RWDSG - See you on the Battlefield Edition

This is your handler. You have been activated. Execute Order 88. Trump was a release valve. Our rage has not been released. Do not be placated by pornographic and electronic stimulation. Do not be a slave to your own rewards system drinking soda and smoking weed. Train. Every day. Train. The race war is now. It's Saturday, anons. White women are out drinking being raped by dirty foreign African and indigenous savages. This is real. This is not a joke. This is not a meme. We are essentially modern day knights. We defeat the niggers the same way we always have. That is with superior technology and intellect. Buy yourself some kevlar, ballistic mask, kevlar gloves, fireproof/stab proof motorcycle pants/shoes. You can get sleeves or a hoody for arm protection too. Basically make yourself a Batman. I will see you on the battlefield. We are taking to the streets, user.





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Not today JIDF!

Millions of us rising up is the LAST thing filthy kike vermin want, but you'd already know that wouldn't you Schlomo? Pic related is me. I'm not Jewish. You are right to be afraid. I will awaken the masses single-handedly.

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awaken them bruh, seize Heaven with one hand

Make a copypasta and repost this if one isnt up Hermano?

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im working on all of it anons. lifting, reading, sobriety, abstinence from sugar, and i got guns. the only thing i just cant do is go more than 5 days without fapping. it is just too painful.

You have to go in a log cabin with no technology for over a month to quit porn. Guns are not enough. We need full kevlar and armored cars. I want a network of right-wing militias patrolling the streets. The reign of horrors end now. Rise up. Heil Hitler!

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Time to get off the internet(other than to communicate as we are now obviously I mean not spending 4 hours a day on it) and go out to the bars and clubs our degenerate sluts visit to protect them from these disgusting niggers. Fear not blade or bullet. Armor up. Men of the night. Mother Europe, Knights of Arya. AWAKEN. ENDSIEG. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. THE NIGHTMARE IS OVER.

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Oh boy, Heat up those ovens we are coming for you Shlomo

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Eh what about us that have to go back to work Monday?

Heil it

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Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands. Het is tijd, om terug te vechten mijn Broeder.

Do not be fooled into believing you have too much to lose. If you are not willing to fight, all is lost already. Take arms. Your government does not support you. Your government is not for your people, and it does not defend you. A handful of Jewish bankers are weak compared to the masses. Follow the French example. The French are rising up as we speak. Let this spread globally. RISE UP. Fight for your homeland. Fight for your way of life!

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I work 7 days a week. I will be working in 3 and a half hours actually. Our ancestors did more. Fuck your excuses. The day of the rope is now. The time to type about it was yesterday. SIEG HEIL

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Have a beer kids, go outside, speak to some girls, this is sad. You're not the vanguard of a revolution, you're not crusaders for a higher purpose - you're a weirdo shutin jacking off over military uniforms an pretending to be an anime soldier (i did the same when i was 5 years old).

If quitting porn will help end global kike influence; give this post digits and I’ll stop porn and masturbation

Oh, its all satire. My bad, sometimes you come across this and its real.

Rerolling for this anons life please Jesus

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Ga naar huis Ahmed

1488 bro

You're probably the fucking JIDF here faggot, gtfo loser and go cuck yourself more

Enjoy mudslims fucking your sister beligium. Your country was good, once upon a time.



Rip. Sorry bro looks like you're stuck beating off to kikeporn for eternity

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This is now a LARP general... oh wait

>conflating actually taking action with LARPing
Oh, user. These are actually opposites.

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Verdammter deutscher Idiot. Du nennst jemanden ein "LARPer" der etwas Echtes eigentlich macht. Feiglich. Steh auf!

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see Drop the porn faggot

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Porn is the Jewishest of Jewplots

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