
>be me
>2 years with same bf
>he tells me he wants to fuck other girls
>i say no
>he keeps pushing
>he is young and missing out
>brings argument that i'll benefit of it because that way he is happy
>big fight because he'll be missing out and i'll break
>we both love each other

fast forward
>cries 4 hours
>say he gets one free out of jail card because i slept with 1 guy before we meet
>tell him the truth of how that will probably break me and that it will hurt me because actions have consequences

>he says he doesnt want me to be sad


how do i tell him that i dont want one with him understanding me
i can't break up

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Break up ya cuckqueen
Have some respect for thy self

this is so sad, where's your self respect?
just break up and let him fuck whatever

he bring up arguments of him being a virgin before me.
I told him that if he sleeps with other people he should break up with me. He says that i'm insecure for not wanting that.

Nobody cares, if you don't have enough spine to tell him to fuck off, then suffer

he sounds manipulative

Nigga's cucking himself in the long run.

He doesn’t love you.

i think he does and that's the problem...
I love him so much and it hurts so much

>He loves me therefore he wants to fuck other women
Can you explain?

that image reminds me of my ex when I was 22. She was a rich girl hapa drug addict and laid in bed all day watching netflix in her underwear, drinking diet coke, and smoking cigarettes. She had no self-esteem so I could basically take sex from her whenever I wanted, it was great.

thanks for the nostalgia, OP


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>me wanting to fuck other women while being in a relationship with you doesn't devalue you in any way
What did he mean by this? It literally makes you a cuck

i know. I feel that way too.
And he apparently seperates love/sex.

i'm not saying he doesn't love u
He just seems like an reatrd.
Dumb his ass he probably already has a girl he wants to fuck. Your values are def. not the same.

I’m not sure...

I think he does and desu i agree to that point.

This is idiotic and this fear of missing out is nothing more than than hoping the grass is greener on the other side. Pro tip, 99.9% of the time it's not. Your bf is sleeping on the fact that he has a long lasting relationship with you. Now if he's just not happy that's a different story. Everyone is different and I'm not going tell you that my experience is one size fits all kinda deal but here is my experience with with this.
>have gf that's 8 years my senior
>was 20 at the time
>she swears up and down that she shouldn't be with me because I should be with people my own age and she is making me miss out
>I CHOOSE HER because I love her and I want to be with her regardless of "missing out"
>I tell her this over and over
>fast forward about a year
>she breaks up with me because I'm still too young for her and she STILL THINKS I'M MISSING OUT
>jesus christ she's literally the only woman I care about god damnit
I never once felt like I was being cheated out of my time with her. I could only think about her when I was with her and even now I have trouble getting close to new chicks. The fact that your bf is pushing so hard for this has got to raise a few red flags OP come on.

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thank you user... srsly this is the same with me.
I love him so much and i feel u did. He doesmt understand how much i love him

meanwhile, there's another dumb broad on another thread trying to be a porn star
listen toots, your man is a fucking idiot. give him the pass, you're done for long term. don't give him the pass, and he drags this out and breaks up next year, or cheats next year. otherwise, you need someone to sit his candy ass down and tell him the truth about pussy.
if you put pussy on a pedestal, its going to fuck up your life. men all think that means taking too much shit to get pussy, but it also means overvaluing pussy in other ways. like FOMO, grass is greener, hey look at that new pussy over there. give me a fucking break. maybe its because i fucked enough pussy before getting married so many years ago, but you have to have perspective on this shit.

what are you kids, like 20? get married and have kids already. sitting around arguing about whether he should get a free pass to fuck that chick at his work because you fucked your prom date. You two can go fuck all the people you want when you're 45 and divorced and hate each other.

You can and you should, you stupid bitch. Don't you get it? This isn't conducive to a monogamous relationship.

Wait 10 years. Try again. Improve yourself. Co-dependent idiot. Nobody should have to rely on their partners exclusively. Not even me and I'm a cripple who isn't allowed to work.

