I want to fucking mutilate my face

I have a masculine jawline, small eyes, bulbous giant nose and fucking baby fat that won't go away no matter how hard I exercise. Fucking ugly body shape too.

The urge to take a penknife and cut across my fucking disgusting face is getting worse and worse. I want to completely ruin my face, my cheeks and nose. Why the fuck was I born so fucking ugly and repulsive. Why wasn't I born cute or pretty like pic related? I am so fucking angry. Dear God I just want to mutilate my face completely and kill myself.

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Did you make yourself feel this way or did other people do something to trigger this?

Get better at doing your makeup.

op. my nose is flat not really huge but you otherwise described my face. you should play with your hair and makeup. even though I have a kind of a mannish-face, I recently cut my hair a short bob with bangs. everyone told me it made my face look cuter and feminine like japanese girls. there has to be somethings that suit you. also always remember that beauty is relative. otherwise we wouldn't have so many different looking people all over the world. I mean if your genes are so ugly how come they survuved for this long. How come all your ancestors found their love and had children no matter how they looked. if it still bothers you so much you can always get plastic surgery. There's nothing wrong with that if it will make you feel better.

If you're not exaggerating that sounds like a somewhat severe mental illness symptom. You should definitely seek help of a professional.

As much as it seems like it is, it's not your face. I highly doubt anything is even wrong with your face. If you're on OP's picture then you're cute and beautiful.

What you're struggling with is a form of body dysphoria, possibly caused by depression and/or anxiety. it's similar to what people who struggle with eating disorders experience. Their brain hijacks their perception and skews what they see. It shows you a lie and says it's truth, and because it's your vision and your brain telling you, you believe it.

You need professional help, a therapist who can help you unpack all these negative thoughts, learn confidence, and correct your perception. I guarantee it's not actually like how you feel about it.

Please get help, because nobody should live like this. And it doesn't have to be like this.

alternatively own up to your uglyness, there's lots of stylish ugly people

> If you're on OP's picture then you're cute and beautiful.
I know you hate it but you have to

Get plastic surgery problem solved

Hah, the one sentence I missed was the one that said that. Whoops.

Even so, this kind of extreme self-hate is a mental issue and not a physical one, and my advice still stands.

So let me get this right....you hate the way your face looks, so you want to make it look even worse. Yeah, that makes a whole lotta sense.

Lets say you do it, then what? Now you're worse off than before. Now you're more depressed and well, you'll want to destroy your face even more and around it goes.

get plastic surgery. you're blessed to be born in a time where if you don't like something about your body, you can change it. and it's becoming more socially acceptable too. you can start a new life

Post a face like yours. There's someone for everybody. I dated a girl who's mother looked like Edward James Olmos with a jelly roll nose. Best cook I ever met, though.

You're gonna get a lot of hurtful comments bb girl, etc.

Cut your hair and become a qt masculine tomboy

Your imperfections will make you a more rounded person, I,ve had ticks since always, bugged the shit outta me eventually you just gotta think, fuck it who cares, just get on with life and find things you enjoy

pretty women are usually dumb thots and all cool women are ugly (but not all ugly women are cool)

>Oh noes I'm a ugly female... I only have 30% of the men lined up to fuck me...

It'd be fine if it was the top 30% instead of the bottom 30%.

Well, what most women consider the bottom 30% would probably actually be average dudes.

Just means you probably won't be fucking any boy bands.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we're a mixing pot of different looking people with different taste in what looks ideal and it's all very subjective. Even mainstay objective beauties contain falacy. You're probably cute but your self image is all wrong

stop trying to list out all of the negatives on your face, focus on the postive. no one. I MEAN NO ONE. has a perfect face. i hope you dont cut your face.

Don't try to twist my words.

Don't tell me what to do, and I'll consider it.

>I don’t like my face so I want to make it worse.

Can you get more self destructive? How about acting like an adult instead of a 13 year old girl.

You have serious mental problems and need help. Please go find some immediately.

I don't care how you look babe... I'm a handsome young man & I don't care... please date me

So, you don't want to date ugly guys.. how ironic...

Why are you so attached to your beauty?
Just be awesome and work out your ass.

Facial scars can be hot.

Bumping as a different femanon that wants more than "hurr you actually get dudes" as advice.

If you wouldn't beta bux for an ugly girl to settle for you, I'm not cocksleeving for an ugly dude to use me as his 'practise girlfriend'.

But are you ugly? Fat? Chestlet?

??? I think you're fucking cute. You look kinda like my gf. Be confident in yourself. Talk to a guy who is your league and you will be a lot happier.

Atleast you don’t look like a man

Then, please... Go fuck yourself and die in a pit.

Ugly, chestlet, probably dumb as fuck too.

Here's your (You)

why do ugly women have such high standards?

It's the lies they were fed when they were kids - you are a princess, you should have a prince to sweep you off your feet, but they don't have to put in any effort.

Means they are looking for their extremely wealthy business man who is ripped and will just fall head over heels for them when they lay eyes on them and will cater to their every whim.

Thanks Disney for screwing up girls expectations


>Why wasn't I born cute or pretty like pic related?
Are you Korean? Plastic surgery is everywhere there, and she's probably shelled out a lot of money on it.

Based, but you shouldn't consider that regardless of what the 'incels' do.

Jesus wasn’t beautiful. He doesn’t care if you’re beautiful, either. You have a short life here. Soon, you won’t exist, not even your memories. Stop worrying about this world and focus on eternal life.

Scars can look pretty cool on guys, good luck man!

I'm not, I'm just bitter that's the only advice given. I'd actually rather die.