Isnt it funny how incredibly scared right wingers are about immigrants stealing their jobs?

Isnt it funny how incredibly scared right wingers are about immigrants stealing their jobs?

if youre worried about losing your job then my response is simply "get better at what you do".

kinda sad you dont think you can compete in the free market against supposed "subhumans"

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amerisharts are too stupid and lose jobs to mexicans! lmao! sad!

It's not a competition, though. It's corporations willingly hiring lower IQ workers in an attempt to better control their workforce.

>Under the table undercutting
>"free" market

And open borders increase GDP. And why would that be good and beneficial for any citizen of that country that's not in the top 1%?

the 1980s called, they want your liberal talking points back.

It's not about them "stealing" our jobs. It's about them undercutting Americans' salaries by working for such shit wages in such huge numbers that they make entire fields of work just not worth entering anymore.


got a source for that?

umm buddy you got a source for that?

not an argument


Isn't it funny how leftists always forget the word "illegal" when referring to unlawful immigrants being paid unlawful under-the-table wages?

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It’s not because they’re better at what they do dumbfuck it’s because they’re cheaper to hire

But you knew this already schlomo

Also (((free market))) is jewish

become more skilled then.

seems to me right wingers are just scared of competition.

sorry cletus but its 2019, learn to code. the american economy doesnt need coal miners anymore.


why would they be cheaper to hire?

Learn to code nigger.

Isn't it funny how the left has taken as one of their planks systematically breaking the workers with international scab labor?

A true free market would allow the US worker's unions to purchase nukes and glass all third world shitheaps

Jobs Americans wont do. Translate. Jobs white people don't have to do. Have at it.

>we're the worker's party
>we're the middle class's party.

No you're the fuckin' nigger party, Enemy, die.

>He doesn't know about affirmative action.


It's not a question of quality. The immigrant is likely to do work that commands such-and-such a wage at lower pay due to not being taxed as much, thus undercutting the overall standard of living available to most of the population, and possibly receiving benefits paid for with tax money. This goes doubly for illegals who don't pay taxes at all but can still apparently apply for benefits in certain countries. That creates the perverse situation of the native worker paying his replacement extra to work cheaper and replace him at his task, translating into large-scale robbery unto the younger generations of the native population with the "side" effect of cultivating benefit-dependent mass-breeder cultures that will support the policies of whoever grants them their welfare bucks. We're already at the point where many of the low-level jobs that would traditionally have been considered "entry-level" are being automated or outsourced. All that fake concern for darkies from shithole countries has as such only brought back a slightly updated slave trade across the globe. Kikes like Occasional-Cortex of course see no problem with this, being an entire culture of slavers, but if there is yet any good in Man we'll see the day where you are dragged out of your synagogues, your yentas' wombs fed to feral hogs and your carcasses ground up to fertilise fields - I'd even let a Mexican pull the plough.

Now go hug your family, Schlomo, because I won't rest until all of America knows what you've done to them.

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What about the many (MANY) unskilled Americans who are not smart enough to retrain for a better job and are seeing their wages decrease as a result of increased competition from 3rd worlders who'll work for peanuts because
>anything is better than Mexico

Do you have no compassion for the lower working class Americans who are suffering?

Remember, white people of the free world: You fought your own blood to protect them, you put your faith in them, and all it did was let the vermin loot you blind with the support of traitorous elites among your own. Stick to your guns, God willing you shall have revenge by them. 38 billion to pay for a wall they can't spare you five for, and in a different land? Where is your fury?

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>just become smarter
>learn to code lol

If you didn't have such a sheltered (science denying) liberal view of the world you'd realize it's basically impossible for a large portion of the population to simply "become skilled" - they aren't smart enough.

Stealing jobs? You mean destroying jobs?

Im a humanist.

My compassion is not limited to the people who were randomly born within an imaginary set of lines drawn by old musty white dudes 300 years ago

>old musty white dudes
It's war my friends. Read the history books, study the battles, pay close attention to what you read. Ethnic lines are what divisions fall along, nothing else. A nation is its people. Let them go back to eating bugs, we will rebuild with what is left.

My job is to dispose of the traitors

Explain how people are randomly born, does the stork play darts with where he's going to drop off those kids?

You're compassion is not only not limited to them - you have zero compassion for them at all.
(which just shows how hypocritical you are)

>Im a humanist.
Satanic Jew detected

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>Hey anons, check out my multiple threads about immigration with my faggot donkey flag and pictures of hideous brown women! Mmmm hmmm! The only thing I like more than shitskins is a big cock in my ass! Debate me!

Fuck off nigger

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That isn't even what that means. It means less jobs will be available to natural born americans. And I'm going to assume by immigrants you mean people who will benefit from affirmative action and diversity hiring quota. So, yeah, they may have a point.