>say he gets one free out of jail card because i slept with 1 guy before we meet
You are both incredibly selfish and clearly have communication issues. But I have to agree with him on this one line. If you slept with another many before me, I wouldn't tolerate it either. You really need to stay chaste.

And then you talk about consequences for your actions? This is the consequence you face for not waiting until marriage. Or at least marrying the guy you lose it to.

This is such a big deal to men, I don't think you understand quite how it makes him feel. Actually I'm certain you don't, because you're here whining about how badly you've made him feel and that wants to run off and sleep with other girls. He wouldn't feel this impulse if you held fast to your virtues.

Honestly if you were something amazing, something so incredible, he would be a fool to harm you. He'd be a utter fool to cheat, play these games, not listen to you. So the fact that he's doing this and doing it so shamelessly, is a good indicator that you're not bringing anything to the table in your relationship. If you disappear tomorrow, he probably won't feel a big void in his heart. This is because you haven't made yourself worthy of love.

Improve yourself and he'll change so quick. Start by listening to him more.

Oh and just a PS - if you want a man all to yourself, marry him. You're only dating. If he wants to go off and fuck/date other women it's totally fine right now.

You're not good enough for him OP. It's just that simple. You're dating a man who's out of your league and he knows it.

Women can't be cucks.



>Women can't be cucks
finally, another user who understands this point

Let me tell you about my ex
She herself suggested i should "fulfill" my sexual needs with other girls because she had issues with sex and was completely against the idea of doing it with me to the point she literally preferred the pain of me cheating on her over that.
I (like any other proper man should) declined, eventually everything ended because she was the only one i ever wanted to have sex with, yet she didn't want to do it, so staying with her was breaking me.
To this day i believe she didn't really love me, at least not as a man. She cared about me and cried a lot, but it was not real love. If this guy really loved you he wouldn't have even brought this up.
The "missing out" argument may mean he's unsatisfied with your current sexual life, so either you both work this out together, or if he absolutely must fuck someone else then it's done. Sex is a big deal for men, both phisically and emotionally, if you ever let him (or he himself goes and cheats on you) sooner than later he will develop feelings for this other girl and leave you.

meet him halfway. find your local swingers club and tell him you'll go with him - but lay down the rules for that visit. you're there to look, observe, explore, but neither of you will engage in any sexual activity with anyone else unless you BOTH agree on what's going on and that either of you can say STOP at any point and it has to stop.

that's a healthy consensual way of letting him explore his desires without actually going through with them right away AND involving you.

but... the key is that you also have to be open. meet him halfway too. if the opportunity presents itself and you're both into it, let it happen.

chances are about 99% that nothing will happen. going might get it out of his system entirely when he realizes that he really just needs you and not any of these other randos.

but you never know. you might find that together you want to do more. or you might just end up doing things together with other people around and that's enough for him.

(i write all this from experience... worked for us.)

>If you slept with another many before me, I wouldn't tolerate it either. You really need to stay chaste.
Is this why you beat your girlfriends?

> If you slept with another many before me, I wouldn't tolerate it either. You really need to stay chaste.

What the fuck are you ? Please tell me I wanna know your story. You must be a ugly son of a bitch in life with no one around you. You a damn motherfucker dick sucker.

I got laid often before I was with my fiancé and she was still a virgin when we met. So this gave her the right to fuck somebody else cuz I fucked some sluts before ? Heelll no nigger I would break up instantly and bitch slap that bitch if she cheated on me. If my girl tell me she want to fuck somebody else. Ok go ahead but shes not a part of my life anymore. Thats it.

op I just have something to say for you : you deserve much more better than this regardless of what you are in life and what you do. This is very selfish from him and disguting

You are just consistently the worst. You always manage to have the dumbest, most malignant opinion on any given topic. Congratulations for keeping it on-brand, I guess

Sorry, you picked bf who isnt built for monogamy. Better luck next time!

