Aspiring pornstar

How do I successfully become a pornstar?

I don't wanna just be some nobody pornstar no one knows about, I wanna be on brazzers or evilangel or something like that.

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Where do you live?

location is important but it’s hard to become a well known porn star and it takes time
>are u good looking ?
also might wanna try camming first and see how you like that and if u get a good follower gain you can do porn. c
>do research also , the porn industry can be trashy gl user

You got two places
LA or Montreal

Or just be a popular slut on MFC or whatever cam site . Real dick needs either of those cities

It's not safe.
If you think you really enjoy it freelance yourself.
You can be sure the people you are with are tested and clean, you can control the income, you can direct the video. You decide your own limits and avoid being exploited by weirdos.

Never do it where you live.
Never give out real information.
Make people subscribe or pay first.

And remember you can't go back.

>can be trashy
Anything on the porn industry is trashy beyond reality. I would consider a person trying to get into it beyond saving.

Don't do it. You will turn yourself into a pariah. You will be forever tainted. You will never be more than a sex object. No decent man will ever want to be in a serious relationship with you after you're done riding the cock carousel. You will be abused, catch diseases, and die alone and used up.

it can ruin your image desu so i would only do it if i had no option in life and didn’t wanna get a real job .

>after you're done riding the cock carousel. You will be abused, catch diseases, and die alone and used up.
You act like any woman in her teens to mid 20s does not do that anyways

I look good enough for porn and idk about camwhoring yet
Uhh why specifically those two cities?
Tell me more; how do ai find clean people who are also professional
Its not like everyone will know unless im Mia Khalifa

Only the women who take the advice of this board (and tinder sluts of course)
That's a minority of women.

m8 do you research about the porn industry before you even come on Jow Forums asking about it .

i’ve considered doing camming but i researched a lot in the adult industry and backed out because i don’t wanna fuck up my life or get diseases .

>Uhh why specifically those two cities?
95% of porn is made in either of the two

Again no one will know im a pornstar unless im mia khalifa or something and even if i was, that wouldn't really ruin any job opportunities since its technically not really a crime.

Im honestly hoping to get famous from one video other than multiple ones

Tell me about it to save me some time, I wanna know your insight on this topy

You mean whores? They are desirable for easy sex and nothing more. They will still never be able to lock down a really great man because the best men will be repulsed by their whorish past and seek out more traditional women for creating a family. That's why we shouldn't encourage more young women to go down this road by pretending that being a pornstar is in any way desirable or honorable.

>that wouldn't really ruin any job opportunities since its technically not really a crime.
You seem either very naive or very stupid. Have fun with your substance abuse problems after you realize you can never come back from this.

If you can't figure out how to get into porn in New York then you probably need a friend who actually has some capacity to reason about the world.

Yolandi is a literal angel.

okay from my research
>you’ll get creepy stalkers
need to go by an alias and be careful don’t have any personal info leaked because trolls . expect creepy stalkers and creepy people asking you for free sex n shit. personally i just don’t trust people online.
>porn industry is trash
i forgot this porn girls name but she described the porn industry as prostitution, people use drugs all the time and some companies don’t give a shit about their models . some men are abusive n shit too
u also need to get tested constantly becuase diseases spread easily and u need to be sure the person you’re gonna fuck is tested and clean
>self image
be prepared to be shamed by parents if they aren’t supportive . don’t expect a job outside of porn desu , or relationships because most men wouldn’t wanna date a porn star , at least i’ve read . also be careful because if you get popular people will just use you for clout n shit lol. most females in the industry are clout chasers , don’t become that

you really think your one video will make you successful in the porn industry when there are literally 10s of millions of other videos out there? I'd wager it would be easier to make it as an A list actor in hollywood than it is to make it as a successful pornstar from one video.

>not ruin any job opportunities its not a crime
It isn't but equally employers and selection panels are allowed to and will use things like that from your past and will go against you.

You sound more pathetic than you realize.

Whatever you say you spineless asshole

You can continue if you want. I'm mildly interested.

Spineless asshole seems like a strange insult to use there. Do you care to explain why that's the one you chose?

I chose that insult because you sound like such a seething loner who wishes the worse possible thing on anyone they simply disagree with

Nobody else got that impression and the porn industry is literally toxic.

Substance abuse is far from the worst thing to happen to a porn star. Even if it was, I don't wish it on anybody, I just wish they would choose a better option than throwing their life away for the illusion of fame they think they'll get. If you go down this path the absolute best result is you winding up broken, empty, and alone. Don't do it you fucking idiot.

You are delusional if you think that you will become rich and respected for laying on your back and being fucked on camera once. That sounds like something a lazy, insufferable brat would believe. You're also getting defensive when people ITT point out the realities of the porn industry because you are so attached to this fantasy. Get a clue, and start focusing on things that would actually make your life better. Get God, get a baby, and stfu.

I think that user is just looking out for you dude, you might make around $60,000 per year without much notoriety, but that is nothing in the housing markets of the cities where the industry is. Also, if you make it onto brazzers, people WILL recognize you.

