Mental Fitness

Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years yesterday. It was the right call, but I absolutely destroyed her emotionally and it's going to stick with me for a while. I feel this gaping void now, and it's causing anxiety and depression.

I keep telling myself that it's just a chemical imbalance in the brain while my mind tries to cope with a sudden adjustment, and it's helping a little. Going to hit the gym soon too to hopefully get an endorphin release, but most of the stuff I've been reading says this is probably going to last a few months.

Been thinking about trying to get some Beta blockers just to get through my day job and this doesn't affect my performance. Was wondering if anyone here had any past experience with Beta Blockers or if they had any just general advice.

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why did you break up with gf

She was too needy emotionally, and her insecurities caused her to lash out at everyone around her, including strangers.

There were ongoing family and financial strife as well.

These combined were negatively affecting my own life goals and I could see that neither of us would be able to grow as people so long as we stayed together.

With all the bad though, she had some good qualities too that made it a hard decision. Also the fact that Christmas is around the corner does not help, but that's any Holiday really.

Often, the right choice, the good choice, and the easy choice aren't the same choice. Whatever the situation this is your burden to bear. Whatever you do to cope with the weight, it doesn't change the fact that it is your path to feel this until time numbs you to it. All you can do is keep moving forward until your time comes. It is life, and life is suffering. All you can do is try to make good choices in sufferings wake.

lol that nigga got blown the fuck up

hmm. how mature

don't take beta blockers or anything like that. bad idea imho

hang in there user, I got dumped two months ago from a 4 year relationship. I was destroyed, literally couldnt sleep. Fast forward two months, Ive runned two half marathons, finished finals at uni with good grades, Ive been lifting a lot, and seeing my friends every week. I still think about her every single day, but I do think this made me stronger. If I could do it user, so can you.

i broke up with a girl i dated for 4 years. just fyi the guilt you feel now never goes away. in fact it will probably get worse as you age

>speaks like a self-help book
>considers going on medication, because he can't handle the feels
Lemme guess, you're an american. What a tit.

I was too needy with the girl I'm currently seeing, and I kept pushing her away, while wanting the opposite; truly an evil circle.

But we talked a lot about it and after a walk alone, I figured out that the problem wasn't her not loving me, it was me being overly emotional and thinking negative 'what-if' thoughts constantly. I switched the perspective and saw how I fucked her up by doing that, and then I changed my mindset immediately and apologized to her. Now she loves me even more, and I don't feel like she fills my thoughts constantly.

TL;DR I've tried something similar, and I made it work out. Talk with her.

Lift, eat well, sleep well, get some sunlight, practice mindfulness, socialize with people, fill that void with intellectually-stimulating activities on your free time. Make sure you take things one step at a time, focus on one individual task before moving on to the next one. Always ask "why". If there is a problem, figure out why it's happening and find a way to fix it. If you fix or improve something every day, you'll find meaning in what you do.

>Talk with her.

why? no one is should be expected to invest time and energy on a "what if"

You did the right thing. It only happened yesterday so of course it still hurts but give it some time. Use this opportunity to use your extra time to hit the gym/work/hobbies extra hard. Stay away from mind altering meds.

I take 30-40 mg propranolol a couple times a week for social anxiety. Makes me feel much more in control of myself and is creating a positive feedback loop. It gives me uncomfortable dreams that seem to last forever, but it's worth it.

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Why not talk with her? He clearly thinks she's nice, so at least he can try and change her perspective. The point is to make her stop obsessing. Not investing time and energy in your relationships would make other people see you as a distant cold-hearted person. Maybe that's why you're here posting bad advices.

2 years is enough time to invest in something. People don't change like that.

Okay since we're bitching about women I have a situation too.
>Met girl at work
>She's cute and we're basically the same person only she's a female
>I can see that she's falling for me
>Asks me out first
>2 days ago she kissed me first at some party

Now, I like her and she's pretty and I'd love to be with her. However I still can't get over my ex girlfriend even over a year later and I planned out my life a year in advance and it involves trying to get her back. What makes this even worse is that the new girl and the ex are basically the same when it comes to personality and it keeps reminding me of her, but it also keeps reminding me how it's just not "it". I can't help but compare them and I don't have the same chemistry with this girl.
I told her I like her and that I wanna be with her (because she said the same) but I will end up trying to get my ex back in 6 months no matter what the situation with the new girl.

What the fuck do I do. The new girl messed up my plans and I really like her but no matter what happens I'll still try to fuck my ex and if that happens I'll just leave the new girl.

>I planned out my life a year in advance and it involves trying to get her back
i hope typing this out made you realise how pathetic it was
move on

>People don't change like that
I did

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Finally someone said it. Fuck I can't stand people who don't make a clean exit.

Also don't medicate just because you are feeling a little bit upset. Cripes. Learn to cope properly, or else how are you going to handle your parents dying?

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