Are Jews genetically evil?

I can understand the whole Taliban beheading thing in retaliation for Jews sending in the USA to destroy their land....

But why do the same people who start these wars feel the need to order their military dogs to chase down and eat young children?

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I wouldn't say every Jew is evil. However, Jews are a very communal race, they are obsessed with their Hebrew ancestry and thus when they immigrate into other countries they like to "build" their ideals into those societies. Its like building a country within a country. Oswald Mosley, for example, did not which to remove all Jews but instead remove the Jews who "put their Jewry before the interests of the nation".

jews = arabs. so, yes - they a not humans.

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All semites are subhumans

I was in that thread.

This was my favourite.
Ten years ago now.
I feel old.

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No, they are angels. They are genetic iconoclasts. Everything God doesn’t like, Jews corrupt. God doesn’t like your worshipping your tv and video games. And Jews ruined them. God does not like your idolatrous football obsession on Sunday. The Jews have brought you male cheerleaders. If the Jews are subverting something, that means that “something” shouldn’t exist

holy shit big if true
can you tell me more? (not ironic)

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>muh Palestine
Let me guess, you live in Bradford right.

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Fuck you, "anjewl". You are a cult of inbred schizo cluster B faggots and dykes. It isn't that different from suicide cults of the 70's, it is only older.

They are the children of Satan.
Enough said.

How do you know what god does and doesn't like?

It's a theological issue more than genetic. It's not like Jews (as a race) aren't all mixed up


Evil is a very brought termin, but I believe the Jewish nature is corrupted, nature always react if someone go against her that happened to the jews, Jews will by their corrupted nature be pushed to have an "evil" mind, Jewishness is not present only in racial Jews but is a state of mind.

Where the link fggot

>Are Jews genetically evil?
Yes. It's the only logical explanation. If they are "Gods Chosen People" it's because they bare the burden of evil itself. They give us the chance to chose to be evil like them or good. They have taken it way too far now.

Wew lad. Interesting perspective.

Not OP he is a cockscuking faggot
this is link

bestgore dot com


Piss off niggerlover, killing sandniggers in one things I love about Jews.

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Their culture only empathizes with other Jews.

White goyim are tools to be used to them. Jews cannot fight wars on their own (they lack the numbers) so they treat the USA as their foreign legion.

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Shalom rabbiskin

fuck you quadspic I hate everyone

You'd have a shot if the Germans didn't exterminate the largest percentage of our yid population in the world.

"Weinstein" isn't Hebrew, is it?

>this is what jews actually believe when their rabbis rape their kids.

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