Alternative girls

Do anons actually like their personality or are they just attracted to the shared complexes, mental issues and pessimism?

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I'm dating one who has an interesting, funny and edgy personality. She doesn't have daddy issues though which is pretty important.

I don't know about you but I just like the aesthetic. I wouldn't ever date someone who is already goth, but if I find a nice lady I'll pick out her wardrobe so that she looks like one.

Those are part of their personality. It's a false dichotomy.

As long as she's pretty and shaves her pubes it's all fine. They don't have any worse complexes than normie girls anyway.

I am you, but 30 years old. I have been through this.

99/100 will have mental issues. You're playing russian roulette with a magazine. Stay away.

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Youll never.

We all just wanna be their white knight user

I find I like the aesthetic but they usually hate me and vice versa.

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How did you two meet

I don't know why I like the look. But as I say to my brother when I spot a hot chick like that "She looks like Daddy issues and bad ideas, and I LOVE IT!".

Misery loves company OP. These girls advertise they are fucked up and they are so at least its not a bait and switch. If you don't want fucked up then stay away. If you want fucked up, she's the light bulb and you're the fatalistic moth.

Define an alt girl? Do you mean the whole unoriginal black bangs and weird eyelashes "punk" girl who wears doc martens made in China and unironically opposes capitalism from her iPhone posts?

Those girls aren't alt anymore. Theyre just low IQ and products of the Frankfurt school.

True punks died out in the 80s. The closest thing you'll find to punks today are activist black girls. Have fun with that

I don't get it... What do girls and hotdogs have to do with one another?

The source of pomo, feminism and pretty much everything wrong with women in the west today

Read a book

Some of them are cool and are just into metal and horror and are pretty much a-political. Those are rare though. Most of the time you're dealing with one of the two awful alt girls

1) Seems like she's deep, into dark stuff, and her cynicism makes her seem intelligent. In reality it's all on the surface. She's completely empty-headed, she just has anxiety and depression. And the "dark" stuff she's into is "Nightmare before christmas" and "My chemical romance".

2) Complete and total SJW complete with daddy issues and everything else that goes along with that.

My best friend's gf's birthday party. Him and his gf (her best friend) set us up and we really hit it off.

The problem is that most of them have some sort of cluster b disorder; especially borderline. Tbh shit is hot as fuck when they're BPD because they'll let you use them for whatever, but on the flip side it's easy to lose control of yourself and fall for them because they will literally absorb all of your interests and become the exact reflection of yourself that you can always use for entertainment. Then the borderline kicks in and they're taking another dude's load while you're home alone feeling like shit.

Hasn't really happened to me personally apart from some gay e-girl shit from a while ago, but I know I'd be too tempted if I found a girl like this at my college so I try to stay away.

I have dated a lot of girls like this

It depends on the girl - like most things - and depends on what kind of guy you are

In general though, the more effort a a woman puts into their looks the less they will offer financially or intellectually

Attractive women tend to be entitled from all the guys telling them what they want, or giving them everything. ie beta orbiters

Attractive women tend to like the attention from standing out, not always telling guys they have boyfriends because of the attention they get

They believe they are hyper-independent women. Independence is cool, but no one really needs a woman telling him they don't need him

Probably more

In summary - just because they are alternative doesn't change the fact that they are vain and shallow like a Barbie type girl.

"alternative girls" as in girls who are not like normal ones (not normal girls who use the alt aesthetic) are the only women i can talk to. I am not necessarily attracted to their qualities, but rather they are the only women i talk to and feel comfortable around.

So, to answer your question, sure.


I think its hot but i don't think I like the personality

congrats man that’s awesome.

I was a big metalhead growing up and I wanted alt girls because we were into the same things and I loved the fashion. It just so happened it usually came with complexes and mental issues. Who'd have thought girls into a subculture that almost exclusively panders to men and celebrates masculinity have some issues, amirite?

I still find the fashion hot, but here I am 29 and sitting in the office in a fucking textured quarter-zip sweater. I don't feel like I have the same edgy charm I once had to pull those girls.

