Woman hate thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't hate women faggot, I just known what's good with them

Attached: women are more violent than men.jpg (953x1280, 241K)

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fuck off shill divide and conquer somewhere else this BOARD IS NOW ABOUT UNITING AGAINST THE (((BAD GUYS)))

>(((BAD GUYS)))

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I know it's a stock photo but why hate on a girl for working in electronics? There's nothing wrong with that if they're capable

Read the comment section:

Which one's the girl?

Okay. Go to your local hardware store. Buy a soldering iron. Hold it like that, and plug it in. Pay special attention to the part that gets hot...

>t. Database Administrator who has to type that word several times a day

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This user gets it.

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I Hope This actually happened and the police officer didn't get into trouble for the top bant.

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>if they're capable
That's not the point of the picture and you know it.

hail hydra

Attached: nazigaga.png (804x547, 408K)

Audio version is available on YouTube.

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rib rib

the only user who understands that pic (other than me)

hell yea

Attached: Artist+got+banned+on+twitter+for+this+trigger+mentionlist+dailytumblrtrigger_1d0ec7_6683797.jpg (1200x2241, 326K)

Always a good laugh.

shes holding the fucking iron on the soldering iron, jesus christ

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Capable of burning their hand lmao

Lol absolute solderlet

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This is bait right? I fucking hope so

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i have hundreds of pics i could upload but this one is by far the most satisfying

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Don't be upset user. Not everyone is a tech autist, just most of Jow Forums

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thats fucking hilarious. That reminds me of the bikes at x games video

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she's empowered she can handle the heat

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LMAO there are a lot of podcasters and youtubers that do that, I wish someone would do the same for every single one of them.

turn off your proxy leaf

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Which is it
>working of the together women power
>working together of women the power
>working of the power together women

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Reported this has nothing to do with Pawleticks.
Sages goes in all fields.

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Dumb kike thread meant to keep men down. You have to work on yourself, find a quality woman, and you'll see how happy you really are. My girl is trad and makes me happy. Don't listen to this kike trying to create the narrative that all women are bad. Fucking 5th column subversive trash

This is the most important part.

Women are different than men .. A man loves a woman, holds them up on a pedestal, writes songs about their beauty and their love for them. A woman doesn't love a man in the same way, women love what they can get out of a relationship, and will monkey branch as opportunities present themselves. It's just nature, look at any bug show on TV, female mammels wait for the males to sort shit out, and then fuck the winner. With humans, they're always looking for the greener grass.


Boil the rice, pay the price.

We have identified the nigger child that doesn't know how to solder.

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fuck does this even mean

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This. Find trad girl or at least one that's not crazy and turn her trad, it's easy.

I don't understand what that poster is even saying