My gf just broke up with me because she found out that I make sex jokes to other people, including women...

My gf just broke up with me because she found out that I make sex jokes to other people, including women. Unironically who was in the wrong here?

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unironically depends on the nature of these jokes, but probably you

need more context on the sex jokes

You for sticking around as long as you did!
Haha jk it's funny to see girls get booty blasted at that kind of shit. You did all right kid.

Both of you. You for joking about shit which could get her concerned and her for breaking up with you over something so stupid. Come to think of it, you might have dodged a bullet.

Me and my friends have been making dirty jokes with each other for as long as I can remember. When my GF found out, she wanted me to stop, but I didn't want to become a boring friend.

Sounds like you were in the wrong.

yeah but what kinda sex jokes? like
>I'm gonna fuck your dead body till maggots start blowing my dick
>m8, you wouldn't outlast me in wanking contest

All kinds, but most of them were probably closer to your second one.

My closest friends and I banter constantly and make homoerotic jokes at each other and our girlfriends laugh along. You just need a gf who's not so lame.

sounds like you are a closeted fag in this case
she was in the right!

spotted another poofter!

She's from another country. I told her that maybe it's a culture difference, but she didn't believe me.

>he's so insecure about his heterosexuality that he can't make gay jokes

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Her for being a dimwit prude.

>hiding his faggotry under flimsy veneer of repetitive homo jokes
good one ay

Neither of you

>My gf just broke up with me because we're both children and I couldn't even have the decency to be nice to her and not do the thing she asked me to do
>we couldn't even have a conversation about it because of how up our respective assholes we are
ftfy m80

I've been talking to her for the last few hours. I've been trying to convince her that they're only jokes and it's not a big deal, but she won't believe me.

well then it's a "simple" matter of choosing between entertaining your ego or her childish/jealous side
*would've been, I guess
if that's all it took for a break-up, nothing of value was lost and I'd just leave it as is if I were you
but I can't take such people seriously desu
I guess you can learn something from it and try to test the waters with milder jokes next time, to see how people handle them and if they're ok with them

What country? Quit omitting these important details, man.

I'm American, she's Korean.

>test the waters with milder jokes next time
She never actually heard the jokes that I made. She she just found out that I had been making them.

Someone probably misrepresented the situation to her. Find the path the gossip took and slay your enemies.

She was definitely in the wrong, and this is coming from a girl

Sounds like that wasn't the reason she broke up with you, she just wanted to break up anyway but didn't want to hurt your feelings so she went nitpicking and found a thing she could blame for the breakup, sorry user

At first, she was mad because I wouldn't show her my text messages from a female friend of mine. I told her I didn't want to show them because she wouldn't think they were funny, and she got mad. At this point, it's not about the actual messages anymore, it's just the fact that I make these kinds of jokes.

She actually gets mad at me for tiny things fairly often, but she always ends up apologizing. This is the first time that she didn't.

I honestly think you've dodged a bullet here

How long have you been together for?
What kind of things does she get mad for?

>she was mad because I wouldn't show her my text messages from a female friend of mine
nah mate you're better off without that childish drama shit
there's really nothing to understand or figure out here, she has the mental state of a teenager at best
as previously stated: nothing of value was lost

I still really love her and I would probably be very upset without her.

About 2-3 months, and all sorts of things.
>don't text her good morning every day
>she sent me some texts in her native language, i sent them to another friend of mine for translation, she was mad when she found out
>she wants to hang out as much as possible, we work opposite schedules and i go to university, so i can't hang out very often
>i wear comfortable clothing in public with her, so she thinks that i think she's "easy"
>etc. etc.
Like I said, she always ends up apologizing for getting mad.

You're a fucking idiot. You can't reason away how someone feels. You failed to read the situation.

Woah get her OUT of your life user! NOW

She's only my second GF, and even the fact that I met her is honestly astounding to me. My first GF was 6 years ago. I'm afraid if we split up, I'll never find another woman.

That is, by a wide margin, the least good reason to stay in a relationship.

I mean it's not just that. I do still really love her, like I mentioned here We took a few days a while back after something crazy happened between us. I thought I would feel better that I wasn't going to have to deal with her for a few days, but I was actually really upset to be alone.

Unfortunately this

Really, the fact that some jokes shook the relationship makes me wonder if she wants anything to do with you at all

Literally minutes before she got mad at me, she told me she loved me while I sucked on her tits.

go be underage somewhere else, you demented zoomer

We're both in our early 20s.

Maybe you should stop sexting people and hiding it from her. How do people as stupid as you make it through the day?

Honestly man, it doesn't matter who was right or wrong here. If you two had differences in humor and what you say here: is true, then it just wasn't going to work out. Just try to move on, and stop over thinking it.

My gf also just broke up with me because I told her I gave the bar tender a tip alright ;)
Like I meant it to be an innuendo, but I did also over tip her on accident.