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>Read a book
lmao who do you think you are fat mgtow neckbeard?
the west is inherently decadent, what you just described are the natural course of events for such a blasphemous society
tell me which country you're from so I can culturally enrich it

>anyone critical of feminism or wahmen is a mgtow loser

Metal head too, but I couldn't stand the alt girls. All the ones I knew had garbage personalitiesn. Or they were the "I not like all the other girls I'm so different and quirky" type. Met a girl at work who still dresses like that and I cant even pretend to be nice to her.

Thanks mate. If you're in the market for a high quality alt gf then I wish you well in your search.

I highly doubt they exist. If they're older then 24 and still dressing like that they are either desperate for attention or crazy.

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Or have a personality unlike anything you've currently met/pigeonholed.

The ones I know who haven't learned how to dress or act like a normal adult by 28 or all fuckdd up in some way

Hey that's my fetish

I don't really know why I'm attracted to it, it's subconscious; but if I had to guess, it could be the hope to have more in common with them than with most girls? I think among alt girls there's an over-representation of being into gaming, heavy and/or weird music, existential dread, and shit like that. Perhaps also a case of me being high in (big 5 personality trait) openness, which implies aesthetic sensitivity, attentiveness to inner feelings, preference for variety, intellectual curiosity, and active imagination; with that in the back of my mind my attraction to girl like that makes intuitive sense to me.

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I'm fine with both of those lol

Fight me goy faggot

I had that mentality. That maybe since we had the shared interests they'd be open to a guy like me. Sadly in my case I was a to g and they just like any other girl

So what happens when she does grow up and ditches the alt shit and no longer matches your fetish.

ShalloW personalities tend to go for shallow looks and "Lifestyles"

"Alternative girlzz"just as dumb dude.

Then they've presumably already bonded along an axis of relation that isn't skin deep.

Are you actually a pessimist or just idling an opinion as bait?

Mostly the aesthetic but I'm a bit of a metalhead and I enjoy dark humour so eh

Suh bro, Chad here. I never pay attention to alternative girls because they're weirdos haha. But if one had big titties, I might make her my gf for a while lmao

This guy isn't me. I ain't too worried about it since she's majoring in theater and the main reason I like her is because she's interesting, funny and sweet. The aesthetic compliments it but if you don't dig what's in their brain then you're wasting both your time.

>True punks died out in the 80s
>feminism is what's wrong with the wet today

I don't quite recall that side of 77 punk that was all like OI OI OI LADIES LET'S STAY INDOORS AND COOK A NICE MEAL FOR OUR HUSBAND

Punk was always shit too, it died as soon as it became mainstream in the 70s and it was nothing but fashion just like it is now.

33 year old zoomer and they're pretty much all I dated/hooked up with in the late 90s to early 2010s.

Their personalities vary. Some are extremely insecure with body dysmoprhia out the ass, some are fucking slobs who couldn't care less about their health and body and will balloon to 300 lbs by the time they hit their late 20s, some are hot pieces of ass and they know they're hot pieces of ass so they act like it basically like any other blonde-haired "stacey". Some are into like Michael Moore leftist politics, others are into proper Noam Chomsky anarchist politics, some are actual wannabe nazis, others couldn't find their political compass if their life depended on it and they only care about make-up and clothes and music.

it also depends what kind of alternative girl it is. Metalhead, mallgoth, industrial goth, punk, emo, pop-punk princess, psychobilly, etc.

TL:DR; they're people like anyone else.

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Alternative girls are attracted to me for some reason. My ex was one of them but unlike the rest & pic related she didn't dress in black and shit. She was really attractive, she even had fake tits, nice ass/hips, and a really pretty face. It turns out she had body dysmorphia & severe depression since high school. She has attempted suicide before. She broke up with me and was a total bitch when doing so on the phone. I bring her up because she is the adult version of "alternative" women. Don't do it fellow anons, they have extra affection & are down to earth unlike normies but are batshit crazy. Adult alternative women shed the black but are the same as when dressed like that in their teens & young adult years. You can tell they used to be alternative by their lack of clothes, non flashy attitude etc.

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