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If he isn't loyal to only you, both mentally and physically, he isn't worth your time. Yeah it'll hurt to be apart if you love him, but if he even has the thought of fucking other women while together with you, he's dogshit. Get over him and move on sweetheart.

"I'm missing out!"
You should dump him. What a disgusting piece of shit.

2 fucking years too? I'd be glad to have that kind of "missing out." Missing out on having my heart played with, missing out on the social games, the puffing, the guys who try to puff up bigger, the gnawing self-doubt and rejection. Just having someone to love, that needs you like water, should have been enough for him.
You gave him the world, two of your fertile, youthful years. You should feel absolutely no guilt, and if I were you, I'd find someone better to give that kind of devotion to.

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I am shocked and embarrassed for you that you didn't dump him on the spot.
Stop letting yourself get manipulated in the most idiotic ways, he's barely even putting any effort into it.
>say he gets one free out of jail card because i slept with 1 guy before we meet
I mean come on, who the fuck would even think this is valid on any level? (aside from the virgin tripfags going "muh used goods")
I could sit here and break down why the shit he says is idiotic, but I won't because it's not like his argument sounds fine superficially and bad when you look at it, it's just moronic on all levels no matter how you look at it.
Break up, I can't stress it enough, break up now, you dumb fuck.
>b-but I love him
Maybe, but your relationship is cancer, and not a reasonable type of cancer you'd get from old age, I'm talking cancer that is embarrassing to have, like ass cancer from sitting on radioactive waste.
You'll break up with him, your feelings will calm down and in the future you will be absolutely embarrassed of your past self for even entertaining the idea of dating that absolute retard.

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Stop being so damn stupid and break up with him please. Take a moment to youself and realise that if he wants to fuck other people, then he's clearly not worth your time and effort.

This. Your bf is a degenerate piece of shit who will realize once you're gone that he fucked up a really good thing going for him. Maybe his suffering will teach him to act like a man instead of a horny teenager.

Sorry man, gonna have to side with the roasties on this one, this is a pretty fucking shitty post, supported by an even shittier opinion, derived from a shitty person.

You're no older than 18 years of age.

>i can't break up
break up

If you don’t break up with him you’re just hurting yourself and deserve it if you stay with him.

Boku wa Mari no Naka just in case anyone wanted sauce.

>I wanna know your story
Ok just real quick because I feel like this is off topic, but I'll focus on the points relevant to the topic

>abused like fuck as a child, psycho mother isolated me from the world, barred form having friend seeing other people or knowing my dad
>turn 18 and escape that hellhole of a house
>no money, social skills, anything but determined to figure it out
>along the way, some rocky relationships, but I figure it out. Every lesson I learned, never happened again. I grew as a person very quickly
>meanwhile making a real success in my career
>2014, I'm 23 years old and finally make my big break. Great job, relationship with blonde Swede qt3.14 and in a relationship with her for 3 years. Moved to Sweden/Europe
>2017, I'm 27 and successful in life. I've escaped my autism and all struggles with women and friends. Making friends/girlfriend has become something so easy for me now that I have to pick and choose them

>must be a ugly
I'm not ugly.

>So this gave her the right to fuck somebody else cuz I fucked some sluts before ?
No. Men and women are different. We're a sexed species and different rules apply.

>[to OP:] you deserve much more
No she doesn't. She need to offer more.

Counter my points please I'd love to have a discussion with you.

He loves his penis way more than he does you. Thats a fact

Somehow I have trouble believing any of it

I'm in your exact situation you were in (psycho mother, social isolation) and I'm 18. I'm already planning to leave soon, but do you have any tips on social life, making friends, undoing social autism, etc. Anything you regret not doing or doing?

