Is microwaving blue-pilled?

Is microwaving blue-pilled?

Attached: microwave.jpg (5880x3737, 3.26M)

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It's not as safe as they say


Brain tumors from your above the range microwaves, watching that shit cook... my FORGET your cellkill phone.

What if you always stay far away from it when its running?

Any (((studies))) been done?

bump for interest

I microwave everything, even my tea water.

I own that same exact microwave.
It's redpilled.

walmartfag detected

Most microwaves have a shielded glass front to protect you from the radiation. Otherwise they would be INCREDIBLY dangerous.

Don't buy a use microwave and don't get one from a shady dealer. Also don't stand too close to them when using them.

Using a microwave to cook is like using a nuclear reactor to power your car. It can work and it can be safe, but it's unnecessary risk for most people.

That said, if you DO want to use a microwave to cook, the best life hack you will ever learn: Wrap your food in a damp paper towel before cooking. It always turns out perfectly.


lmfao, you're a fucking moron.

Don't think it's as bad or as dangerous as you say, but I wonder sometimes if it changes your food at all. I didn't even realize how much I microwave everything at work and at home.

>don't get one from a shady dealer
damn, I knew I shouldn't have bought a microwave from that guy in a trenchcoat on the street corner.

it seriously damages the nutrition of your food in ways I don't think we fully understand yet. for instance, a lot of foodstuffs here in canada are blasted with gamma rays in order to decontaminate them. the food afterwards is entirely safe to eat, but they admit it destroys many of the vitamins and nutrients by up to 50%. i realize that microwaves are not as intense as gamma rays, and although i've never read a study on it or anything, i think a microwave does some of the same kind of damage to the food you cook. it heats up the food by vibrating the water molecules, cooking your food from the inside out. i think this intense vibration shakes apart most of the good parts of your food in the process.

again, i'm not a scientist, i've never read a study on it or anything, but god damn if you've ever owned a microwave and eaten food out of that thing- it's barely even food anymore, and it's not just because it's reheated. reheating food on a stove does not turn it into styrofoam like this. and if you eat nothing but microwaved food you start crave other foods after a few weeks. microwaved food doesn't satiate like normal food.

Stopped using a microwave like 7 years ago. It literally fucks up your food.
>buy 2 exact same plants
>one u water with regular water and the other one with microwaved water
>check result

Tell me that a microwave is 100% save.

It’s redpainted

>spending 10+ minutes using oven to reheat leftovers
Microwaves are essential unless you are retired.

>Shady dealer
Where the fuck do you buy a microwave user?
Also public service announcement. Those little holes are too small for the microwaves to pass through. Don't believe me? Stick your cell phone in there and Try to call it

"In May 2011 the World Health Organization officially classified this type of EMF exposure as a class 2B possible carcinogen.

-Added to this, a microwave ovens’ cables and motor also give off high magnetic fields, often over 10 milligauss. Exposures of just 4 milligauss have been firmly linked to leukemia. Not surprisingly these magnetic fields have also been categorized as carcinogenic."
-Microwaving prepared meats to ensure sanitary ingestion was found to provoke the formation of
d-Nitrosodienthanolamines, a well-known carcinogen.
Microwaving milk and cereal grains was found to convert some of their amino acids into carcinogenic substances.
Swiss clinical trials have found that microwaving food increases cholesterol levels. It was also found to decrease red and white blood cell counts while decreasing hemoglobin and producing radiolytic compounds.
Thawing frozen fruits was found to convert their glucoside and galactoside containing fractions into carcinogenesis
-Russian and Japanese studies have shown how food can lose nearly 60% to 90% of its food value when cooked or heated in a microwave oven. Significant portions of Vitamins B, C, E, and essential minerals have been found to be lost.

I've read similar things in other articles. The fact is it heats food up in a completely different manner whuch alters the foods composition.

My in-laws nuke everything, even after its pulled out of the oven they nuke it again so it's burning hot for the table. They are the sickest people I know yet they eat the ideal diet. That's just one anecdotal observation but you can see how sick are society is in General. There's lots of factors but i don't discount the damage done by microwaves.

I'm laughing at this scientist. Thanks for the tips, you're a real pro.

Jesus christ the level of retardation in this thread is at an all time high. It's like all the fucking idiots in this board piled in here.
The don't use radiation dipshit, they use MICROWAVES you know, the thing it's named after?
It works by vibrating the water molecules in your food and the agitated atoms produce heat/friction.

Yes they are. You cant even reheat pizza or pie without it being soggy

What do microwaves do to water? Does heating purify it, or are the water and mineral molecules divided into more dangerous base molecules?

What if your food is already cooked the og way then microwaved later on? Is that why most microwaved food tastes bad in comparison?