Is pol an incel breeding ground?

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Just yo momma's house is OP.


>incel breeding ground
Like what you did there. Have a (((You)))

I forgot tonleave this for you OP....

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No, Jow Forums isn't an incel hangout in particular.

However, in order to be here, you need to have a sense that things are heading the wrong way. You don't come here when you're satisfied with your own life and with society. This is not a place for 90-110 IQ consumer cattle, for people who just watch whatever the latest show on Netflix is and eat junk food for decades until they're bloated and their arteries and hearts collapse. They already have YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit.

Some people come here because they're tired of consumerism and modern design, yet others because they think Uncle Ted had a point about the structural defects in industrial civilization, another bunch of people come here because their neighborhood/town/city is diversifying, and yes, some come here because they're guys who think the sexual dynamics in this society are all fucked up and they can't get laid.

you must be songandese because u got a seorious case of ligma, basedboybetacuck

I think he's suffering from severe Boffa syndrome myself.

>T clinical psychologist

That's Jow Forums.
I'd be grateful if they spent less time here, wallowing in their inceldom. You don't save civilizations by pure whining.

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Based and redpilled


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Might I direct you to

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Well said. Jow Forums is also your source for true news/current events. Also new opportunities: I got into crypto early because some biz user gave the tip.

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Everything that guy says in the pic is true.

Suck my dick kike.

This teethlet fucks

No, nothing on pol breeds

Greece and Egypt is a good examples of what race mixing leads to. They all fucking turks now, and there is no trace of once great societies.

Hey fellow Norwegian

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The only way this post could be more perfect is is the flag was Canadian. This poster is a fucking Moran and has no place on this site or any other. You using, icq noods fucktard, you complete normie bookmmacfuck. Don’t even pretend to be old school. You can suck my shrivelled cock. You sicken me. Post your self administered bamix enema.

And don’t forget the timestamp