Hahahahahahahahahahaha neck yourself you retard

Also, OP. He doesn't love you. Break up

>he gets one free out of jail card because i slept with 1 guy before we meet
It didn't seem to stop him fucking someone who wasn't his pure QT waifu did it? did it stop him saying her loved you? asking you out?
Tell him it's either an exclusive relationship or you break up. All cats are the same in the dark, he isn't going to experience anything with other women if he does find someone to have a one night stand with.
If he is going to try and manipulate you calling you insecure because he thinks he is missing out, chances are he will only keep bringing it up in the future or try and change tact asking to go on a break and get back together. If he really wants to fuck someone else he either likes the idea or has someone lined up.

Having a shitty childhood don't mean you got to fucked up everything else in the future.

U think every relationship you had was a lesson ? Well you got fucked up because trust me everyone is different and your "laws" don't apply to every women you meet... so first don't fuck up this girl life because she dont have to offer more ! Both has to made concession !

I wonder how you would react if your blond qt fucked somebody else and told you she liked it deep down in her ass.

Women and man got the same need ( sexual need) and both wanna fuck.

Yes there are some beautiful women but you can contain yourself and keep your girl.

Op don't be a bitch and kick yo bitch ass boyfriend out of your house.

Im out this motherfucking thread you bunch of sick bastard you dont deserve shit.


>we both love each other
Check that third line of your post again

He obviously doesn't want you 100% if he wants to fuck other chicks.

Just fucking break up already.

OP if he loved you truly, he wouldn't want to stick his dick in any hole but yours. Just know that.

>the grass is greener on the other side. Pro tip, 99.9% of the time it's not.
From my life experience, it is. Not just sex, but all areas of life. I don't know how this idea of "the grass isn't greener" became a meme because it's just not true. I think it's a lazy meme that failures tell each other to feel better about their own misery. Like "money can't buy happiness". I've never been happier in my life since making loads of money.

don't make appeals to misery. Work hard for what you want.

No skin off my nose.

-Know you will make it, is probably my first advice. Whatever you desire you'll get.
-People are of different characters. Learn to tell good people apart from evil sooner than later.
-Despite my above advice, the best way I've learned to overcome my autism is to understand extremes. Like at one point I was in a homeless shelter surrounded by the worst failures. I got to learn how they talk, act, think by listening to them in the dining hall etc. Then every chance I got, I listened to successful people and how they think and act. By observing contrast in the extremes, you become better at nuance. This helps you differentiate the qualities of normal, moderate people.
-Take advice from people who are where you want to be. Want a million dollars? Ask a millionaire, never a salaried man. Want a model gf? Ask a chad who dates one, not your grandfather. So be careful where your advice comes from.
-Don't fear risk, don't doubt your abilities. If you think something's possible, and everyone is discouraging you, well, it's probably possible. I don't understand why normal people are so adverse to certain things, but one day you'll understand what I'm saying. Just really believe in yourself.
-My biggest regrets stem from not following through with things. Some long-term goals in life, I would easily have finished by now if I just stayed on track. No matter what happens, don't lose sight of your goals.
-Cut off your mother

Thanks a lot, I'll take this advice to heart. Glad it all worked out well for you in the end dude.

LMAO, that motehrfucker want a fuckfriend approval. If he just wants to fuck for exp, he would get an escort behind your back, he want
a fuckfriend, another gf. Dont get cucked.

I'm going to share a few personal things that come to mind, not exactly advice just experiences...
>making friends
The book that really did it for me was "how to win friends and influence people"
My biggest problem in life at that time (age 21) was egosim and unaccountability. At this point in my life, I learned to take responsibility for my own problems.
>social life
The party and alcohol scene is totally overrated. Alcohol makes you stupid, I regret drinking so much when I was younger because I feel like I'd be smarter now. Also I regret all those nightclubs because I have a little hearing damage now and it's a problem that I can't cure. If you must go to places like this, you can buy wax earplugs. They're tiny and discreet, totally worth it.