No sub-90 IQ manlette will ever be a threat to me.

>lmao bro just get good
>what, dont wanna compete with Pablo who will do a job that should pay $25/hour for $10/hour?
>dont wanna raise a family like that eh?
>will if you havent noticed Pablo and his 5 kids are are doing just fine using the public school system (that your kids go to) and welfare that the white man paid for

How about you fucking kill yourself you low IQ shill git gud

you can't compete with free labor, they occupy jobs and displace natives, they do subpar work usually (with some exceptions)

and they send all the money overseas, they aren't saving up to build a life in the west which would cost far more than 3rd world countries

I guess we should keep letting corporations use underpaid Mexicans and other illegals to work in kitchens, cut lanws, work in fields and allow outsourcing for basic jobs, it totally won't worsen income inequality the Left whines about all the time.

>Of course automation steals jobs, buy maybe if a machines steals your job, you're shit

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>if you're worried about losing your job then my response is simply "get better at what you do".
Canadian who lived in Texas here.
when I went down to live in Texas I was amazed at how all the jobs students do here in the summers, to earn money for university, etc., were all being done by what seemed older Mexican men. Maybe South or Central American?
I thought, how do Texans students pay for university?

I still don't know.

>go to shopping center
>every fucking menial job , trolly collector, cleaner, building services is a middle aged pajeet or mystery meat brown
>shit teir immigrants trying to make living on jobs intended as stepping stones for teens/young adults or low IQ natives.
>not a problem


>le 100th AOC thread
>le reddit spacing
>le democrat flag
>le sage

Federal loans that they can't pay for and will build interest for years.
But yeah, many whine about recent generations having no work ethic. Of course they don't have it when the same people complaining will hire a gardener over the neighbor kid or companies can't hire teens for a paper route because they're not old enough.

>my response is simply "get better at what you do".
You mean get cheaper.

Everyone who makes this argument thinks lying and scamming people is "normal".

Is this supposed to be the left's version of "learn to code"? Lol.

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>if youre worried about losing your job then my response is simply "get better at what you do"
So kind of like telling "journalists" to "learn 2 code"

Turn your meme flag off coward.

The immigrants are coming for the white collar jobs now.
When it was manual labour jobs being taken few cared, now the middle classes are going to really get a taste of it.

Duplicated threads just points out obviously that you're a shill.
Saged :-)

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it's not about stealing jobs it's about not assimilating and living of the hard work of Americans. we don't need any more non English speaking wetbacks here. fuck off we're full

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>if youre worried about losing your job then my response is simply "get better at what you do".
The correct response is "agree to work for lower wage". They're not taking your job because they're better, they're doing it because they're cheaper. So you have to become cheaper to compete. Your quality of life will plummet, good luck to you I guess

Based and underrated.

I'm really glad that not all of Jow Forums is screeching shills, trannies, socialists, commies and JIDF.

Except it doesn't have to happen with immigration, outsourcing does the same. Or just moving the entire production to a lower wage country. If there's somebody somewhere who can do your job cheaper, THEY will find a way to replace you with that guy. Look at vidya, most of 3D art production in western studios is now outsourced. In Eastern Europe we can do it 3 times cheaper and nobody can tell the difference. It wasn't immigration that took those western jobs and lowered those western wages.

Humanism is the child's philosophy of someone who managed to go all the way through college without ever really being challenged on whether the value of a human life is intrinsic or obtained. This happens more often than not because universities are humanitarian hugboxes that actively censor any notion that some people are inherently worthless.

If the thought that people deserve to die revulses you, that's because you've never made an attempt to consider it.

Its about wages numbnuts

>just be poor like paco durrr

>Working below minimum wage
>Implementing affirmative action to favor non-white workers

This isn't a level playing field. And I don't consider them subhumans.

Never was concerned about my job. Niggers aren’t smart enough for my job. It does concern me that white Americans whose families have lived here for generations and have worked hard but for what ever reason have been satisfied to have families and land instead of “smart jobs” in urban hellholes have to compete against a brown invasion that is coming more for the gibs of the 20 people in the family than Pedro’s earnings for leaf blowing.

But we are on the cusp. We have tried just about everything possible to live with these libtards and not a day goes by they don’t make it even harder. We don’t really want to kill them all but are rapidly coming to the realization that it is regrettably the only way to deal with them.

>Get better at what you do
>But we’re also going to limit the members of your race that can participate in this field
See the problem?

>Isnt it funny how incredibly scared right wingers are about immigrants stealing their jobs?
>Kills 25000 jobs in her district
That cunt is fucking stupid

Hah, nice.
That's exactly how slaves think lol.

We don’t want America to be a third world shithole. Democrats are fucking traitors