Also, yes, it is not a crime to do porn, but when a company hires an employee, they want an employee that meets a certain image of what they want to communicate to the public, and pornstar typically isn't what they want to.

I would say just do camming, never say your real name, address, or even state. Set it up so that no one in your area can see you, play to your strengths, you can make more by appealing to fetishes.

Are you a guy or a girl?

Do looks really matter? Most well known pornstars look pretty bad. Small or saggy tits, horse faces, it's nothing in the way of success. Of course they do spend quite some time in the gym.

Never did i say or think, even imply that i would get rich or famous you moron

Is that really relevant?
I actually considered this because I don't really have any hope for my future right now

Your gender is very relevant here. Porn is completely different for men and women.

Why not try prostitution instead?

Why the fuck do you want to be in a pornographic video?

Facial abuse is in New York I believe. They seem to take anyone and you seem to be fond of being a whore. Might as well start it off with a bang.

LOL at all the dudes hating this random woman when they watch a shit ton of porn. they only hate when women have a choice, and choose to do this but not sleep with them, they don't have an issue with all the trafficking of girls they watch porn and visit at parlors.

I'd never date a guy who worked in it and it's not a problem to have standards, but it's not like her decision affects you at all. and you're being hypocritical as usual.

"dirty slut for choosing to ride cock carosel!!!:

"I'm a kissless virgin. should I just visit a prostitute?" *uploads porno as photo*

>They seem to take anyone
Here in Miami they have casting calls constantly and they will take most anyone. Calling someone a star that can handle buckets of cum is a stretch.

>LOL at all the dudes hating this random woman when they watch a shit ton of porn. they only hate when women have a choice

I'm failing to see the hypocrisy. Just because I would never encourage anyone becoming a porn star doesn't mean I can't enjoying watching someone who's already gone down the rabbit hole. No one has a problem with women having choice or whatever bullshit you're on, they're just discouraging someone making a bad choice.

>all men are a single entity
>if one guy watches porn and another guy dislikes porn, men are hypocrites
Why do feminists do this? Oh wait, because women are retarded.

Let's start with seeing what you look like. If you can't even do that you can forget this whole thing.

Start with cam whoring, see if that brings in any cash. If it does hopefully it will give you some exposure. If that doesn't work respond to craigslist ads for "models" and/or work as an escort. I'm sure you can find someone in the industry like that.

Ya so where's the evidence that women in porn are trafficked? I keep seeing this argument on twitter and I really don't understand it. Like every time a pornstar does an interview about how she got into the porn industry she just says she enjoys sex and didn't want to get a real job. But of course women have to play the victim card in every junction of society. Grow up moron.

Audition for Bangbros.

Tbh tho, it’s going to be hilarious when you audition and it goes bad and you realize that you don’t really want to do porn and are crying while cum is dropping down your face, and your video ends up on eFuckt

prostitution is way worse than the porn industry. Hookers get murdered all the time and they have sex with hundreds of men in a year compared to the dozens of male in the porn industry. It's like every video has the same few guys. Plus they test for disease.

Society in general is more accepting of pornstars in 2018 as long as you live in liberal cities. People would shame you if you wouldn't consider dating a pornstar

>People would shame you if you wouldn't consider dating a pornstar

Maybe, but the people who would are definitely in the minority. Even if they did, the vast majority of people would respect your decision not to attach yourself to someone who had sex on camera for a living.

>Ya so where's the evidence that women in porn are trafficked?

that's the asian porn market and not so much the American one in LA. Like the videos of americans going to thailand and filming their encounter with sex workers.

In america a women aren't trafficked into porn. there's thousands of girls who do it willingly. If there was more money in porn, porn studios would hire them

wasn't bangbros but I thought I wanted to do porn when I turned 18 and it was the most horrible experience of my life. I begged, pleaded, gave back the little money they offered me and they tore up my waiver and deleted the shot. My friend and I were both going to do it and when she saw what was happening left me and went to the car and refused. I still remember how sticky the floor was and the stains and smell was horrible.

What did they do to you?

wasn't what so much as how and how I was treated

how far did it go until you stopped?

also, will you ever admit this to a future boyfriend?

They finished and made me stay put as they got still and video shots but I started crying about 1/3 the way through, they'd stop and let me compose myself and start again.

No I will never tell anyone. It was humiliating. I thought porn was just sex and I was accustom to having control but its not sex its sick entertainment and I had no control and realized quickly I wasn't as worldly as I imagined.

well, you need to realize if a future boyfriend ever finds out about this on accident your relationship is fucked.

I really really dislike sluts. But if we started dating, and if you admitted this to me. I think I might be able to accept it. On the fact that you made a mistake and correct your actions immediately.

Well that's an issue for you then. You're too dumb to get a good paying job but too cowardly to get fucked by strangers. I guess your best option right now is to marry some rich guy.

there is no evidence it ever took place. the only person that knows was my friend but we haven't seen each other in 2 years and Miami where this happened isn't my home town.