>Having a shitty childhood don't mean [...]
Correct. It's not an excuse and I don't treat it as one.
>she dont have to offer more
ok but why? The way I see it, she's giving very little to her man and taking a lot, then makes a thread asking how to take even more.
>if your blond qt fucked somebody else
She was a virgin. But we're broken up, I really hope she finds a man and loves him more than I do. I want her to have an amazing life. I would feel awful if she didn't.

my pleasure. best wishes to you user

Girl, you deserve better than some dirtbag who wants to cuck you. Don't listen to peanut butter because he is a guy who thinks its ok to abuse people so he will side with your prick bf. Most people here tell you to dump him asap and they are right.

update: we talked 3 hours. no solution. we both dont want to break up.
no solution. we stopped the talk because he got angry at me repeating myself with my 'bad' arguments that wont change the way he feels.

>because he got angry at me repeating myself with
You're really tone deaf aren't you?

Like your boyfriend is there telling you, "hey, there is a thing your doing. I don't like this thing, would you please stop?"
and you're just like >he got angry

At any point did you consider his feelings? Listen to him? Help him with the points he was making (without sacrificing your own)?

I was right in my very first sentence, first post, you guys have awful communication. You need to work on this OP. It's your fault and you need to be a better listener. Even if he is 100% wrong, you still need to listen to your partner. Takes two to argue, so the fact you even had one means you did wrong, OP.

That's bullshit. I was 19 YO Virgin when I met my gf. I'm 27 YO now and although I have feel the same way, to watn to fuck other women, I have never done it yet made my gf bad for that. Even prostitution is so cheap in my country that I could get laid with bitches for 5$ but I dont do taht cus I respect and love my gf, I wouldnt want her to be doing the same. He jsut wants to play with you.

This is really stupid, just break up with him and he can fuck as many girls as he wants. You will be sad at first, but you'll find someone else.

You are such a rotten person, telling this poor girl that it is her fault that her boyfriend is a swine who can't be serious about his relationship. Shame on you.

> i can't break up
You probably can.
To be honest, you just know it's wrong at
> he is young and missing out
When you love your girl you don't worry about missing out.

That's really all you can offer?

Women are grown adults and are capable of responsibility. Don't get mad at me for holding them to this standard.

What are you talking about? Where does her responsibility lie when the issue is with her boyfriend acting like an irresponsible pig?

>Guys I should be completely forgiven abusing my girlfriends. Stop judging me.
This is why I don't take you seriously. One minute you're saying abusers should be forgiven for all the pain they caused, and the next you're saying this shite.
Kill yourself you hypocritical faggot.

This. op is a cuckette.

break up

>grown adults
Don't redundantly lie.

Wellp, you leave and he hits up other women. Or you stay and he hits up other women.

He doesn't respect you, he doesn't respect your relationship.

If he wants to fuck other girls, let him, just let him know that he can go do it without being with you.

If you let him you're equally pathetic and if you let him keep carrying on like this eventually he will wear you down.

White Knight, White Fight!

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unironically still better than PB

Why the fuck are you gullible newfags replying to Peanut Butter? He's obviously a starved attention fag as seen by the fact that he has to use a name tag on an anonymous board (lmao so embarrassing) and say the most edgy nonsensical bait just to get replies. Just click on his name and mute him instead of enabling his sad lifestyle.

news flash: he doesn't love you and keeps you as a backup

I mean you could always do a threesome...

>He says that i'm insecure for not wanting that.
he is projecting

It’s gonna be okay :)

>i can't break up
Why. Do it Jesus Christ

I need to save this post.
I'm on the other side of this.
I'm older and sometimes I feel like I might be robbing my gf of her time.
I just want her to be happy, and sometimes we become blinded by those feelings we don't see that the person that's with us loves us to bits.

I need to call my gf and tell her l love her.

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Tell him to grow the fuck up and them dump him, don't waste your time, there are plenty of men who'll see you right. My missus did the rounds before we met, as had I, a lot, were married with 2 kids, no bother. We don't fuck about, period!

