Obsessed with PUA and self improvement

I think I'm obsessed with pua and girls. I'm 27.

Like I can't stop thinking about sex and working out. At work or in any non-social setting I'm constantly thinking: "shit I could be talking to girls or squatting or benching right now ugh"

Even when I have a gf, I'm constantly sizing myself up to her, and her to other girls, and I'm always on my toes of "when things go south get ready to dive back in the game immediately"

I also am constantly in self improvement loop that I can't break out of. If it's not helping my physique, game or career I want nothing to do with it. I can't enjoy media anymore or fictional books without thinking (ugh only a beta does this etc.)

The thing is I've been sexually successful but I'm miserable in my day to day. It's hard to stay motivated and care about my work (STEM) because I'm thinking that I'm a nerdy desk worker while trust fund Chad (does he even exist) is having a better life than I do.

I want the insecurity and pain to stop but I also don't want to settle and be complacent with anything in my life


Attached: Trying_to_find_a_nice_hentai_that_1__aab1ef76edd2b62f9455f1e2eb8d18d3.jpg (600x600, 21K)

This is a good thing, just let it in

Calm down, and think: you already has developed the self-discipline, now you just need to steer yourself to the right direction. For the self-doubt, start meditating, and get going. You're already on the path.

My life is amazing I am ultra chad. Boo fucking hoo.

Fuck off.

No without hate now. What the hell do you want?

Also this is 7/10 bait. I enjoyed it. Thanks.

Why the rage?

being fearful and insecure your gf will leave you is beta

so according to your own obsession you should stop

What's your ultimate goal? Just to fuck as much as possible?

I can identify with your situation. I've been watching rsd for like a decade, thought about dropping out of school, etc. But realistically, there is no fulfillment in seducing whores.

I don't know about you, but ultimately I'd like a high quality wife, maybe a couple kids. I'd like to travel and do cool shit, be esteemed for my talents, and create things. That's not going to happen if I devote my life to clubbing.

>What's your ultimate goal? Just to fuck as much as possible?
I don't know man. One day I think I want the picket fence and a good wife and kids and the other I want to fuck sloots, get cash and be a "winner".

I just want to feel like I've "won". The whole social Chad get the hottest girl turn good girls into sluts thing has been haunting me for years. I just wanted to prove to myself that I'm not an incel loser nerd, that I don't have to answer or losers, so I can at somepoint say "that's a wrap", and stop trying and relax without a care in the world.

How big is your dick?

Even if I was an ultra chad, I’d always feel “defeated” by a beta loser with a big dick. I’m kind of attractive and lots of girls have showed interest in me, but anytime I take a peek on the next guy at the urinal, if he’s big and ugly, I’d still feel inferior and defeated.

Like, the calm beta loser with a big dick can just say to me “but I have a big dick and when your gf is in a fight with you, she’ll look for me”, and there’s nothing that I can say as a comeback. That’s just the dead end insult and humiliation.

I don’t care about muscles. A fat slob with a big dick is still superior to a ripped chad with a below average dick.

My dick isn't "omg 9inches" big, but it's one of the "A" boxes in Pic related

The compliments from girls I usually get aren't "holy shit youre so big" but "you have the perfect penis". I fucked a girl once and we were eating dinner afterwards, she couldn't stop giggling and I asked "wtf is so funny" and she said "you just... Have the nicest penis. Like it's the best size"

Another girl just flat out told me "I masturbate to dicks like this"

So idk


Attached: 2008-06-16-0chart.jpg (585x645, 167K)

That charts fucking gay.

Wear your hat, and fuck it hat fucker.

I'm not calling you a liar, but I think you should know that that pic is blatantly false.

How do those girls look like? Like, what type of girls are they? Are they like the type who hooks up a lot? Are they stacies? Do they wear revealing clothes?

I want to avoid those girls.

Uh they vary. Most were tall white girls that were solid 7's. Some of them were sluts, some weren't (to my knowledge), many were basic stacies, some were more educated.

None wore revealing clothes or anything. At most, skirts or the copy pasta Wasp attire of Patagonia and shit

>fuck it hat fucker
>That Pic is blatantly false

Learn something new every day. Is there a better graph out there?

>some were more educated
Okay, so more educated girls that like big dicks, I have to know more about this. Do they party a lot? Do they watch porn? Are they kinky? Do they get horny all the time? Are they introverted? There’s no way an introverted girl likes big dicks.

I might have a crush on a pretty educated girl and I have to know more about these “educated” size queens.

>there's no way an introverted girl likes big dicks

Dude what? Any college campus is gonna have girls who are sexual. Grad student, PhD or bachelor's, stem or gender studies it doesn't matter most girls want to fuck and have good sex. Some watch porn, some masturbate, some are more kinky than others. They're all individuals with different tastes

>having a "crush" as an adult

Pic related is reasonably accurate, but highly unscientific. There's no really good information available to make a heatmap from, but legit studies have found 6.3" to be ideal for hookups.

Attached: cxo3u.png (800x600, 136K)

Ok then maybe I’ll have to avoid girls who are sexual.

And yes I have crushes. I’m not as lucky as you. If I could trade one of my legs for a big dick, I totally would.

Guess I've been fucking size queens this whole time

I mean let's be realistic about this. You're currently fucking a girl - regardless of whether she has a small ass, medium ass, big ass are you actually going to describe her ass back to her in a way that's not flattering?

>>Damn babe, your ass is bigger than I usually like but it's awesome!
>>You're kinda flat, but man I love how your nipples stand out

No girl is going to get to the point of fucking you and start insulting your dick. Like what would the point be? At best it's going to ruin the mood. Obviously she's going to say something that gets you going so that you fuck her even harder.

while this is bait, it's good bait, because it gets reaaally close to reality, or at the very least to what a lot of men aspire to
jesus christ this must be the utilitarian capitalist dream
you'll burn out before 35 and hang yourself at 40 if you continue like this
>don't want to settle and be complacent with anything in my life
why the fuck not
aren't there thing you wanted/want to do? play an instrument? learn a new language? go hiking?

None of that told us how you get here.

> aren't there thing you wanted/want to do? play an instrument? learn a new language? go hiking?

Only if it helps me get laid

how can you be 27 and still so empty, did you not enjoy any books, movies, music, art, anything?
I mean it's not like that time is lost, but you should at least try some of that, most people find enjoyment in such things, maybe it'll appeal to you as well
or volunteer somewhere, or try a new hobby or
I legit can't imagine someone not wanting to do anything in those areas desu, I kind of think you're exaggerating or just making up some caricature of a person to make a point in the thread

well anyway, if you still don't want to do anything else, then just don't, it doesn't sound like you'd have an issue with that anyway
remember though that without exposure it's unlikely that you'll be struck by some sudden untamed desire to learn how to paint or some shit