I will never confess to anyone period! As jealous and possessive as guys are they would probably kill me if I told this.

are you sure your video didn’t make it onto eFuckt?

I don't need a job right now, in university but I'm a good student and expect to get a good job upon graduation. I just thought porn was easy money and it isn't and know there isn't any amount of money someone could pay me to do this for a living.

Uh, I do expect when I marry the guy can make a good living but he's got big shoes to fill, my dad is COO or a major company and makes a shitton.

>my dad is rich
>but I decide to make $500 doing porn

What the fuck is wrong with you. Why not ask your dad for money?

yes, I saw them delete. they knew my dad is well connected and didn't want trouble. Their whole attitude was I was some spoiled 18 yo bitch and I guess the knew I wasn't some slutty hard girl. I mean I had done one amateur night at a strip club but was really drunk but otherwise I wasn't prepared for this.

Please do BBC anal porn with shady looking men. It's hot and I'd pay for it.

My friend and I were 18 and on holiday and thought we were hot and experienced but didn't consider we were sheltered and naive. Having a bf chase you for sex is very different than 3 guys and a lesbian in a room while one bends you this way and that and drags his penis all over me till he finds a hole and commanding me to show I like it.

Sorry to attack yoir favorite pasttime ;)

The ones interviewed and choosing to do so don't represent everyone. The post even clearly states this, as someone choosing to enter as the op gets critisized anyway. Everytime you go om vacation, an airport, a mall, past a hotel, there are victims you couldn't recognize. Someone who is kidnapped or coerced cannot exactly be free or have any resources. They are usually drugged up, passports stolen, being watched. But I guess that would ruin your fantasies then.

Wanting to be victims?
You are the one attacking others over porn because guys like you only care about women when it affects them. Women who truly are victims wish they weren't. When someone tells me to grow up it is always apparent they mean "Stop being mature and disagreeing with me because I have already decided how I feel and hate hearing otherwise."

>all women are a single entity
>one woman wants to do porn, another is kidnapped, and a third calls out very visible hypocrisy in choosing to insult with a classic "ugh feminism womyn am i rite?"

Why do incels do this? Oh wait, because men are retarded.


Well you aren't the person in question. There are a number of kind hearted advice replies including one of my own that said to be smart and safe about it and realize you cannot go back from it.

Then there's others, two of which replied. So if it doesn't apply to you no need to get defensive anyway. Women aren't all victims and my focus is the continuing sexism about sensitive subjects such as this. In the end op has to decide for them self.

Deborah Voorhees did 1 sex scene in a Friday the 13th movie and it made her lose teaching jobs later on in life because of boys finding it and spreading it around. That was just softcore horror movie tits, imagine what these girls getting gangbanged in all hoes by black dudes are gonna go through when they try to be normal members of society.

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user you really don't understand women at all, do you?

>Hookers get murdered all the time
Maybe if you live in Venezuela.

Try Gay porn, there's always a demand for twinks like you.

you're literally better off becoming a camwhore and sell vids on manyvids and becoming an escort
porn sucks ass these days and doesnt pay shit.

t.guy with gf who does porn

>guy with gf who does porn
come on, now that you've said it you know what you have to do.

the best videos are the tasteful amateur ones where a girl masturbates in her bedroom and you can tell it's the only video shes made... those are the ones that get me. It's cute. It really carries the ethos of youth, you know? A girl, probably still living with her parents, having to scurry off, and into the rose hush of her girl room, masturbating, in the way that girls do...

>Is that really relevant?
Ladies and gentlemen. This is a troll thread.

how did you meet these porn producers? I doubt they meet girls and then shoot porn that quickly without verifying your ID which takes a while. I mean at least not in 2018 when laws are super strict

yeah in 1985. Most attractive girls have instagrams where they have sexy pics and most likely nudes floating around. It really isn't that huge of a deal anymore unless you live in a small town in middle america

>This thread
Get a real job retard

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>being a pornstar
Just find a sugar daddy instead.

>It’s not like everyone will know

I think you underestimate how widespread porn viewing is today

come on most of the amateur porn movies are horrible and it mostly the guy jacking off for 5 minutes with little focus on the girl. Its all his dick

Miami. We knew another older girl that danced at a club there and she knew some guys at a "production company"

Is the reason porn is so exaggerated and unrealistic a result of the fact that the actor have to orgasm, and most actors can't both act and do that at the same time?

Real porn is cartoonish and over the top on purpose. If you want real porn though badly acted look at some of the 70's shit

Amateur porn is just some guy that convinced his gf to play make believe but his ego won't let it be about the girl but his own goddamn dick. He's got to prove he's a stud.

How big is your cock?

Or Florida

Have you seen the documentary "Hot Girls Wanted"? It's on Netflix, if you don't have that I'm sure you can find it online. I would recommend it, it follows multiple girls who go into the porn industry and their experiences.