She was saying you're missing out to sound nice. In all reality she realized you're a kid and she didn't want to wait for you to mature.

>for op
Dump this loser.

Update: for now things stay the same. We don’t change. I still feel very hurt regardless. I became numb to a point where i don’t consider his love to any value to me. If he wants to sleep with others he should. The moment he does its over.

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your bf is a piece of shit and I doubt this will end well

you think he's going to suddenly become wise and change his thinking? No. He's just going to bitch until you cave or he cheats.

I’m so scared. 2 years. He never mentioned anything towards polygamy.
I even told him how much i value monogamy. Suddenly my insecurities are not his building to deal with. I love him. And there is no solution. 2 years deep caring.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Deep relationships almost always end badly.

If he thinks he's entitled to fucking someone else he's just gonna cheat.

His justification for this is fear of missing out. The get out of jail free card is just rationalization. It sounds like this is a deal breaker for you, end of story. Tell him this with the realization that deal breakers are things that end the relationship and that you may have to do that.

I've been with my girlfriend for 25 months 21 days. IF she tried to talk to me about sleeping with another man I'd dump her on the spot. It is THE deal breaker for me.

We were each other's first. Nobody but me is enjoying that puss, nobody but her is enjoy my crooked cock. Simple as that.

Sex is really really good between us. If someone else slept with her I would feel as if she was defiled. Ruined. Soiled. No longer as special. There is something about being a person's one and only sexual partner. It's frankly sacred to me.

The problem is he isn’t a cheater. He is very honest. That’s why he stated the fact to me that he wants other girls. I wish for once he’d be lying.

>guy i slept is before we had a relationship

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You're not wrong, I mean it was difficult dating her seeing as how I was still in college and she had her own place and was looking to settle down as soon as possible. My maturity level and the fact that I was still in school was a big turn off for her in the long run

The level of basic boy manipulation here is so painfully obvious it hurts me to even post this, because I know you're so hopped up on your own Kool-aid you'll deny it even though it's right there deadass in front of you

Dump him or fuck off, IMO-- this isn't your fucking blog so if you want one, fuck off to Tumblr or a faggy discord. If you're not interested in advice but just want validation, there really isn't a need to keep posting and defending him-- or to be here at all, really.

Yeah i agree with you. I took every comment to heart and appreciate them and i do consider them. Anyways it’s I’ll stop posting then :)
Good night

Good night cuckedqueen

He isn't, but he's rationalizing it. And you're buying it, which is kind of a problem for you.
If this is a dealbreaker for you, then let him know before something happens because finding out will hurt more. You are worth more than being treated like a piece of shit.

Holy shit what a cunt. I wouldn't even want to hang out with a guy like that.

>There is something about being a person's one and only sexual partner. It's frankly sacred to me.
That's because it is.

Why don't you answer his questions OP?

>Why would it be a big deal if I do the same?
You do realize OP, there is an answer to that question, you just need to give it.

Fuck you are so bad at communicating with him.

Also I'm curious, was he a virgin when you met?

OP left.

Are you still here?
Go to hell you rotten piece of shit

>That's because it is.
No it isn't. If its important to him its because he wants it to be important. There is no inherent meaning to mating with one person for life that humanity hasn't consciously imposed on it. For a lot of people, being someone's one and only sexual partner is the opposite of ideal. It really just depends on your age and/or personal preference.

Lose the trips, fag. Your attention whoring is becoming far beyond unbearable at this point. You give shit advice.

Yeah if you ignore the whole mystical essence of it and how girls only ever love the first man they sleep with, then sure; but those are some overwhelmingly glaringly beamingly piercingly obvious things to overlook. I'm sure you can pull it off if you squint your eyes a little bit.


Yeah why are you still here? Hate on me while I actually give advice, you guys are nothing but rascals. You contribute nothing