught that psychological therapy. The outcome is obvious, more suicides, more mass shootings, more overdoses.

>They will never allow it again.
What are they going to do to stop it? What can they attempt doing today that they didn't already try back in 2016/

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>How did the FDA approve this drug with the knowledge that more patients will kill themselves or others if they take it?


She died because Antifa "street medics" crushed her chest while pretending to perform CPR. That's what caused the "heart attack".

how the fuck do you glue a door shut?


epoxy can be almost as strong as steel once it cures

OP, I just checked the tax filings for "Heather Heyer Foundation" EiN 82-2554042

Received 116k in donations.
Expended 16k on legal, media and travel expenses.
Granted $0 in scholarships.

100k sitting idle, no tax filings since 2017.

Follow the money.

>le 3d printed gun meme

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