Red pill vs Blue pill, politics, gang rules and brain damage

Colors have a lot of symbolism, I started getting reading stormfront in about 2003 and I even went to far as to meet people from stormfront in real life and we are still mates.

I had a few head injuries when I was younger and I thought that might contribute to why my political opinions are so far outside the norm. For one thing I don't trust any of the bullshit on the media and I found race-realism interesting and realized we are lied to.

Once I met some biker sort of hardcore nazi guys, they told me about gang colors and smacked me in the head and said "what color do you see?" I said red, they said "good". Then they told me that people move to different colors based on their personality and that red people are proud honorable and vengeful, but blue people are jews and pedophiles. I asked them about Crips vs Bloods and they said that's the same thing it's just how blacks do it. The bloods also use words like "honor" "loyalty" and apparently don't allow rapists in.

I was wondering if the gangs can give people brain damage to the left or right amygdala to make people more red blue colored. I had some brain damage in life and so did other nazi-bros I know. I don't really care about being racist to normal people I get along pretty well with the non-whites.

Red side opinions are really hardcore, we really like the death penalty and vengeance and hate the blue pilled cucks and so forth.

So are the colors, the personality, the attitude and the brain structure all related as I've been told? do crips have worse morals than bloods?

If you look on the flags of countries, middle eastern countries are usually red black white and green, but no blue, paternal societies, whilst Israel has a blue flag maternal society and Europe/Sweden flags are cuck blue.

Also former Nazis in prison often go to Islam, do Bloods go to Islam usually as well?

Is this color-theory legitimate or just some sort of gangster superstition? Could brain damage make us like certain colors?

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I know it's bait but if you actually do have a damaged brain....
>Feelsbadman dot j p g

So what if I had a brain injury, I rode bikes and got into fights, I've had a few concussions, I got told I have brain damage over 10 years ago, it's not like it hurts my feelings to know that.

Even with the brain damage I'm not one of those blue-pilled idiots, I've been reading the brain damage literature and it said it has to do with the amygdala, I know my limits and I'm not going to pretend I'm a neuroscience scientist.

If anyone has been to prison here then they would have seen the gang colors out there and known about how certain people of certain colors gravitate in certain directions, and the colors seem to imply different attitudes.

Blue seems to not really have a problem with rapists or pedophiles, they seem like they are sad and use emotion to manipulate people. Red seems to be all about honor and respect and morals, a godfather sort of mentality.

I'm trying to find out more information but that's what some of the gangsters I met said, there's got to be other people on here who have seen the hard life.

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any idea where on the internet I might be able to get answers to this?

Are you talking about favorite color? or something else?

I also see red. No brain damage though.

Talking about the symbolism of red vs blue.

Red personalities which are honorable, vengeful, reflect the "red-pilled" macho, masculine personality traits. Red is for St Peters, vengeance, punishment.

Blue people are more reclusive, emotional, sensitive, progressive, pedophiles and other immoral sorts. I think blue people are self-loathing and for them the idea of Jesus forgiving them is good for them because they hate themselves.

I'm wondering if these personality differences are usually consistent in the gang colors. I figure that because I have brain damage on one side of the head I'm driven towards team Red, whereas people with brain damage in the opposite side or different areas are team blue.

Blue people seem to be cucks, liberals, pedophiles etc, all the things we associate with blue-pilled social justice people. They work on emotion, they are emotionally led people rather than rationally led people.

Any truth to any of this? I knew an old bloke via people off stormfront who met Hitler's pilot and he'd always go on about the red-white-black colors and how the Nazis touched all the flags back to the blood flag and all the symbolism.

In general, there are archetypal colours associated with ideologies, tendencies, etc.

Red is obviously associated with blood, while blue is most commonly associated with water, so the implications of that should be obvious.

Also, blue and green (in birds, fishes, etc.) can be 'camoflage' (ie passive/herbivore) colours, while red, yellow, black, etc., are colours associated with predators, or poisonous/venomous/hazardous animals.

Have a look into R/K selection you will find it interesting.

Yeah I don't think brain damage is necessary, I think it can just vault people further into the extremes.

Lots of people are naturally either blue or red personalities I think. Blue people are raised by their mothers, they don't believe in the death penalty, often they are agnostics, they don't have strong opinions and they use holistic or emotional justifications for things.

Of course that your brain determines what you think....

I agree with most of your conclusions and it's easy to find evidence for it, color coding for political manipulation works, mob rules work, gateway experiences and so on, you discover something and you want more for emotional reasons (it's what my mother/father/friends like) and that emotional bond can be used to manipulate you into extreme ideologies, even if they isolate you from the people who you purchased said ideologies in the first place cause the emotional link it's internalized and now responds to an egocentrical perspective of who you are.

I'll check out R/K selection.

Maybe it is just as you say it is and no more, just the general color association.

Nazis in the prison converting to Islam just seems natural, because Islam is still vengeful, they can retain their violent, vengeful and aggressive tenancies that wouldn't go down well with the forgiving nature of Christianity, and most Middle-Eastern countries have red on their flag, almost none have blue.

I associate cuck-Christianity like the "anything goes, Jesus loves you Christianity, like Anglicans and Baptists" , pedophiles, submissiveness, obedience to the status quo as all being blue in nature.

Blue Forgiveness vs Red Vengeance
Blue-pill vs Red-pill (and all that implies)
Blue for denialism vs Red for valor honor and patriotism.
Blue people are more withdrawn whereas Red people are extroverts, loud and proud.

maybe it's not to do with brains, maybe there is some sort of underlying universal truth going on, I have no idea, but it does seem to be re-occurring.

Here's some articles on brains and political views, if anybody has some add them on.

The universal truth is power relations.

People have a love/hate relation with authority figures by default.

Watch first scream leftism later.

Its about inversions as well. Also the djinn are divided into red and blue. Also what does red and blue create? What color is the "third eye?"

>Europe and sweden flags are cuck blue

Yes hello Denmark has a very red flag plz delete and apologize in formal writing.

really? I haven't heard about the jinn being divided like that, is it in the quran or hadith?

Denmark is better than Sweden, the Swiss seem like they might be a bit better, but all of Europe is being cucked under the EU.

Absolutely wot?

You might wanna try /x/

I think you'd fit in well there.

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Red is nearly the colour of baked beans. They are more orangey though and sometimes they are eaten by ...nazi’s!

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>neuroscience scientist


brain damage confirmed :(

Brain damage doesn't just make you dumber, it can make you smarter. Even stupid responses, the bleeding heart sympathy of the blue-pilled ding dongs, that's a product of brain function, if they damaged whatever part of their brain is giving them the "feels before the reals" they'd get smarter. Emotion is a distraction.

Anons ITT felt bad because it's the brain damage that caused you to think with such simplicity. It's either pitying or laughable that the ultimate conclusion you reached is that "RED GOOD BLUE BAD".

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