I have a friend who is the fucking nicest, genuine guy on the planet...

I have a friend who is the fucking nicest, genuine guy on the planet. Sure he makes dumb jokes and can argue stupid shit but he isn't fake at all and is just a good mate. He has really low self esteem and can't even talk to girls on tinder because he is just afraid of rejection. Nearly every girl he has asked out has knocked him back- and it's not like he looks awful or anything, he is pretty okay looking. I just want a gf for my guy, He seems really lonely and miserable, is there anything I can do? or am I just an asshole

Attached: Sad_pepe.jpg (500x373, 32K)

Oh man, i know what you mean. I have a friend who is just like yours. He's a virgin (not an incel, they hate women), and even though he went through rough shit he's still the most kind and nice person i've ever met. He has really low self esteem too.
I have kind of a problem with trying to get him a gf. Every mutual female friends he has are either autistic attention whores with daddy issues or already have a bf.
And when i can get a decent girl he's so shy he goes away from her.
It's hard user

Why are you guys trying to destroy nice people by trying to get them into relationships with these women who will absolutely devour and spit these sweet guys out?

thanks man, have you ever had any luck? my friend is a bit of a social retard so it's hard getting him out there to talk to people.

Guy I feel for you because obviously you or someone you knew got hurt, but i'd say 6/10 girls have good intent

I am that guy, and I hate how people think I’m nicer than I am or I have my shit together. I don’t and I don’t wanna take passengers just to have them run for the lifeboats.

I am aware of how much a relationship can crush you, but my dude really craves a girl. I know there are some good girls out there and he's not willing to pay a hooker so he can finally have sex. He really feels miserable and even though me and our friends told him how much it hurts and how girls sometimes are assholes, he still wants to try. I'm not forcing him, he's asking me to help him but he's really shy

Here is the most important part.
>and it's not like he looks awful or anything,
>he is pretty okay looking.
Post a picture of him and I'll give you a correct diagnosis

John stop making threads on Jow Forums about me you worthless limp dick faggot

>my friend is a bit of a social retard so it's hard getting him out there to talk to people.

Well, the thing with my friend is that he's brutally honest with himself. So, when a girl meets him and asks him to tell a little about himself, he says: "i'm an alcoholic drugadict loser, this shit happened to me this day, that shit happened to me this other day, i'm a terrible person, i'm the ugliest bastard you'll ever meet, my family hates me, i'm a virgin" and when the girl obviously feels awkward and leaves, he feels crushed and broken, starts drinking and drinking, gets wasted and we either take him home or leave him stay with one of us. That's his issue, he has no self esteem. Even though all of us would kill for him, and if someone dares to make him feel bad we'll beat that shit out, he's like "muh life sucks" "i'm a complete mess of a person".
He has a fucking job that makes him travel through the country. He's the funniest, kindest, most pure person you could ever meet.

that's all there is in 99% of cases

>gambling on 60-40 odds

your pity doesnt help, making him feel theres something wrong him for not having a whore is whats wrong, hes gona get one, sooner if you dont try to "help" him

Not op, but my guy IS ASKING ME to help him. I already fucking told him that most relationships are bullshit and that having a gf won't make him feel better with himself you faggot

>having someone attracted to you won't make you feel better about yourself

Well then choose one fucker

>Don't get a wahmen for him, they're all whores and will ruin him

>Getting a gf will make him feel better with himself

No I wasn't the same poster who said they're whores, I just replied to that specific line.

I apologize user

that's the issue, lie to women, they usually know, but they want the lie

no need

Imagine if you were him and he were you lmao.

Go gay user, show him true love.