This absolute chad rips apart girl with facts coming from a geocentric world view.


Globe-tards BTFO.

No but seriously lets make this a flat earth thread and discuss about this shit.

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why do you type like such a faggot? i didnt even mention the fact you believe this shit. probably KYS

>geocentric world view
kys faggot

Can someone give a better summary? I can’t watch 13 minutes of some sandnog ranting.

>flat earthers

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"do you support Nazis?"
well, yes actually

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>I didn't even mention that you believe this shit
As he goes on to mention that you believe this

jesus maria

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>Flat Earther

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Flat earth is a deep state psy op to not question ((thier)) assets and developememts in and related to the cosmos.


This guy literally is getting angry and yelling about the Scientific Method......and using NO science based arguments

You flat earth fuckers are retarded

Google: Rob Skiba

i already know mate
i've been deep for a couple years

my cat could destroy girls' arguments...

>Shitskin with blonde mongoloids
Nice post Shalom

>nazis started nasa
>they need people to be atheist to ensure consumerism becomes/remains the norm
I never knew about this national socialist plot


Trusting your senses has been proven to be scientifically unsound, by experiments in both QM and GR.

That being said, if you trust your eyes you'll arrive at the conclusion that the earth is round, just like the Ancient Greeks did.

the only way he D E S T R O Y E D her is because he just interrupted and insulted her and said things that sound smart when really when you debunk them it's common sense.

Flat earthers aren't real. They're just a group like "the alt right" to lump people in so they can easily be dismissed.

I already know you didn't bother to watch the video, stop being a cuck

“Their” being the Fourth Reich?

Kek a bootleg 2018 documentary

but the united states getting their hands on german scientists after winning the war to get a leg up on the soviet union doesn't have much to do with the national socialist german workers party

I could phone a friend in the south of the country and do the Eratosthenes experiment right now if I ever doubted the roundness of the Earth and couldn't trust either side's claims.

Holy hell this is even worse than I thought

damn so nasa made up rocketry which is based on geometrics
man must be those jesus fuel getting those rockets off the ground

Why would I watch some 25 min video on bullshit

damn those two girls are hot

>This absolute chad rips apart girl with facts coming from a geocentric world view.
If he’s defending the flat earth he’s not ripping them with facts, he’s making a fool of himself in front of hot women, the least Chad thing you can do.

Yeah, the earth must be flat.

>quotes test that literall proves its flat
>conviently forgets to mention the rest of those same tests rounder shills pray to also proves flat
>rest of thread has rabbi's posting nazi memes shaming flat earth when Hitler and Nazi's used Azimuthal Equidistant Maps
fuck off rabbi, DotR is approaching

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If you're not getting paid to believe in NASA or just mainstream science then you really shouldn't bother believing.

The map is equidistant because it’s a projection of the sphere onto a flat plane.

The map exists BECAUSE the earth is ROUND.

Also how the hell does the shadow experiment prove it’s flat?

How do you know it's bullshit before you watch it?
And why is it so hard to watch a 25 min video? It's the same amount of time you are going to spend browsing Jow Forums mindlessly anyways.

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It’s bullshit because you can’t prove the earth is flat. It’s not flat.

>doesnt realize azimuthal equidistant maps are older than globe model
>spreads misinformation anyways
mossad-san, please quietly drown on foreskins

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Because flat earth is bullshit

This has nothing to do with politics, it's science. I could repeat the Eratosthenes experiment right now if I ever doubted the results, but I accept them as true. I could pick up a telescope tonight from a store and observe Venus's phases myself, or I could point a laser to the moon and see it reflected back if I ever doubted Man has been to the moon.

I accept the results as described from people who did these experiments as true, if any significant challenge to them appears I can do the experiments myself to remove all doubt.

The azimuthal projection is not acccurate, it mis-sizes many places.

It’s not an accurate map. No flat map can be accurate. The earth is not flat.

You also never explained how the existence of two shadows at different angles proves the earth is flat?

Goddamn I always forget about the moon mirror. I love the moon.

It's worth the watch for the luls it's comedy gold

Never heard of aleister crowley, ron hubbard, jack parsons and their connection to the babylon working and werner von braun?
Thought so...

>hurr durr you cant prove its flat
>literally cant prove its round
>absolutely zero evidence for a globe model
>mountains of evidence for flat earth, for beginners sit still..... you feel that? .... you're not moving 1,000 miles an hour in an eastward direction
there is a special place in hell for kike shills who constantly undermine the creator

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Remember girls: That is what you will have to teach your race-mixed kids to avoid being beaten to death.

Here’s a vid that’s only 7 minutes.
Give it a shot.


Here it is.


based & redpilled brown man

>bullshit because it's bullshit
>not flat because it's not flat

>zero evidence
The International Space Station watches the earth rotate underneath itself constantly.
We’ve been to the moon and seen the planet.
The shadow experiment.
People have scientifically investigated the shape of the earth for hundreds of years and found it round.


>hurr durr its not accurate
>literally the most accurate map in existence
>navigators use for thousands of years
>advent of airplanes made them even more accurate, not (((satellites)))
>no trips are charted using a globe in any form of transport or navigation
you dont really want to keep shilling, i can feel your disconnect from the creator hurts you, but you are kike and it is your fate to turn from the creator

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Imagine being this worthless to civilization

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this guy is dropping the redpills

The mere fact we are debating flat-earth as an equally valid proposition is dangerous and normalizing of that position. It's like debating pedophilia, you can't win here

Forgot about that one, you can see the ISS with a telescope

Watch this video.

let's not

wow straight from the horses mouth, i must believe it then

anal eyes analyze anal lies

>>literally the most accurate map in existence

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It’s tough to understand the mind of someone who believes in flat earth.
Not just the normal problem of undsrstanding someone you disagree with, where you wonder what events and ideas made them logically come to their beliefs.
But you have to geneuinely wonder what happened to their system of logic that it could take ideas and completely misunderstand them or treat them entirely illogicaly.

>(((iss))) cgi footage
>telescopes show much different object when pointed at alleged (((iss)))
>moon landing debunked
>soace imagery js cgi or artist renditions
>most (((space))) footage is men in water tanks with dark background
you guys must get paid well to be this dedicated to quote easily debunked misinformation

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